Chapter Thirty-six

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Ahmed's letter put a smile on my face and I am actually really glad we settled whatever bad blood we had towards each other and that we were now on good terms. He seemed to have actually really matured from the 21 year old I knew years ago. We actually both matured and weren't exactly the way we were before.

    The next few weeks were amazing, I started work again full time and I was really glad because I had missed working so much. Layla started school again and she couldn't have been anymore excited.

   "Layla, the school bus is here, hurry with your food so you won't be late" I said as I packed her lunch in her lunch box and hurriedly helped her with her school bag.

    "Bye mummy" she said kissing me on the cheek as she picked up her lunch box. "Bye grandma" she added before rushing to leave.

    "I really should get the car I was offered" I said to mother as Layla walked out. The company had offered to get a car for everyone while the cost price will be deducted monthly from our salary. It was really a good offer and I have also come to realise how it was kind of a necessity.

   "Yeah, it's an amazing offer" mother said as she made the eggs in the kitchen.

   "I can then take Layla to school once in a while and pick her up too. It will help me with work and when you need to get anywhere too" I explained thinking of all the good it could do.

    "It will be really nice" mother agreed.

Ahmed made sure he kept up with every thing going on in Layla's life everyday. He was far away but yet so close. Distance wasn't a barrier at all  and the fact that Ahmed always found a way no matter how busy his schedule was made   it so amazing.

     Layla made sure she spoke to her dad every night before going to bed and some times she even made him tell her stories through the phone.

   "Layla, why are the lights still on" I said entering into her room then I saw that she was still facetiming with her dad

   "Layla, hand me over the phone" I said moving closer to where she was.

   "Mummy,  just five more minutes" she pleaded

"No, hand me over the phone. You're going to speak to him tomorrow. You have school tomorrow and daddy has work also" I persuaded  then she gave in eventually handing the phone over to me.

   "Alright, take" she said handing over the phone to me.

   "Hey, don't mind Layla. I am sure you have work to do tomorrow. Don't let her disturb you" I said to Ahmed who just smiled and said.

   "My baby isn't disturbing me, I enjoy talking to her too"

  "You should stop spoiling her too much" I said with a smile.

   "That's a very hard thing to do" he said and we both laughed then after we said our good byes.

   "Mummy, when am I going to daddy's place" Layla asked as I adjusted the cover on her...

   "Once you are done with school session dear" I answered.

    "Okay mum" she said as she drifted slowly to sleep and then I put off the lights before leaving the room.

     "Good night love" I whispered kissing her on her forehead..

    Usman and I had also been getting closer for the past months now since Layla got discharged from the hospital. I was even more sure about him now and how pure his intentions towards I and my family is. I was also sure I actually wanted to spend the rest of my life with him and I am glad he came into my life when he did.

    "Can you meet me at a location now please, a client wants to talk to you" Usman said over the phone as I was still sitted in front of my desk trying to clear out my table. I actually hadn't also seen him at all today and had wondered where he had been until he called to inform I meet him at a client's place.

   "Alright, I will be there in a moment. Send me the location" I said packing up my stuffs to get going.

   "Okay dear" he replied.

I packed my stuffs then called a cab to drop me at the location Usman had shared with me.

    I got down from the cab and stood out trying to be sure if this was actually were I was supposed to be. The place was a resort, a very big fancy one at that. It was normal for us to have meetings at restaurants and all but this was my first time here.

    I walked inside then I stopped at the reception to try and find my way from the receptionist because I had tried calling Usman and it wasn't going through.

    "Are you Miss Zeenat" she asked

"Yes, I am here to meet someone" I answered.

    "This way" she said ushering me inside as I followed closely behind.

    We both walked on, then she stopped in a big place that was beautifully decorated with flowers all over the floor, candles around, and the place looked so dreamy and very romantic.

   "We are here" she suddenly said and I was cut as to why she brought me here.

   "I think you have me mistaken, I am actually here for a meeting" I explained

   "I was asked to bring you here" she said and then walked out.

   "Excuse me" I tried calling her back but she just walked on. Then I decided to walk further inside to actually know what was happening. The lights were dim, the place looked really beautiful. There was a screen in front to and as I admired the whole place the screen suddenly came up and I faced it seeing Usman on the screen then I laughed knowing he had something to do with all these.

    "You're probably wondering what you're doing here and I won't waste any more time as I will get started immediately" he said and I just smiled as I watched the screen.

    "The first day I met you, I knew there was something special about you and as I grew to know you even more. I was proved right every single time. It might not have been love at first sight for any of us but it's true love in every sense of it. I am happy you came into my life, I am happy I walked in that day when you were still sitted in the waiting room. I want you to know that you will never walk alone because I will always be here, you will always have a shoulder to cry on, you will always have someone to talk to, to share your problems with. A long time ago I prayed for someone to come into my life with such sweet heart and loving personality. You are more than I even wished for, you're everything I have always wanted and more. You're beautiful, charming, amazing and one of the best gifts I ever received in my whole existence. Sometimes I wonder what I did to God to deserve such an angel in human form" he said and then pictures of me and him and also the ones we took with people we loved started showing with his voice over and I blushed not knowing when tears started to fall from my eyes as every word he said touched me so much.

     "I won with you, Zeenat. In every sense of it. I know it wasn't all smooth in the beginning but you decided to open your heart to me and let me love you and that means alot to me because I won't let you down. You're amazing and I can't even say it enough. I know everything is going to be alright with you by my side and it's the best thing I could think of. With you, love is magically, beautiful, it gives life, it makes me whole and it makes me very happy. I can't imagine my life without you" I wiped the tears of my face as the screen went off then I heard a voice from behind and I looked back as Usman walked closer to where I was.

    "I can't imagine my life without you so that's why I am asking you to please spend the rest of your life with me as my wife" he said going down on one knees as he brought out the ring from his pockets.

    "Yes, yes, I will, I can't think of anyone else I would rather be with" I said then he stood up and pulled me into a tight hug.

     "I love you so much" Usman said

"I love you too" I replied smiling.

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