chapter 11

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  "hey zeenat, Ahmad says I should bring you"ahmad's best friend, Rashid said standing outside the door of my house.

"but where is he"I asked curiously

"it is a surprise we all planned, you don't want me spoiling it or do you?"

"I will just get changed"i answered immediately before coming out.

"you're perfect, let's just get going now"he said and we both left in his car, all the way I kept thinking about what the surprise was all about and kept smiling to myself.

Few minutes later he pulled over at a packing lot and the place looked like some sort of resort.

"isn't this a resort"i asked as we got down from the car.


We walked past the beach and the view was breathtaking and I wondered how Ahmed knew I loved things like this. But where was he anyways, I kept thinking to my self.

"where are we going"I suddenly asked

"he made reservations for you two"he said, then we walked into a room but I wasn't comfortable so I suggested we moved outside but he had said it was best I stayed in because of the weather.

He was about going out when he turned back and spoke.

"what do you like about Ahmed anyway, you know how much I really like you but you still choose him anyways"he said moving closer to me. Rashid had always made advances towards me telling me how much he liked me and all.

"have some respect, Ahmed is your friend and I don't share the same feelings for you,i have told you that countless times"i said and he moved even closer to me and we were only inches apart.

I walked outside to the balcony.

"where is usman"i suddenly asked.

"what if he isn't coming"he said smirking and at that point I knew something wasn't right.

"you tricked me!! You basterd!!"I screamed pushing him on the chest.

"now it's just you and I here princess"he smirked

"I am leaving"i said, but before I could move he grabbed me by the hand ,pinned me to the wall and I felt him kiss me before I could even think of anything to do. I wanted to go but he had more power than I did.

Then I suddenly kicked him in the stomach,removing his grip from me,i slapped him across the face then I tried to run.

"do you think you can leave so easily"he said then dragged me back but I attempted screaming and he used his palm to cover my mouth dragging me into the room.

"I know you loved the kiss so why pretend"he said then lay me on the bed as I struggled to get out. I found that he was already on me.

"you basterd"i screamed then I found a vase on the table, I struggled to get to it then I hit it on him freeing myself.

I ran as fast as my leg could take me.

I woke up immediately, panting heavily like I always did when I had this particular nightmare . I was sweating profusely now.

It felt like it was still yesterday when it had happened and I felt so afraid. I had always wanted to tell Ahmed about it but I wasn't even given a chance to.

I got up from the bed then prepared breakfast since it was a Saturday and I wasn't going to work.

"mother,morning"i said sitting at the dinning table as I served food for two since Layla was in a holiday camp.

"zee, I was thinking that since you didn't have work today, you could just come with me to visit the bookstore. You know I have been meaning to buy some books recently" she explained.

"but, mother I can't" I whined. I knew mother and father were book lovers. Even till now mother read alot. But I always visited the bookstore with father because he dis most of the buying.

"no but's zeenat, it's just for a few minutes. It won't even take so much time" she said but then I really didn't want to.

"okay mother, I will just get ready"i said finishing up my food then taking our plates to the kitchen.

Mother and I took a bus to his house and as I was about to enter through the entrance a tear slipped down my cheek. I wondered when last I had been here and I wondered why the tear had dropped too.

"are you okay"mother suddenly asked and I immediately wiped the tear on my face with my palm.

"I am fine mother"i said then we both walked slowly through the corridors of the bookstore.  I suddenly felt father's presence. He loved books and he had inspired me to start reading at an early age too buying my first book at about two years of age. Our trips to the bookstore were the best because we could check different books and  there were so many of them.

I still remembered clearly how my dad was so particular about good books, how he always brought me to the bookstore with him when I was still very little, I was always so interested in books too as a teenager even when I wanted to watch cartoons or play like my other friends I  always ended up in my room with a book and I loved it. I still remember him reading some to me as I slept off in my room. We made so many memories with books and reading.

"zeenat, let's take this"mother said picking a book from the shelf.

We left to go back home minutes after  we had gotten the books we wanted to get. I miss father a lot but the memories we share will always be a part of me.

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