Chapter 21

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I was lost in my thoughts and I hadn't noticed when mother walked into the room.

   "Hey, can we talk" she said and I looked up from where I was sitting at the desk.

   "Okay" I said

"About Zeenat, I am sorry about all that happened. I was just trying to watch out for you son. I wasn't sure of zeenat's intention towards you so I had to do something"

    "Mother, I loved her and maybe I still do kinda, she was the best thing that ever happened to me and you knew that. I told you, you saw it yourself. I was always happy with her. She brought out the best of me everytime. made me want to be a better version of myself. It hurts so much that you did this to me" I explained deeply hurt.

    "I know there is probably nothing I can do to turn back the hands of time but I really hope one day you forgive me" she said

    "Mother, I have forgiven you really. I just need time to figure all what is happening out and how to speak to Zeenat" I said "I also wanted to inform you that I have started looking for apartments. I will be moving out with Omar once I can find a perfect one" I added

    "You can't move out, I thought we were okay now"

    "Mother, it isn't about you, I just need my space and start figuring out what I want to do with my life" I explained.

   "But there is so much space here, what are you going to tell your father" she said

   "I already spoke with dad about it and he is perfectly fine with the idea" I said

   "Mother, there is really nothing you can say to convince me now. I have made up my mind and that's final"


    I was running a bit late for the event at Layla's school and I didn't want to get there late because it was the first time I was actually going there for something like this.

    I packed the stuffs together and was ready to leave. I was about closing the front door when my phone started ringing. Mother was out already to get some groceries so I thought she was the one calling but she wasn't, it was layla's principal at school.

    "Hello, please tell Layla I will be there soon" I said immediately I picked the call without even waiting to hear what she had to say.

    "It's not about that Miss Zeenat, Layla passed out just now in school and has been rushed to the hospital. She is in the icu now" she said and immediately the phone dropped from my hand. I was confused, so much was going on in my head. She was perfectly fine this morning, she only wanted me to visit her school.

    I immediately picked up my phone as I rushed out to get into the uber I had called. I got in and I was both anxious, nervous and almost had a panic attack. I hoped she was fine. I dialed mother's number and she didn't pick so I just left a voicemail telling her were to meet me since I already got the address were Layla was taken too.

    I got to the hospital few minutes later and immediately went to the reception.

   "Please I am looking for a 6 year old, her name is Layla Muhammad" I said to the nurse  in a panic state.

   "Please, may I know your relationship with her" she asked

   "I am her mother please" I answered then she checked through the system in front of her and told me where Layla was. She was still in the ICU  so I was going to just wait outside till the doctor came out.

   I sat on the chair in front of the icu as I could already feel my hands shaking and tears falling down my face uncontrollably as I wiped it away every minutes before it dropped on my cloth. I kept my hands in the middle of my legs like I was trying to support my whole body with one part or the other.

    "Zeenat" I looked in the direction of the voice and it was mother. I ran towards her and hugged her deeply.

   "Mother, I am scared, I don't know what to do. The doctor isn't out yet. Is my baby going to be okay!!" I said, weeping uncontrollably.

    "She is going to be fine Zeenat" mother reassured as she held onto me tightly, before letting go. Then we both went to sit down on the chair.

   I could also see the fear in mother's eye but she was trying her best not to show it. We were both scared of the unknown. I didn't know what the doctor was going to say when he walks out of the door in front of us. Was it going to be bad news or a good one. I was scared too, like the most I have been scared in a long time. At that very moment my love for Layla had conquered any hate that was left inside me for whatever reason. She made me feel whole and at that point I acknowledged it.


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