chapter 9

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Mother wouldn't stop pacing back and forth because of the dinner we were going to be having with usman. I didn't know why I had this feeling that mother was up to something. It all seemed fishy.

"someone is at the door, I guess it's usman"mother smiled as she pushed me forward to open the door.

"Hello"usman said with his best gentleman attitude.

"Hey, you're welcome "i replied "come on in"i said leading him to the living room.

"here,i got this for you layla"he said holding out a teddy bear to give to her.

"thank you uncle"she smiled collecting it from him.

"thanks, but I really don't like it when people give her gifts. I don't want her getting spoiled"I said but I could see the deadly glare mother was giving me. She leaned towards me whispering "please be nice"

"I hope you understand"

"yeah...yeah sure, I will keep that in mind"he replied

"the table has been set"mother said leading usman to the dinning table.

We all started eating in silence until mother decided to break it with her suspicious questions.

"so zeenat told me she works for you and how very nice you have been to her"mother smiled and usman smiled back.

"tell us about you"

"I actually have two sisters, one is married and the other is in her second year at college"

"oh, that's nice"mother said

"you know this days, kids get married so quickly"mother said and I mentally face palmed my self because I knew what she was getting at. "but you seem like you're single, or do you have any fiance or are you probably engaged"I leaned towards mothers ear whispering "mother please stop all this" I was stating to feel very uncomfortable.

Usman just smiled at my mother's question then replied "actually ma'm,i am just waiting for the right person and the right time. I know God will make me find "the one" soon"

"that's right son" really mum even calls him son now!! Like he his her son-in-law.

"you know what usman, zeenat has always been focused and determined girl and even after her father died she did everything to make sure we always had something to eat. And also this beautiful bundle of joy came along"she said motioning towards Layla.

"yeah,she is such a pretty girl"

"she actually got that from the best you know"mother said and they all laughed.

"excuse me please"i said standing up from my chair. I just couldn't take all this anymore. "I need to use the bathroom"i said walking away.

Few minutes later usman decided it was time he left to his own house.

"mother!!"I said after closing the door behind usman.

"Layla dear, go up to your room and finish your homework"mother said facing Layla.

"mother, you were practically selling me out to usman"

"I didn't do such a thing"she said sitting on the couch

"yes you did"

"it was like you were indirectly telling him that "you need a husband for your daughter".

"what did you expect me to do you rejected every proposal you've got ever since and he seems like a nice guy"

"mother,i am only 24 and I am doing well as a single mother"

"Layla needs a father to look up to. It takes two to raise a child"

"I have you with me, that makes us two and I don't need a man to take care of me. They are all the same anyway"i said looking up blankly. "you love them so much that you sometimes lose yourself in the process,you love them so much that you give them the privilege to hurt you, you love them so much that they betray you without even blinking an eye,you love them so much that"i didn't realize I had been crying until mother came and pulled me into a hug.

"mother he hurt me so much, mother so much, he hurt me"I said burying my head in her chest as I cried on.

A/n:hope you liked this chapter!! Don't forget to vote comment and share!! I know some people are curious about how Ahmed is and what he is doing. I probably will have the next p. O. V about ahmed

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