Chapter 34

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The doctor asked us to be at the hospital early this morning to hear the results of the tests. I made sure I got Layla prepared on time in order to get to te hospital in time. Usman offered to drop us off at the hospital since Ahmed was running a bit late due to traffic we had gotten to the hospital before him.

We waited in the doctor's office as we anticipate the result which she had gone to get. Layla was sitted on my laps as I held her tight in my arms. I was nervous, scared, unsure but I had faith that everything was going to be alright and I held on to that instead. I guess Usman had sensed my fear as he whispered "it's going to be alright" in my ears. Mother had also earlier calmed me down but I just couldn't get the thought of what would happen if everything didn't go as planned.

Few minutes later the doctor walked into the office.

"Sorry I kept you all waiting" she said sitting down in front of her desk.

"It's alright" I said

"So, I just got the results from the lab and I went through all other results thoroughly to make sure there wasn't any mistake" she explained.

"What does the result say please" I asked in a low tone ready for what to come next. Whether positive or negative. My mind was made up already.

"Layla is cancer free" she said and it felt like the earth stopped rotating for some minutes as I heard the news and I couldn't say anything as a wide smile creept up on my lips and I immediately pulled Layla into a hug as tears rolled down my eyes. I still remembered how I had felt the first time she had been diagnosed and all things had went on from there. It had been a long battle but we did it.

"Baby girl, you fought cancer and killed it my love" I said to Layla.

"This is amazing"mother said with a smile.

"We should celebrate this" Usman said with a smile.

"Although, Layla will have to come for regular check ups to check for remission or relapses. But as at now, she is free" the doctor said with a smile on her face.

"I am proud of you Layla" she said facing Layla who just smiled back.

"I am sorry I am late"

We looked back and saw it was Ahmed. He looked like he probably ran a marathon to catch up with us.

"Daddy!!!" Layla screamed as she jumped down from where she was sitting to go meet Ahmed.

"I did it daddy" "I am not sick anymore!!" Layla said excitedly and as Ahmed was still trying to digest the information Layla just gave him amidst smiles and great joy I looked in his direction.

"She is cancer free" I said with a smile on my face and immediately Ahmed carried Layla up as she wrapped her legs around his waist and they both went out the office with joy. Anyone could see how genuinely happy Ahmed was. He couldn't hide his joy. We went out with him and on the hallway Ahmed stopped anyone who cared to listen telling them.

"My baby is cancer free!!! She is cancer free" he said screaming with joy and immense happiness. The sight was one to behold, it made my heart happy. It was a beautiful moment.

"We should go home and celebrate, I will cook home made food and there will be cakes and all" mother offered and we all smiled.

"That will be perfect" Ahmed said. "Cake, cake, cake" Layla said happily. Ahmed was still carrying Layla has they walked on the hallway out. Mother followed them behind then I and Usman walked behind Mother.

"I told you it was going to be alright" Usman said with a smile on his face.

"I am glad it all turned out this way" I said smiling back.

Minutes later, Ahmed drove us back home since Usman said he needed to do something at the office and he promised to be back before the food was served.

When we got home, mother immediately left to the kitchen to prepare the lunch, Layla went to her room to change her outfit like I had instructed and so it was just I and Ahmed left in the living room.

"I am so happy right now, I can't even explain it" I said excitedly facing Ahmed.

"I am so happy too, I knew Layla was going to get through it. She is such a strong girl and she got that from you" he said smiling.

"She got it from you too though" I said

"I guess she got it from both of us then" he said and we both laughed.

"I leave tonight" he suddenly said.

"How, why! I thought you still had a bit of time to spend here" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, I thought so too but i got a call this morning and I was told I needed to start work immediately" he explained.


"What am I going to tell Layla" I said in a low tone.

"I will talk to her before leaving today.

"I really hope she takes it well" I said knowing how attached Layla had been to Ahmed this couple of months.

"I hope so too and Moreover it's not like I am never coming back and we will still see one another maybe not everytime but I will make sure to make time for her always" he explained.

Few minutes later Ahmed went back home to prepare for his travelling tonight before coming back for dinner at our place. Usman was also still at work trying to make sure the assigned transactions were carried out. Ahmed came back later and then dinner was served. Mother set the table and then as we were about to start eating Usman joined in.

Few minutes later we started eating but then I noticed Layla had not even eaten anything out of her food and I could see how sad she looked but I didn't know why.

"Layla why are you not eating" I suddenly asked and then she raised her head to look at me.

"Is daddy really leaving" she asked sadly and then I was surprised because Ahmed told me he was going to tell her after we were done eating so I didn't know who had told her.

"Who told you that" I asked

"No one, I heard both of you talking about it" she said and then I understood where the question was coming from.

"Is he?" She said with her already cloudy face with tears formed in her eyeballs.

"Yes baby" I said not knowing what else to say and then immediately tears flowed down her face as she got down from where she was sitting and running into her room as she closed the door behind.

"Layla, Layla" we all called out but she didn't answer.

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