chapter 7

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  I stared at the heap of file on my table, I was really tired today, I needed to rest. I stood up from the chair to pick my bag so I could go home early today. I felt my phone beeping in my bag so I reached for it.

  "hello,please is this Miss zeenat kadri"

"yes please"

   "your daughter got into a fight with another student in school"

"Layla!!!"I screamed before dropping the phone and walking down to get a cab. I was already getting really furious without even getting there yet.

I walked into the office but Layla and another girl were sitting outside the office and I guess she already saw the death glare I gave her before entering the office.

   "good afternoon, please sit down"the principal  said as I motioned towards the sit she had offered.

  "Layla got into a fight but I will let her off with a warning this time since this is the first time she has done something like this"

  "oh my goodness"I muttered under my breath.

"I can't believe she would do something like this, I will make sure to warn her about it"

  "you can take her home now" she said

"thank you so much, Mrs Williams"I said standing up from the chair and flashing her my best signature smile.

  "you're welcome"

I walked forward as Layla dragged her bag slowly behind me. She knew I was angry and if I where to talk,I  might  just say something I might regret so I just stayed silent walking forward.

  "mummy"I  heard Layla say slowly behind me."I am sorry mother"she added then I looked back to face her.

  "you know what!! I am so disappointed in you!!"I spat furiously "mother I am sorry"she said amidst the tears falling from her eye."the girl said I was a bastard and that no one would ever love me and she also said that was why I didn't have a father. She said that's why my father left me"she said but I didn't replyand was about to start walking when I heard someone call me. I didn't know how to feel about what she just said.

  "zeenat" I turned in the direction of the voice then I saw usman, my boss.

  "hello"he said smiling at me. Then I saw a little boy around Layla's age standing by him.


"what are you doing here"she asked curiously.

   "I came to pick up my niece khalid, his parents were busy so they asked me if I could help"

  "ohh"was the only thing she said.

"what about you" I asked curiously

   "I came to pick my daughter"she said and immediately I felt like a thousand things fell on me.

  How come she had a daughter? She never mentioned  it to me? Maybe I am just over thinking.!!

  I didn't know what to say or what next to ask so I just stood for a moment before she broke the silence.

  "her name is Layla, Layla say hi to uncle"she said facing the girl she said was her daughter.

  "hi"the little girl said shyly.  Although she looked a little pale and weak she also looked so much like  Zee if one studied her closely.

  "let me drop you both at home" I offered

"you don't have to really"she said

   "but I insist,remember I am your boss"I said   jokingly.  We all then walked to the car as Layla and Khalid were already chatting behind us. I guess they already knew each other before. Probably class mates.


We all entered the car as usman began to drive. The conversation we had earlier had been kind of awkward and I really didn't know why. As I thought about Layla and why she had gotten into a fight because of her father.

  We suddenly passed by an ocean and memories flooded back to me about what had happened there years ago when I had just given birth to Layla.

  "are you okay"usman asked  looking to the side where I was sitting he probably had been noticing how sad and silent I was.

  "yes,I am fine. I just remembered something"


  "I hate love"!!I screamed as tears streamed down my face

I looked around me to see if anyone was going to walk across then I looked back into the depths of the sea as I became so anxious. I held Layla out about to throw her in it.  

"She had practically broken me, she had made me loose my sanity, it was all her!!! She was the reason for my unending cries, sorrow and why I hated the world so much!!! Around the time I gave birth to Layla I was also battling with depression and a lot of things. It was all just overwhelming and too much for me.

   As I was about throwing her in it I suddenly heard a strange voice.......

  I was suddenly afraid and brought her back down. I looked around to see if someone was there but it was just me then I realized that it was my inner voice talking about how much I was going to regret it.

  While a part of my mind wanted me to throw are in and was telling me things like "throw her in, then you will be able to live your life peacefully and no one will see you as a disgrace". The other part didn't want me to and kept telling things like"she is a gift to you and one day you will probably be happy you kept her. All you have to so is believe and have faith that everything will be alright."

  I then just sat on the floor as I held her in my hands crying so much, I wanted to throw her but I didn't know why I just couldn't. I was just about 19 going on 20. I was scared, immature, confused. I had also just dropped out of college but I am glad I was later able to get the degree and I already had my confidence, self esteem shattered.

   "are you listening"I suddenly looked up then realized usman had been talking but I wasn't listening.

  "ohhh"I said, not knowing how to respond.

"we're here now"he said after sometime

   "thank you very  much" I said as I opened the door to the car.

  "it's nothing really"he said smiling again. Sometime I even wonder how he manages to smile like this all day. Doesn't he have any problems.

"who was that guy that dropped you guys off"mother asked immediately we entered the house.

  "he is just my boss "I said

"zeenat,you know.. "mother was about to start her lectures about how we looked like the perfect match and that probably he was God sent and "the one"

  "mother please not now, I need to rest"I  said walking off towards my room.  "and ask your granddaughter why she got into a fight in school today because she is still going to get it from me"

  "layla"mother gasped.

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