Chapter 16 - Cant run

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Omg, we're starting off with a new perspective, wooow 😮

Also flashback hehe

Japanese Empire (Tiko) POV

An hour earlier

Walking towards the study hall, I let out a sigh. I was never allowed to take part in weapons class because of my fathers will. So everyday when we had it, I would sit it out in the study room. Only I felt a bit lonelier today.
For some reason, my friends haven't showed up all day, it made me kind of sad to think about what they were doing without me. Maybe they were playing games together at one of their houses, I wouldn't know, I was only allowed to visit if someone came with me.

Or maybe they were skipping school to go somewhere else, without me...
I felt myself frown at that thought, I was never truly sure if they even enjoyed my company. Lord knows I don't hang around them as much as I'd like.
And whats worse, now I'm left alone with France, not that he was a bother to me specifically until today.


Putting that behind me, I walked into the large dimly lit room and closed the door behind me to block out the noise of the hallway. The room was painted red, with red colored expense looking furniture and a red and gold rug. A fireplace in the middle of the room, overall looking very cozy. I smiled and took a breath, making my way to the middle of the room and sitting down.

Here, I could mediate and pray for as long as I needed too, which felt good after the mess I've been through already. Putting myself in position, I took a deep breath, 10 second in, 5 seconds out, and cleared my mind.
It was quiet, but oh so peaceful, the slight noise from outside being blocked from my mind. Though I should have paid attention to my surroundings more because before I knew it, I heard the door shut and footsteps. Quickly opening my eyes, I noticed the four boys that occupied the room with me.

Gasping in realization, I soon felt fear resurface again. "Helloooo, weird to see you here" France smirked, walking toward me, his friends seeming to split up to surround me. "So... any of your friends show up yet?" The boy continued, resting his elbow on a nearby couch. I didn't respond, to be clear, I didn't even know how to respond. What do I say that I already haven't. I knew just as much about my friends whereabout as they did, nothing.

Flinching roughing, I felt Spain place a firm hand on my shoulder, pulling me closer to him as he kneeled down next to me. His breath right up against my ear, "If you really don't know where they are, how about you have some fun with us instead of sitting here... alone"
I didn't like the way he said that word, something about it held a deeper meaning that made me sick to think about. "N-no thank you, I was in the middle of-"
"Oh come on, we promise we won't be as rough as last time" Polska cut in referring to the other day when he knocked me out. His wings visibly twitching in anticipation for blood.

I started to feel extremely uncomfortable when I came to realize Spain's hand that made it's way down my arm, resting on my hip. "Who knows, you might like it"
Not wanting to hear anymore, I pushed Spain away from me in a hurry and got up, making a bolt for the door. Opening it quickly, I began to run down the hallway as quick as I possibly could. The noise of the other four behind me making adrenaline rush through me. "You can run from us Japanese Empire!" I heard France yell from down the hall.

Quickly making a move, I ran into the study hall to slow them down a bit, running to the second floor and slipping in one of the many private study rooms. Closing the dark wooden door, I backed into the far corner of the room in an attempt to hide myself more as the noise from outside became louder.

"Where did he go" Kmt's deep voice spoke up. "Split up and find him!" France said with an annoyed undertone to it. Over the next few minutes, the noise of footsteps and the openings and closings of study doors were heard. The boys talking and yelling for me to come out, but it only made me try to hide myself even more.

I was scared, I didn't know what they were going to do to me and I didn't want to find out, especially if Spain was there.
Suddenly, the noise of the study door opening brought me out of my thoughts. I held my hand over my mouth to be as quiet as I possibly could as the person made their way into the room. I kept my eyes closed, too afraid to do anything other than hide, and if they found out I was here, that would be it for me. None of the other students would be in this area at the time, and god knows no teachers come around here knowing how dumb it was for a student to even go to this school if they were gonna skip out on their education.

Basically, I was fucked

The person seemed to have gotten bored and headed back to the door, closing it behind them, "guys I don't think he's here" I heard Spain tell the others; I dodged a bullet on that note.
The four talked and I soon heard their footsteps fade as they ran to another part of the school, leaving me alone in the dark study room.

Slowly, I got up from my hiding spot and let out a deep breath. 'That was scary' I thought as I silently walked to the door. Opening it, I was met with the smirking face of the Spanish country I thought had previously left. "Found you~" In a Flash, his hands had taken hold of me and backed me up into the wall of the room, putting another hand on my face to keep me from screaming. "Your so stupid if you think I wouldn't see you hiding like a coward" His voice was low, clearly threatening.

I felt my entire body shaking with fear, something was screaming at me to leave, to get away from this guy, but my legs felt like jello and my arms were numb. I watched as his eyes trailed from my own, going down to my lips, and slowly dragging themselves lower. His smirk never leaving as he touched my chest and rested his hand on the string to my robes. "Looks like I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson on respecting your superiors"

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