Hallowmas In Haddonfield 2/2 (Lemon #3)

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(Will this cheerful day stay blood and life-taking free, avoiding the Evils wrath? Read on)


The kiss from Michael caught Joanna off guard, first thinking it was her mom until a mis-thought feeling detail made her think otherwise; prinkly bits around the mouth.


I sat here listening as my wonderful mom and caring friend that were at the door. I was receiving the draft of winds upon my skin from where I am to, in distancing from the door.

On hearing that a very surprising person is here.

My Mind: "Right outside, and they are talking to that person? How? Does my mom know or not know who Michael is and what HE does? She isn't that clueless, right? HE would be everywhere on the TV's and Radio's? Especially that mask HE wears. But what am I talking about? I want HIM to come and see me! If she is not familiar of HIM then very well!"

My ears picked up the multiplier of foot thumps coming back this way shortly after I sensed being solo in this room. Out of nowhere I froze up when I was lightly embraced on the side of my face by some lips. Their purpose felt fully meant, like it was suppose to happen and that is when I noticed ticklish prinks impacting with it. None of us ladies have that! Do we? No way! That was a man kiss! Had to of been?! With that figured out, I smiled holding the spot HE just passionized within not long of coming in. I caught onto the merely fact Michael wasn't wearing the mask and now my depression strength of emotion were beyond a quick fix and still I had to act happy. I mean... I am happy HE'S here, but also unhappy to the one opportunity of seeing what my crush loving bodyguard, protector and.... BOYFRIEND'S face looked like and I could not. HIS first move of the day is definitely a cherishing keep.

I gasped from it and greeted HIM using my excitement toned voice "Morning to you too, baby!" And I get the feeling as HE plants HIS weight down on the space beside me - willing to join and not be alone for once surprised me. Maybe I was changing HIM? I don't know.


They were settling until something bashed against the window of the room they were in. Nothing ever startled or shook up Michael, HE didn't make a move to the noise but everyone else jumped up in mystery panic.

Joanna put her hand on HIS shoulder that is closest to her in order to stand. HE allowed it obviously, because it was her and none of the other two.

Michael had lost the correct ways in HIS vocabulary on how to be when around crowds larger than 1 - when it came to being temporarily friendly HE thought if on being able to?? Not carrying the blade... HE left it in the inside chest pocket of HIS jumpsuit back in the shed. But HE didn't need a sharp weapon to kill anyways!
HIS hands are just as deadly. With the amount strength HIS body can use could punch a whole through a body or rip limbs off without a hassle in clutched - A full potentiality of the Evil Within The Boogeyman.

Only a single tread of a smack is all the glass suffered by. The 3 women snapped their eyes right on it.

Kirsty: "What was that?" She shooked under her standing form.

Joanna: "I haven't a clue!" Her daughter replied. Kirsty took her eyes onto Eliza and a similar answer.

Eliza: "Me neither. Never had such an attack on this house!" She said, giving Kirsty a reason to roll her eyes with no complexion to the point of mini stepping with worried precaution towards the source and when she got closer than wanting to, the window was hit again and white splats spreaded in all directions. She breathed out a scream and covered her mouth then giggled in embarrassment as her eyes seen kids out there throwing the snow around, just having fun.

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