chapter 25

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   I got to the hospital as I hurried along the walk way to get to see Zeenat as soon as possible as everything I had just found out echoed in my head. I didn't know what to do with all that information but I knew if anything, I wanted to hear it from Zeenat's mouth directly. I sited Zeenat coming and immediately ran in the direction before losing her.

   "Zeenat" I called out as I got closer to where she was. I knew she wasn't in any way happy to see me and she couldn't even hide it because it was in her facial expression as she looked at me.

   "What, and why are you here" she asked

"I just need a few minutes with you, I need you to answer a few questions for me" I said apologetically.

   "I don't have time for this now, there is so much I need to do" she said as she immediately turned to leave but my next question had put her on a halt.

   "Is Layla really my daughter" I asked and she stopped walking away.

   "Please Zee, I just want to know, just answer me" I pleaded and then she turned to face me.

    "You have no right to come here now and ask me questions like this, you have absolutely no right to" she said as she was now beginning to sound furious.

  "And what if she is your daughter, you can't come here now claiming what you let go a long time ago. I just hate to see you around me, around here" she said even more furious now.

   "I just want to help, I understand all what as been going on and I just want to be there for you and Layla" I said

    "I don't need your help and we don't need you to be here, we have been perfectly fine ourselves and I really don't want you to be anywhere in my life ever again" she said and If someone had told me 6 years ago that there would be a day I would hear this hurtful words from Zeenat. I wouldn't believe. We were so happy and everything was so perfect.

    "This isn't the Zeenat I know, you have changed a lot" I said broken

   "You want to know why I am the way that I am, it's all thanks to you that I am like this.  And I guess you have to deal with this new me now" she said

   "Just give me a chance to be a father to Layla, I just want one more chance to prove to you that things ain't the way it played out if only you let me even explain and say my side of the story"

   "First, Layla doesn't need you, second, I believe in second chances but I just don't think everyone deserves them and thirdly, I am sure your side of the story isn't even worth listening too and I will appreciate if you run away like you did before" she said then walked away and I was  left there sad as i just watched her leave. I wanted her to listen but I didn't think that was going to happen anytime soon and I wasn't also giving up anytime soon or running away anywhere.
   I was determined to find a way to male things right even if that was the last thing I did.


   I walked away from Ahmed as fast as I could and immediately went into the restroom. I looked in the mirror as I wiped the tears that came running down my cheeks. I didn't know why I was in tears and why he still had this much effect on me after 6 years. Was I crying because I just remembered all that happened? Or was it because I couldn't bear to see him get hurt by the words I said to him but I think it was the latter anyways because I was sure there was no strings attached anymore.

    I wiped my face then went to the room to see mother and Layla.

    "Hey, what took you so long" mother asked immediately I went into the room.

   "I met Ahmed on the way" I said in a low tone not wanting Layla to hear what we were talking about"

   "What did he want" mother said as she come closer to were I was.

    "He knows Layla is his daughter" I said

"How" mother asked surprised.

    "I really don't know too but he insisted he wanted to help and would like to be a part of Layla's life" I explained

   "And what did you tell him"

"I told him we didn't need him and that he should go away because I really didn't want to see him at all" I said

    "Then why do you look down all of a sudden, hope it's not want I am thinking" mother said and then I raised my brows.

   "What are you thinking mother" I asked

"The only reason his presence might still affect you is because you haven't gotten over him. Maybe you still have feelings for him" mother said

   "Mother!! No, I don't. I just don't want him around me. Anytime I see him it's like the past I try so hard to forget keeps coming back" I explained.

   "I just really don't want you to get hurt again and you should also think about how it will make Usman feel" mother said

   "Mother,I am really not doing anything like that. I will never hurt Usman's feelings too" I said

   "I saw the way you guys looked at each other the other day. And like they say first loves are hard to forget"

   "Mother, I need you to trust me on this. It ended the day I met Usman" I said before I could even think about what I had said.



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