Chapter 2 - Oil paint

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Okay Okay so like I uploaded this already but I wasn't happy and if I'm not happy I know you wont be so I fixed some things. Also I did have art for this chapter but ill just make some later....

Oh yeah, keep in mind that my first language is slang and lots of it so if you spot a misspelling, I sowwy


I took off running to the field with Tiko trying to keep up behind me.

"Hes been shot!"
"Give him room!"
"It wasn't my fault!"

The screaming of the other student was heard as they crowded around what I assumed to be Britain. Running over I saw Rome holding him off of the floor and taking a look at his bloodied arm. He was wincing and had his eyes closed, "What happened!?" I asked seeing the the mess before me. "I told you we shouldn't have trusted that guy with gun, all his family does is cause destruction!" Spain shouted while pointing at Third who has a hand over his mouth. "I..." He tried to speak through his hands but stopped when he saw my gaze. "What. Did. You. Do" My tone was darker than I expected, making him flinch and tears start to well in his eyes.

"I-I didn't mean it I'm sorry... H-he just- He-"
I pulled on his shirt, raising him off of the ground and making him look me in the eyes. "What did you do!!" Shouting only seemed to make him cry more.
"I shot him!" Something inside be began to turn at those words. "It was an accident, I needed help with my clip so I asked him to help me but when he fixed it, I held it the wrong way and it went off!" The scared German squirmed in the air as he spoke with a shaky voice. "Please put me down Soviet!" He said fearfully, his legs dangling.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "That's enough, he told you it was an accident" A deeper voice said behind me. Most likely that of my teacher but at the moment I didn't care. Their voices drowned out as the only thing I could hear was the rapidly beating heart of the boy I was holding...
A part of me wanted it to stop...

"I'm fine dummy, let the lad go!"

Dropping the boy, I turned around to see Britain sitting up and glaring at me. He was holding his arm where a part of his uniform was torn and a small bit of blood was forming. "It was only a graze, calm your tits-"
I shut him up with a hug, not caring about the blood that would stain my uniform. I was just happy he was okay; everyone else didn't matter at the moment. He made a squeak and soon after started trying to get away from me but failing. Putting his bloody hand on my forehead he begin trying to push me off.
"Back you beast!" Screaming, he continuing to push me away but only made me hold onto him tighter.

The blood from his hand dripped down from my head to my chin, which gave me an idea. Making sure he was looking, I licked the blood and smirked as soon as I saw his disgusted face,
"Nice" I smiled, instantly being met with high pitched screaming and more struggling.
Some time later

The class was given a pass to go home early while Britain had been sent to the medical ward. I stayed behind with him to make sure he was fine while still in deep thought. The feeling I had earlier when I was holding up Third... That wasn't normal, and I knew that. I shouldn't have thought those things, but I did. I couldn't even say I didn't like it...
"Why are you still here ya bloody stalker?"

The bored looking country walked out of the room with a large bandage on his arm and a bag in his hand, most likely containing drugs. "I was waiting for-"
"Yeah yeah fuck off, lets go" He motioned me to follow with his other hand. We usually walked home together being as though we lived close so I tried to slow my walking a bit for him to keep up. Staring at him again, I observed his face. Those beautiful white curls that reached his back was tied in a ponytail behind him and slightly bounced as he walked. His skin looked soft in the light and always made me want to touch it. And those eyes...
They were my favorite part about him.
His eyes were slightly angled giving him a serious look that was matched with a bright turquoise blue hue to them. They were gorgeous...
Okay that's a bit weird, what I mean is I just appreciate how beautiful he looks...

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