The Rage in Hell Eyes (Lemon)

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PLOT: The night was over by humanity's side, very cold out with powerful furys of weathering winds. Millions of dead leaves flipping and tripping to roll the gushes blew them toward.

Michael bravely faced all of that as HE crunches along the pavements, while trembling over every decay flot of nature in HIS path with those heavy boots.

Good thing the mask fit HIS head so well that it failed to blow at it's worst yet... that may had been reasoning enough to have it fly off, and the coveralls proves slightly baggy by shown when the winds blew against HIM and the clothes like it was missioning itself to floor HIM somehow! But HE unthoughted on that, with not being at all hassled from it's presence and still fixated through. Forgetting that HE could've used the car to move around... But at more of a crashing risk!

HIS 190 pounds body was like a battle of darts with a solid table going into this windstorm even at the strength it is, HE'S not treading to fall anytime soon!

A little more longer and HE'D had reach the destination, though to make things like a turn of sides some guide eyes in a long fabricated warming coat and aiming form of defense in his pocket was too out in the windy streets, expecting the unforgivable by Evil on Two Legs was parked on a lane's corner of Lampkin Lane to remain warm on nightwatch for the unexpected.

LOOMIS: Just sat here with the heat running over my face skin, trailing it dryer than it should it be and a strong weather selects to roll up on these streets of our small, beloved town.
I may not be from here, born and raise, but I know a good percentage of it but the Evil that hides in it's shadows will eventually come out and it is why I am here!...
To gun it down or away!

The Evil's night to at all merge was gone and it became a no show this time!..?
I don't understand why it didn't appear. It's still out there and I know it's just attempting to fool our minds of modesty and fake safety when there's me who has the patience to prove them that I am right about what is living someplace in Haddonfield as IT could be behind any corner or bush if we drop the alerting grand of survival - to avoid being in IT'S way!

"That fateful night of every year is the possibility of when Evil will show face, and that doesn't mean IT still won't." I think to myself in gratefulness to how I've survived as long as I have. Being as old as I am too.. really has questions of it's own, why Michael will never reveal after every October 31st!
Calling Michael by IT instead of HIM just feels logically right, and there was never anything in that human body 'bar a careless Evil that wants to kill and cannot stop ITSELF in anyway!

Everybody has just let it just go over their heads that Michael Myers is back in captivity from that field catch.. but I got a report that the van didn't see those Smith's Grove entrance gates and crashed in almost the same place that I discovered the kill of HIS mechanics attire. Very convenient to be there and not farther from it!???

Plus 3 bodies, neither in all blue with a topping of white.

I whip out my 44 sidearm to check my cylinder if all slots had a working bullet each and once I lift my eyes to the front out window, something got my attention...
Far distance over on the sidewalk I spot a all familiar shades of colour that matched what I'm on the sights for - blue body, whitish head and tall.

Not to be overreacting with my eyes, so I left my car to try and examine clearer 'and be sure that I'm not just seeing things??!
The walk seemed calm and very fluidized, like this weather hadn't even knocked or hadn't got a rush to get inside.. Just straightforward and hardly any person will do that! I couldn't even stand up with great posture in this!

I point my gun, aiming with both arms but did not shoot in case I missed. Instead chose to do the inappropriate thing and followed real far behind this...copycat or not a copycat, but I don't wanna hurt the wrong one or kill them.

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