Chapter 18

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   I sat in my office as I concluded the paper work for the house we had just sold. I was a bit tired and just wanted to go home. I then heard a knock on the door of my office.

   "Come in" I said and then I realized it was Usman.

    "Hey Zee" he said

"Please sit" I offered

    "I am done with the paper work, I was about to bring it to your office" i said

   "It's fine, the owners will be here to collect it soon" he said.

   " you should really take some days off and you have really tried a lot for this project" he said smiling.

   "That's so nice of you" I said happily then I paused for some time before saying the next thing on my mind.

   "I am sorry about the other day at the restaurant" I apologised. I knew it had been a while now but I just suddenly felt the need to apologise for it.

   "It's Alright, that's all in the past now and as a matter of fact I wasn't angry. I respect your decision" he said smiling. Sometimes I wonder why he was just so sweet and nice. He seemed too perfect to be true.

   "Are you serious" I asked surprised.

"I am"
    "You know it's really not about you, I have just really been through so much and I find it hard to let people into my life easily. You're an amazing person and it wouldn't even be about you" I explained. I knew I didn't have to but I just had the urge to.

   "You can't shut the world out forever Zee. You might have your doubts about me and I totally understand but if only you at least give me a chance to prove you wrong and clear your doubts. I make  a lot of mistakes and I can be wrong sometimes but if there is one thing I am sure about, it's you" he said and I just smiled. There was something about him that was making me want to believe him. A strong feeling but I was scared.

   "You really don't have to believe me right away, but give me a chance to at least show you that you can trust and count on me" he said

    "I want to, I really want to but something just keeps holding me back" I said

   "Let those walls down zee and I promise that you won't regret it. Let me love you the way that you deserve to be loved"

   "We will take it at any pace you want really. I won't rush you. Let's start with dinner tonight" he said looking at me for a response.

   "Alright, alright " I said smiling after a brief silence. And I could see the excitement in his face.

  "Yes!!" He screamed and I just let out a laugh at how cute he looked being excited.

   "You should go home now, you have done a lot of work today" Usman suggested.

    "I still need to pick Layla up from school" I said picking up my bag

   "I will do that" he offered

"No, you don't need to. You've helped enough" I said

   "I need to pick up Khalid too anyways. I will just drop her off. It's not a big deal" he said and I knew I couldn't convince him otherwise.

   "Thank you so much" I said.


   I was sitted in my car in front of Zeenat's house.  After my friend sent the address I decided to go but I hadn't seen her pass by but I had been on a look out for her. I guessed she was probably still at work because he had also told me she worked for an estate management firm. As I was still deep in my thoughts about all what mother did and how I was thinking of getting my own place and moving out. I saw Zeenat across the street about to enter her house. I couldn't get my eyes off her. She hadn't changed so much apart from the fact that she looked even more beautiful than the last time I saw her.

   I then realized how much I had missed her, how much I wanted her to be part of my life again. It hurts so much everything that has happened. I should have gone to meet her across the street but I didn't go and I wasn't sure why. I just wanted to enjoy watching her from afar now. The sight of her alone was giving me so much joy already and I was satisfied.

    I was busy mesmerized by the sight of zee that I had forgotten I was supposed to pick up Omar from school. I immediately kick started the car and drove off even though I didn't want to.

   I got to Omar's school and as I was looking around for him. I suddenly sighted him with another girl and boy. Then I wondered how he had made friends so fast.

   I went towards where they were.

"Daddy" Omar said immediately he saw me.

    "Hey" the two kids with Omar said

"Hello dears" I said back

    "Dad, these are my new friends. They helped me with my class today and also sat with me at lunch" Omar explained excitedly and I could see the happiness as his face lit up. He was so smart too for 4year old.

   "That's nice" I said smiling.

"So may I know your friends name"  I asked

   "This is khalid and Layla" Omar said and they just smiled.

   "Nice meeting you two"

"Nice meeting you too sir" Layla said smiling

    As we were still talking, a man walked up to us . I guess he was probably their dad or something.

   "Hello" he said facing me

"I was just saying hey to the kids, my Son here just started going here and he wanted me to meet his friends"

    "That's nice" he said smiling.

"By the way, I am Usman" he said

    "Ahmed, nice to meet you. I  guess I will see you around. Bye Layla and khalid" I said before going back to the car

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