The Plan To A Great Future of Life 2/2

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They all left the house leaving Michael alone with HIS ghost sister and dirty thoughts about Joanna.

Each of them split ways -

Laurie went and returned to adult school.
Mr Strode went back to work to prepare the papers for the house.
Joanna pulled the stingy trick; pretending to walk away completely, around a bush corner, she stopped and peered back towards them.

She could still see a dot of both Strodes a long way down the street until taking a turn to a different direction other than straight forward and were now gone, out of sight, and she made her way back to the Myers house, didn't knock, just went inside.

There was no sign of Michael downstairs, she searched there while calling out HIS name upon entering every room. HE didn't make an emergence to confront her the whole time being in the lower part to the house, so, she had moved up to the higher part.

First room was the master bedroom that was equipped with the ragged bed frame and mattress against the far wall, but HE didn't appear anywhere in that room. Next was HIS room. She couldn't hear the deep gasily breathing to give away that HE'S around in that room and went to the last one - Judith's room.
Scuffling her hand along the wall that is back to back with the room she's in, getting to the doorway and looked through.

HE wasn't there, but was not heard leaving the house or any traces that HE did, and there was only a final sector of the house HE could be; The cellar or basement.

Joanna headed down that way in the most rushes of a rush she'd ever be in, because she remembered that was the spot where she had the previous sexual session with HIM. Giving a few seconds for her eyes to adjust to the shadows, not coming to any surrounding awarences that HE had Boogeymaned HIS way to standing behind her. HE did not scare her by the tactics of spooks HE normally pulls then kills! - both HIS hands were unoccupied from any sharp weaponry, like the knife HE carries wherever HE goes.
HE raised the closest hand up towards her hair that had cut the portion of her face away from the world seeing it, gently as HE could, moving it out of the way, tucking it back in HIS direction. She hadn't set a move up to plan at all....just remained with her face pointing at the messy basement, or....WAS messy....

As she looked ahead, she could make out that it was tidier than 5 months ago. Michael must've spent some spare time organising what goes where, and it was a clear walk line around the edges now.

Since when did HE come to care about mess?
Then again... It is HIS home!

Joanna was stunned by it. Impressed, even..

Joanna: "Wow! You you really cleared down, huh?"

Michael was physically occupied to getting into her pants, unfortunately for HIM; she wasn't up to it.
She didn't feel horny yet due to the pregnancy playing its role.

She faced HIM to say...

Joanna: "Not right now, Michael. We have to sort things out first then....we'll have some dirty time! Ok?"

HE didn't approve the ideal. Though, knows it's worth the wait and finally nods. Bringing HIS hands away back to HIMSELF. Understanding.

She implies...

Joanna: "Don't worry! We will fuck soon, I promise..."
Turning to the stairs and walked back up to the kitchen.

She sampled a full preview of the house with Michael hot on her tail, going from room to room.

The soon-to-be new owner was satisfyingly happy and had a well thought out examination how the inside would be like. It looked perfect in her head yet.... now she needs Michael to agree with the full makeover style!

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