Chapter 20

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It was the morning after my night out with Usman. I couldn't get the thoughts of the night out of my head, there was so much to think about and sometimes I even thought of something we said the night before and I would just smile to myself. I was too busy engrossed in my thoughts that I had not noticed mother was standing behind me in the kitchen as I prepared breakfast. I wasn't going to work today because I was on a break from work.

    "You haven't stopped smiling since you got back" mother said and I looked in her direction with a smile on my face.

    "I have always been this way mother, don't read meaning to everything" I said.

    "You can't even deny, this new you is amazing and I am glad Usman was able to bring you out of your shell. The glow is amazing, the only thing left is for you to accept it" mother said as she smiled.

   "Mother, I think I like him. He his the first since what happened" I said blushing a little.

   "I knew it!!!" Mother said happily and you would think she was Usman. I just laughed at the sight of her being so happy.

   "Mother, why are you so happy anyways" I chuckled.

   "This is a great news really, do you know how long I have waited to see this new version of your self. Being happy looks good on you and you deserve whatsoever good is coming your way" mother said with a smile

    "I love you mum" I said pulling her into a hug.

"Mother" we both looked in the direction of the voice to see a dressed up Layla prepared for school.

   "I hope you are ready for school, the bus will soon be here" mother said to her.

     "We have a bake sale at school today and I wanted to know if you could come" Layla said and both she and mother looked at me waiting for a response. Sometimes I wondered how Layla asked me stuffs like this anyways even when she knew I was going to turn her down but I wasn't going to do that today.

   "Okay, I will be there" I said and I could see how Layla's face lit up so excited. She  didn't expect the answer she got. I could see the happiness in her face.

    "Thank you mummy, thank you so much, I love you" she said as she hugged me.

   "The bus is here" mother said as she helped Layla pack her stuff to leave.

    "She looked so happy"mother said after Layla had left for school.

   "I know right, I couldn't say no this time" I said

"I am so happy about everything that is happening" mother said with a smile on her face.

    Minutes later I decided to start preparing for the bake sale and make something to take and then Usman messaged me.

  Usman: hey beautiful, I miss you at work. I read the message and just smiled.

Me: that's nice to hear

Usman: want to go out later today? To the cinemas maybe.

Me: I have to be at Layla's school today though

Usman: ohh, that's perfectly alright. Maybe some other time then.

Me: yeah

Usman: take care of yourself, I will call you later.

Me: you too


I was sitted in my room going through my old stuffs then I came across pictures I took with zee and then how much memories we had made together. We made so much fun memories, we had our future planned out, where we were going to live after marriage, how many kids we wanted and so many other things.

   " I can't wait to get married to you" I said as I looked at zee scope an ice cream into her mouth across me. She looked beautiful doing everything. Whether it was eating, drinking or even sleeping.

   "I can't wait too really, I already have a lot of plans for how our house will be decorated" she said smiling.

   "Our honeymoon too" she added

"Where do you want to go for our honeymoon, will take you anywhere" I asked curiously. I was serious about it.

   "Paris, it's amazing and beautiful" she said dreamy

   "I love it there too, I have been there once before" I said

   "I want us to name our children Layla and Sarah if they are girls and Jamal and Omar if it's a boy" she said excited

   "They are beautiful names" I said.

"Never forget that I love you Alright, no matter what ever happens. I love you" I said

   "I love you even more" she smiled.

"But I love you more" I argued

    "No, I do" I said and then we both laughed.

I then brought out the ring I had angrily dropped in my room the day I had returned from the resort. The day rianat had called me, I had just finished our purchasing the ring I was going to propose to zee with. I was going to propose that day.

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