Chapter 15 - Blood pool

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In a fraction of a second, France felt his body fall. The weight of the crazed German before him laid on him, pinning him to the floor. France felt his breathing all over the place, and his mind unable to process what was happening.
A sinister giggle left Third Reich as he straddled the French males hips, his hand on his chest to keep him down.

Reaching up, he took hold of the expensive looking picket knife drenched in his own blood and slowly started to pull it from his head. The sickening sound of flesh being sliced open and blood squirting onto the floor was enough to paralyze. France felt sick to his stomach as the red blood ran down Thirds white shirt, staining the fabric and then making its way onto his own clothes. The warmness making him feel disgusted.

France has seen beheadings, he's witnessed the screams of the torture and felt the heat of blood on his skin, but he had never seen anyone survive a blow to the skull like that. And no words could express the seer terror he felt in this very moment.
At last, the knife had be taken completely out of the boys skull and the sickening smile of the German grew wider. He turned the blood soaked knife in his hands, looking at it up and down before his eyes landed on the older boy under him.

Frances breath hitched and he started to shake with fear. "Third!" He tried to bargain, "T-T-This doesn't have t-to turn out like this I-I-I-I never knew Spain did what he did I-I would have told him off if I knew just-"

"Shut up"

Third cut him off, putting a bloody hand to his mouth, "It's far too late for excuses..." He giggled, raising the knife in the air. France screamed and put his hand in front of him as his last line of defense just as the knife was brought down. Pain from his hand ripped though him when the blade perused through it with speed, blood beginning to drip down his palm.

At this, the other boys seemed to snap out of their shock induced trance, Britain being the first to do anything. "Third stop!" He shouted at the German boy, running forward and taking hold of his arm that held the knife. Thirds neck seemed to snap at how quickly his attention turned to the Brit and in one quick motion, he drove the knife out of Frances palm and into Britain's shoulder, making the other boy cry in pain.

In a fit of aggression, Britain clinched his fist and punched Third across the face, making him fall and releasing France from his hold. Britain let out a shaking breath as he went to pull the knife out, throwing it to the side and staring back at Third who was quickly recovering from the blow. Just as he stood up, ready to attack the Brit again. Soviet came up behind him and grabbed his hands, putting them behind his back. "Third you need to calm down!" He tried speaking to his friend only to soon realize how strong he had suddenly become.

Soviet grunted as he felt his grip weakening against the resistance of the shorter German. "You guys need to get out of here!" He yelled, staring at the boys before him. France was cradling his hand as tears ran down his blood stained face and Spain had backed himself into a corner of the library as an attempt to hide. "You need to go!" Soviet said a second time, loud enough for everyone to hear.

France seemed to get the memo and quickly pulled himself to his feet, running to pick up his friend who would need help getting away. Britain furrowed his brows when he felt his wound healing, it wasn't painful but it didn't feel good either. "Jack you need to get Tiko out of here!"

Looking up, He noticed how much Soviet was beginning to struggle with holding Third who was now grunting and shaking in anger. "Go-


Everyone flinched upon hearing the voice of the Japanese boy. "I-I don't know what this is, but Third y-you need to stop!" He was visibly shaking and gripping his robes as he walked closer to his deranged friend. "Your hurting them, can't you see that!"
Thirds focus was now on Tiko and Soviet felt him slightly relax in his grip.
"But they....hurt yo-"
Third was silenced when a soft hand was placed on his blood covered cheek. "Please stop" Tears ran down Tikos face as he desperately pleaded with the boy.

This seemed to start working because before you knew it, Third has passed out in Soviets grip. "Oh god..." Tiko gasped when he fell, fearing the worse. In a panic, he ran over to the discard bloody knife that Britain had thrown and reluctantly picked it up, using it to cut off a large chunk of his robes, ripping the rest off as quickly as he could. "No no no no no" He repeated over and over, making his way back to Soviet who had laid Third on the floor.

"Oh god oh god"

Tiko was beyond panicked at this point and was vigorously patting the side of Thirds head in an attempt to stop the bleeding, not realizing it was already healed. "Tiko we-"

"Go tell a teacher, we need a doctor here!"

The Jap cut off Britain as he tried to speak. The two boys standing side by side and looking at one another at the sight of their friend thinking Third was still hurt. "We're going to have to tell him" Soviet said quietly to Britain who just nodded as a response. "What are you guys doing we have to-"

"Tiko listen to me"
Britain got down to his level, putting both hands on his shoulders to slow his panic movements but only getting an angered look. "Listen?! Our friend is bleeding out on the floor and you want me to li-"
Britain shouted at him, making him gasp and reluctantly stop talking. "Look, I'll tell you what's going on soon, very soon, but not now, it's not safe to talk here okay"

He slowly said to the boy as more tears slipped down his face. "But what about..."
"He's fine, I'm fine" Britain motioned towards the bloody cut in his shoulder that magically had to wounds. "I'll explain it all later, but you have to trust me right now, do you trust me?" His grip never faltered as he asked, letting the other know he was serious.
With a heavy sigh and a quick glance at Third, Tiko focused on Britain. "I trust you..." He was unsure if he meant it at this moment, but he knew that his friend wouldn't say just anything in a situation like this. "Alright, good. Now, I need to you do something for me"

"W-What is it?"

"I need you to go to the front desk in the foyer of the school and ask for Madam Pangea, my Aunt. Say it's urgent and ask her to call in a carriage for us okay. It may not make sense right now but getting out of here is the best thing we can do at the moment, got it?"
Quickly nodding his head, the Red and white country got up as fast as he could and ran out of the library. At that, Britain looked at Soviet, "okay that should by us a bit of time, we need to wake this fool and get the fuck out of here."

Getting closer to Third, Britain took at better look at his friend, lifting his eyelids to make sure he was back to normal. "Didn't you send Tiko for help, shouldn't we wait for your Aunt-"
"Have you no sense of the word lying, yeah we're using that carriage but we can't tell him about this just yet. We need to his this fool home and deal with this later" Britain cut off Soviet, who just nodded as a response. "In that case, let me see" The Russian said, moving Britain out of the way kneeling down. Brining his arm up, the taller boy slammed it down into Thirds stomach causing him to quickly shoot his eyes open and hold in stomach in pain, curling up on the floor.

"Owowowowowowowowowie" The boy whispered, looking up at Soviet after a while. "What the hell man-"
He stopped upon seeing the patches of blood that covered both boys above him. Now laying on his hands, he stared wide eyed.

"What the hell happened to you guys"

"Long story, we'll tell you on the way out of here, come on!"

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