Chapter 3 - Warning

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Soviet POV (a little while earlier)

"Are you sure your arms okay?" I asked the shorter boy walking next to me. His arm was wrapped up in bandages that looked uncomfortable and his gaze never faltered. "I told you im fine, it was only a graze so stop asking" I could hear the annoyance in his voice so I moved away from him just a bit to give him some space. "Alright then..."
Silence fell over us as we crossed the street and began walking down the long road towards the train.

Because of the fact that we were countries, we both lived a bit of ways away from the school. Taking the train was the best way to get back home if we didn't have a ride for the day. "Would you like to sit together today?" I asked knowing about his mood. "No" Britain responded quickly. "I'll take my own booth..." Sitting down on a bench, he waited.
I sighed and looked around, it was a nice day today. Very green and the bright from the sun, just perfect. Looking back at Britain, I was surprised when I noticed.... His twin?
'Did he always have a twin?' I thought to myself just noticing that he wasn't the only one with a secret twin, in fact it looked like everything suddenly had a double. I started feeling light on my feet and my head become fuzzy as my vision started to spin. Soon I could no longer fight the feeling to sleep and let it consume me.

??? POV

I looked down at my fingers and raised them to my vision... I was finally in control again.
A smirk made its way to my face as I noticed the beautiful male sitting on a bench next to me. "You should go home without me, there's something I need to handle..." I said watching as his gorgeous turquoise eyes landed on me. "Do what you please, I'm not your mother" He scoffed turning away again. I loved when he acted like this.
Smiling at him I begin to walk off and away from the station.

A memory of this afternoon ran over me as I made my way around the people on the street. I don't know what held him back; If it were me I would have crushed that kids skull in front of the whole class, and yet Soviet held back... Why...
My thoughts ran wild with all of the things I wanted to do to that stupid little German kid for what he did to my love, but as I got closer to the large gray stone mansion, a smirk made its way to my face once again.


-Present time-
Third POV

I back up as fear and adrenaline ran though me. "W-What are you here for..." I asked almost fearing the answer. "He smiled wider as he locked the door, slowly making his way towards me. "I just wanted to talk, that's what friends do, no?" He said, a dark ora growing around him. It was at that moment that I noticed it, his eyes. They were normally gold, but for some reason, his left eye which had a symbolic like birthmark of an outlined hammer and sickle, now held a smaller red mark in his eye.

"W-what's wrong with your eyes..." I asked in an almost whisper tone that he heard anyway and let out a dark laugh. "Oh this, nothing much, but right now that's least of your worries" His smile faded and his eyes landed on me.
I bit my lip, debating if I should scream for help or not, but that all came to a halt as I was suddenly pushed to the floor and my hands pinned to the ground over my head. "Scream and I'll snap your neck~" Soviet whispered in my ear giving the lobe a small lick and sending shivers down my spine.

Tears build up as I tried to get out of his grip but only making him push me down harder. "Look at you trying to fight back!" He smiled and looked me in the eyes. "Listen here Third..." His voice was low and commanding making me stop moving and look up at him not realizing the tears that started to run down my face. "If you ever, ever in your life think its okay to go and hurt my beloved, and then think your gonna get away with it. You are surely mistaken."

I whimpered and turned away from him as he continued talking, "Don't worry, im not gonna hurt you, but take this as warning." He got closer to my ear "Hurt him again and I can assure you that ill make you wish you were dead" He laughed and then dragged his tongue across my cheek, licking my tears.

"I-Im sorry to bother you young master but is everything alright in there, I heard a noise. Did you fall?" One of the house maids stuttered from behind the closed door. "Do something stupid and she dies too" Soviet smirked in my ear making me close my eyes to try and steady my voice enough to speak.
"I-Im okAy" my voice cracked towards the end making me hold my breath in hope that she didnt notice.
" Do you need any hel-"
"No everything's fine..." I said with a much more clear tone this time to make her go away.

"Okay then... Make sure to be ready in an hour for dinner" that was the last thing she said before her footsteps were heard walking away. As soon as we couldn't hear her anymore, soviet smiled at me and then let go, quickly getting up and straightening his clothes. "That's a good boy" He patted my head and started to walk away only to stop.

Fear soon turned into terror as he slowly turned and looked down at me with his one corrupted left eye, "This is your first and last warming Third, don't make come back here..." he then turned away, "And you better not mention this to anyone else, even to me..." with that, he unlocked the door and walked away from the room, soon enough, out of sight.


I stayed on the floor still looking up at the ceiling, tears fully flowing down my face as the gravity of what just happened dawned on me. "I think I'm gonna be sick..."


-Somewhere else-

Britain POV
I watched as the train neared the station and people started to flood from the doors. Getting up, I pulled out my train pass, making sure not to bump into anyone on the way to the first class car. I moved away from a few people and bumped into another, saying sorry before continuing my walk which was soon interrupted when I felt a sharp pain in my neck as if someone poked me. "Ow! Bloody-" I turned around seeing the same people continuing on with their day as if nothing happened. 'What was that?' I thought as I soon made my way to the front cars and got on.

I sat down and closed the door after showing the conductor my pass and the train soon started to move, though my head suddenly started hurting; My throat felt dry. 'What's going on...' I thought, not even noticing how tired I had become. With one last bit of strength, I moved to lay down on the seat and slowly drifted off.




Opening my eyes, I find myself in an unfamiliar place. The woods? I got up and was hit with a horrible smell all around me. "What?"Looking around, I quickly covered my mouth at the sight but then pulled them off my face when the feeling of cold blood came in contact with my lips. "What the fuck!?" I screamed with fear at the sight of numerous animals from birds to deer laying dead around me, all having there stomachs ripped open and there organs laying in the trees around us like some sort of twisted party.

Tears left my wide eyes as I noticed the blood on the clothes and hands...... Did... Did I do this?


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