Sharp On Toes About Everything? (Lemon #4)

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Casually walked back now that I got the disturbance, he paid with his life!

I chose not to get in through the front and took the back way inside to my garden with shades and vines, branches, long grass stuck out a mile' in my path to reach the door. I ripped through the vines with my bare hands, prickling my skin from sharp ends and not caring that they are ejectively pouring my own blood to my finger tips... like it looked as though I may have gouged somebody's eyeballs out without a tad bit of mercy!

The devastating vines were in split conditions from taking my strength to them.
Kitchen light was off but the bedroom is beaming with light, our bedroom!..

In the view point of approaching my back door, the flashback of the night I ended Judith played to my mind - more so....


After abandoning a friend's birthday party, Ricky Elrod who was living dead across from my house, I felt a major headache that did not come to me like an ordinary headache! Some driven up madness of pictures that represented lives being sacrificed by will but no purpose' repeatedly doing a slideshow that took over my good memories and playing my bad ones for it's own benefit and they were all of my decomposing sister Judith...being horrible to me every chance she got! Not caring about me/her younger brother, and I've had enough of it! The tree I was leaning on was beginning to hurt my back when a new switch was flipped within myself and looked around the tree at my house and went over in silence.
As I thought, she was with her boyfriend, doing what makes me hate much more! She disappeared upstairs with him so I waited until the right time to go around back and up the steps into the kitchen to get the knife from the cutlery drawer to use for one task; TO KILL HER!
When my bloodlusting eyes laid on her boyfriend coming downstairs to go I strangely wanted to end him for taking up Judith's passion of looking after me, instead of being pushed to the side for adult stuff! But perhaps I chase him afterwards...?? He left while being blind to my out-in-the-opening presence that was afoot, proving he's either dumb? Or tired that his awareness is so low?.. He'd be dead if my target wasn't Judith right now!!
She had no protection.
No idea that I was here. Stealthily made my way up to her room barring my steps with zero sound, on the landing I seen her boyfriend mask that I pick up and put on to hide any sadness that'll ever come after I end her existence of life tonight.
Entering her room, she was wearing clotheless at her table' nothing new to expect from someone like her! I closed the distance to her back, wanting her to notice me, and when she does... last thing I heard before I wail on her with impaling wounds was my name. Such durability of careless action as I placed stab after stab into her chest, shoulder that was closest and her hands that she tried fending off my attacks was pointless. I counted her age of stabs. 17. From that amount she dropped to her bedroom floor - silent - limp - eyes open but no response.
Checking to be sure of her death, I go for the front door to hunt down her boyfriend next, until I got back outside and just froze in bare remorse of my parents arriving. Hearing my name summoned out from my father had unblanked my regret, no reply from myself on my blooded state, holding this life-ending tool in my hand and I knew they were glaring at me in wonder and fright to what I've done!


I shook off that night from my vision, beyond a fact I already am carrying a knife, was no need to open that same drawer...
Though, my memory must've caused me to physically act it out because here I was ~standing outside the front of my home, in the same spot I was as the boy~

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