The Due To A Regret Move?

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{A few months later - Start of October - 2nd}


Discoloured leaves fell to the Illinois streets from every known to earth tree outside, among Haddonfield. Horrorly crusted from dying to season come. Inside the previous Myers ransacked house, Joanna was up before Michael again. Sat at the table, she scoffed on her breakfast when suddenly water sounding of pours were heard and painful ruptures within her abdomen column! Almost crying in dear despair, really close to also collapsing where she was sitting and had to resist, to think out what this was that's going on with herself!?!?

Pointless asking the man as HE wouldn't have a single clue on it..

She breathes calmly while going at a penguin speed over to the home landline, handedly gets ahold on the earpiece and puts in the digits to call Eliza's house. It rings four times and stops. Crumbling noises on the other end then out comes the voice she expects...

Eliza: "Hello, Jo."

Ghastly heaves made their way out of Joanna's mouth over the phone.
No speech replies, just heaving and it begins Eliza's worry side, requesting if she was ok? More heaving again.

Eliza asks "What's happening over there?" the politist she could give out, and was about to do it again until Joanna found the stability in her breaths to speak....

Joanna: "Eliza?" - "I need help." She said.

The two lines got her entire ear focus as she asked....

Eliza: "Certainly!" - "What's going on?" - "Why you breathing so out of tune like that?" She concerningly asks, like a good friend should but she feline was so imperial with this agony and couldn't think clearly on what to say, but does her very best on trying to.
Explains "I don't know, I'm feeling a sudden heavy from the torso area and some kind of liquid just began dripping from between my legs." She asks for answer on her condition. "What does it mean, as I'm in serious pain from the gut!?"
Eliza didn't know hardly anything about pregnancy, much.. but attempts on putting two and two together in her head to come through the only solution of an answer she had....

Eliza: "I think...your baby is coming?!?!"

With being told that, Joanna panicked on what to do. If it's true then she needs to be taken to the hospital ASAP! She knows this and almost yells in question "WHAT?!! DO I NEED THE HOSPITAL?"
Eliza wasn't sure but it would have to the option and tells her....

Eliza: "It might have to be!"

Joanna doesn't drive yet, unfortunately so how could she get there on a emergency schedule?....

Joanna: "SHOULD I CALL AN AMBULANCE??" She mediumed a scream out to the otherside of the phone call.

Her friend didn't it would be quick enough as the ambulances may be busy and says "No! I'll come and get you." - "Won't be long!"

Joanna had no choice but just go with the offer, agreeing to wait for her.
They both hung up on eachother - Eliza rushed to get over there - while Joanna was seated but couldn't call for Michael to help her out and she fell to the floor, on her side as she did everything thought of, to resist the pressuring birth that is at hand!

Her face was going beetroot red in the time that the baby's head was officially already charging through the low gates slowly because she had no idea how hold it off or stop it from coming out.
She was in the morning robe with no undies on. It had a perk but also a flaw.

Outside -- Eliza parks up dead in front of the porch, gets out and ran like a woman up to the door to knock rapidly twice. Joanna knew from the lightning taps of knuckles that it was who she needed there. Would've been her mother but she works very early and yet with this news; she'll be calling to an early leave to go to the hospital anytime now as it happens!

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