Chapter 33

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    Layla's result for the new test that was conducted was coming out tomorrow and I had also called Usman telling him I needed to talk to him and he suggested we met up for dinner today and I was getting ready to leave. I had made up my mind to talk to Usman today to talk about everything that had been going on for sometime now.

    I got to the restaurant rather on time thinking I was going to have to wait for him but then as I looked around, I saw him wave in my direction in a bid to let me know where he was.

     "Hey" I said, sitting on the chair in front of Usman.

     "Hello, good evening" he replied and then the waiter came to take our orders and as he left to bring what we ordered for, I and Usman sat in silence probably waiting for who to start the conversation.

    "I wanted to talk to you" I said initiating the conversation.

    "I wanted to talk to you too"

"I know alot has been going on for the past few months now, with Layla in the hospital, Ahmed coming back and all. We really never talked about him and all and I know we should have talked about it and all but I just didn't know how to put it to you" I explained.

    "It's fine and I totally understand. You have had so much to deal with and about Ahmed" he said and  then stopped a bit before continuing.

    "I don't know what is going on but it's okay if you want to choose him and be with him. If that's what makes you happy, then I am happy too. It doesn't make me happy to say all this but you guys look like a perfect family together anytime I see you three together and it makes Layla too so happy. I see the smile on her face everytime and it's everything, I have never seen her so happy before" Usman said sadly

    "That's not why I am here, this isn't what I came here to tell you" I said

    "It isn't" Usman asked surprised

"It isn't, I know Ahmed is an amazing person and  it's true we have a history together and all
But that's all in the past now. It's different with you, what I feel. It's much more intense and I mean it and I am not just realizing it but it's even more affirmed now" I said letting out all the emotions I had been keeping inside.

     "Are you serious, I really thought there was no way again" he said both excitedly and enthusiastically.

    "You made me realise that I still had love left inside of me to give and that I still deserved to be loved. You made me realise that love is so much more than I thought it was. I know it hasn't all been easy and all but I know we will make it work and because I have you by my side, I am sure I can take on anything" I said to him with a smile on my face.

    "You really don't know how happy you have made me this night. I think I am the happiest man on earth right now and only you makes me feel this kind of joy and it's so surreal" he said smiling widely and I could tell how happy he was with the expression on his face. I was happy seeing him happy.

     "You know, I want to do all what we planned to do together. Travel to those places together, I want to build a family with you, I want to get married, live life and just be happy with you" I smiled

    "I can't wait for all that and more, I can't wait to make you mine and make beautiful memories with you and also Layla" he said excited.

    "I love you Zee" he suddenly said and I just sat staring at him not knowing the right response what he just said. I knew I liked him a lot but was I ready to say the words he just said. I knew I was sure about him but what he said had caught me off guard.

    "It's fine, you don't even need to say it right back now. I just want you to go at your pace. I just couldn't hold it inside anymore" he explained.

    "I Know" I said

     "I am not sure I will be able to sleep well this night tho" Usman said, and we both laughed.

    "Why though"

"Because I will be replaying this conversation over and over in my head this night and I am sure of that" he said and I laughed.

    "Zeenat Likes me, I am the happiestman on earth right now." Usman screamed at the top of his voice in the restaurant as he raised both hands up like he wanted to fly and I just chuckled shyly in my sit.

    "Sir, please keep your voice down" the waiter said to Usman and we both laughed. He really couldn't hide his happiness and it was the sweetest thing to watch. I really did like him and this night even made me even more sure about it.

   The rest of the night was as beautiful as the earlier part as we talked about other random stuffs, a bit about what has been going on at work too and everything. Then when we left the restaurant, he  dropped me off at home as I  had to prepare to leave for the hospital tomorrow with Layla and mother for the test result. I had also called Ahmed to meet us up at the hospital to hear what the doctor had to say. But I really did want to think so much about what was going to happen tomorrow so I just let my mind replay the events of the night.

    "How was your evening" mother said as I walked inside.

    "I think this is one of the best nights of my life"


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