Chapter 32

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    It had been an amazing past few weeks and a lot has happened too. The doctors were going to be performing a new test on Layla to confirm if she was now cancer free because she seemed to have improved so much more than the previous months. I was going to be visiting the hospital to see Layla and also have a conversation with Zeenat because I had been doing a lot of thinking for sometime now and I had made some decisions I wanted to share with her.

    "Daddy" Layla said with a big smile on her face as I entered into the ward room. She was still there for monitoring and some other things too before the test results get released.

   "My sweet little angel" I said to her as I walked closer to were she was on the bed with Zeenat by her side.

    "How is my beautiful princess doing today"I asked

   "Fine daddy" she said with a smile

"That's wonderful" I said then faced Zeenat as Layla buries her head back in the game she was playing before I got in

   "How are you" I said to Zeenat who was sitted on a chair close to Layla's bedside.

    "I am good, nervous too though about what the results of the tests might come out to be" she said worried.

    "But the doctor already told us there is an 80% chance the test comes out negative and she is cancer free. If you ask me, that's a pretty good one" I said trying to make her feel better.

    "But there is still a 30% chance of if happening  otherwise, I just don't want to hope too much. I want to prepare for the worst too" she explained.

    "I just really have a good feeling about all of this and that everything is going to be okay very soon"

     "Hey Usman, when did you get here" Zeenat's mum asked as she entered into the room"

    "Not too long ma'am" I answered.

"Okay, I hope you are doing okay" she asked

    "Yes, thank you for asking" I replied.

"Can we maybe talk outside for a minute" I asked Zeenat after a short while.

   "Yeah sure" she answered.

We went out of the room then sat on the chair opposite the door of the room. I first stayed silent for sometime not knowing where or how to start the conversation but then I realized I had to start from anywhere.

    "I got offered a job at teletech" I said

"Wow, that's amazing, you have always wanted to work there since like forever!!! This has always been your dream. I am so happy for you" she said with a smile on her face.

    "It's out of town though" I said and then we both went silent.

   "Are you going" she asked in slow tone.

"Yeah, I accepted the offer" I said

    "So you will be leaving again" she said and it made me remember the first time I had left the city. But I was sure this time about this being the right thing to do.

   "What about Layla" she asked also in a low tone.

   "I will see her every weekend, of course if that's okay with you"


"It's just an hour 30 minutes ride from here, I will visit as often as I can too to see my baby. I want her to come visit any free time she has, please. I want her to visit during the holidays too. I will miss you two alot"

    "Layla would be very sad when I tell her this. Isn't there a way you could stay or something. I thought they had a branch here in the city" Zeenat questioned.

    "Yes they do, but I think the one outside would be good for me" I said

    "And please don't let Layla know anything about this till I will be leaving. I really can't stand to see her sad. I wish I didn't have to leave again" I said

    "Okay, I won't"

    "When are you leaving" Zeenat asked

"When Layla leaves the hospital, I want to see her get better before I leave"

      "If this is what you want and you think this is what is best for you then I will support your decision" Zeenat said


    "Thanks alot for understanding" I said then few minutes later I left to go home. I thought about the conversation we just had all through my drive home trying to make sure I was doing the right thing. I really wished I didn't have to leave, I wanted to be with Layla and Zeenat so badly so we could have our happily ever after but it seemed like happily ever afters only happen in fairytales. It was time I finally let go of Zeenat and stopes holding on to the past so much. I knew how much she liked Usman and even though it broke my heart I was also happy to see her happy, she was different with him, the way she smiled, laughed. It reminded me of us back in the days and how much we were in love but I guess things changed and this was one of those things.


    I went to inside the room after Ahmed had gone thinking about the sudden decision he had made to leave the town and all but then I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that it might have something to do with Usman because I know how much Ahmed was so happy to be with Layla, he had plans that he made everyday talking about how the rest of the days after Layla left the hospital will be like with places they will go and all.

    "Why do you look like that, what did you and Ahmed talk about" mother asked as I entered the room then I looked towards where Layla was to make sure she wasn't awake.

   "Ahmed is leaving" I said

"Ohh, why, to where, what happened" mother asked.

    "He got a job outside town, an hour 30 minutes drive from here" I said

    "Layla will be so sad" mother said then I looked in Layla's direction

   "She will visit him often" I said

"I know it's his dream job and I am supposed to be happy for him and if I tell him to stay then it will be incredibly selfish of me but I just worry about Layla so much, she had wanted this for so long and it's like it isn't even going to last long" I explained

   "You just said she will visit him, it's not like he won't visit too. And he isn't even going out of the country this time" mother said

    "True, it's only right for me to understand"

"I can imagine how he feels"

    "About what" I asked curiously

"About you and Usman, those times he sees you two together. I could see how sad he felt inside" mother said


"I am serious though, I bet that's one of the reasons he chose to leave" mother said and then I began to realise mother might actually be saying the truth.


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