Chapter 35

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    I got up from where I was sitting and walked up towards Layla's room. I knocked slowly on the door

   "Layla it's me, please open the door darling" I said and then I heard the door knob move. I walked in and then I saw her on her bed with her face against the pillow as I heard her sniffling quietly.

   "Hey baby" I said, sitting down next to her on the side of her bed. Then she turned around sitting up straight to face me.

    "Why are you leaving dad, you promised to never leave again" she said sadly and I could feel the pain in her tiny voice.

   "I know dear and I am not going to be gone forever, I am just going for work that's all and it's just a few hours from here. I can always see you anytime I want to and you can also visit anytime you want to"

    "I can come" she inquired

"Absolutely, anytime you want to, anytime there is a break in school. I will be here to get you" I said and then I saw her face lighten up a bit.

   "Now wipe your tears, my love" I said as she did exactly what I told her.

   "I promised that I will be here forever, I will never leave your side and you will always be a priority in my life and that hasn't changed because you know what"


"Because daddy loves you a whole lot and that will never change" I said with a smile on my face.

    "I love you too daddy"

"Now let me see that beautiful smile of yours" I said then Layla smiled

   "I am going to miss you daddy" she said hugging me and then I pulled her closer.
    "I am going to miss you too dear" I replied.

"Here, give this to your mum once I leave" I said handing over a letter I had written to Zee.

    "What's in it"

"It's a letter for your mum" I said smiling

    "Now, let's go back to finish that amazing meal" I said and as we were about to leave the room. Zeenat entered.

   "You got her to stop crying" Zeenat said as Layla walked past to go continue her food.

   "Yeah, she is such an amazing girl, I sure am going to miss her" I said

   "I can imagine" Zeenat said with a smile before we both walked back to the dinning table.

    We finished dinner much later and then it was time for me to leave. I was going to get Omar from my parents and my stuffs from home  before leaving.

    "It's past your bed time now Layla" Zeenat said  as she took Layla into her room to put her to sleep but before Layla went she had rushed up to give me a big hug like it was the last time she would see me and that almost made me want to stay back.

    "Layla" Zeenat called as Layla still held on tight to me and didn't want to let go until Zeenat came to pull her away from me.

   "Mummy" Layla whined as I just laughed kissing Layla on her forehead.

    "I should clear the kitchen" Zeenat's mum said as she left the dinning table and now it was just I and Usman left and then I realised how we hadn't really spoken since I came back into Zeenat's life apart from the occasional talks about Layla's health and all.

   "Zee told me you got a job out of town, congrats" Usman said, initiating the conversation.

   "Thanks alot man"I said

We then talked about random things like sports and all as I waited for Zee who had warned that I shouldn't leave without saying goodbye first.

    Zee came out then I stood from where I was sitting and Usman stood up too to probably also walk me outside.

     I and Usman where standing close to each other and then I spoke in a low tone.

   "Please take care of her for me, she deserves so much and I think you can give it to her" I said as I glanced at Zee.

    Zee walked me to my car as I was about to get into it as she stood by the door with me while Usman just watched from afar with Zeenat's mum.

   "Please take care of yourself and my little angel for me. I will try to visit as often as I can" I said before entering into the car.

    "You should take care too and I am glad you came back" Zee said before we waved each other goodbye as I drove away.


   I went back inside after Ahmed and Usman had left. I sat on my bed then picked up the letter Layla had given me courtesy of Ahmed to know what's inside it. I opened it and it read.

   Dear Zee

         I will probably have left when you start reading this letter and you are probably wondering what's in this letter but it's just a couple of random things I felt I still had to say. First, I am still really sorry about all you went through because of me and all. I wouldn't lie about the fact that when I came back from abroad to see you  I really wanted something to happen between us, maybe we fall in love again or something like that because I actually never really stopped loving you and that one of the main reasons I decided to accept the tech job outside town. I came back and things were different than the way I had envisioned. You had a whole new life and then there is Layla and all. Thanks for all the years you took care of Layla alone. She is such an amazing girl and one of the best things in my life right now and she reminds me so much of you. And about Usman, I really feel he will treat you the way you deserve to be treated, like a queen and I believe he will be good at doing that. I want you to know that I will always care and I am not running away this time like I did before because I guess I grew up too. I am glad I could give you this letter and that I didn't keep it like the ones I was too afraid to send years ago. Take care of yourself and my little princess.

                                              Love, Ahmed




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