Chapter 17 - Where did they go?

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The next few minutes felt like hell as he degraded me, touching me in places I would have never let anyone touch. My eyes stung with tears that felt like weakness as they ran down my face. My body jolting at the sinful tingling Spain's hands caused when they touched my sensitive skin.

"Your such a fucking whore" He said to me, taking a hard nip at my ear. "I bet you let your friends do this to you in your free time"
Every word he said felt like a knife that was thrown at me. I didn't want this. I didn't want this
"N-no... I don't want this, please stop" I found my voice only to hear him chuckle, "like I care what you want"

My eyes went wide when I felt him slip into my pants and his rough hands grab hold of me. "No, stop!P-please そこに行かないで!" My own hand touched his arm, hoping he'd stop only to feel him yank my hair and bang my head against the wall, probably taking out my ponytail. "You do what I say or I'll make this 10 times worse"  His eyes were back on my fearful one. "Please don't- ahh いいえ!"

In desperation to keep my dignity intact, I covered my mouth in shame, the only noise in the room being my sobbing and muffled sounds of sin. This wasn't right

I don't want this

I need to get away

I don't want this

I can't let this happen

I don't want this!

I need to do something


"Spain did you find him?"
My eyes went wide and the boy infront of me seemed to holt to a stop at the sudden sound of his friends voice. His grip faltered on me and I took my chance. In a quickly movement, I slipped out of his hold and nearly tripped on my half open robes when I took off running for the door, opening it and making my way across the study halls second floor. I could hear my own rapid breaths as I ran and tried to cover myself as best as I could, the noise of it all drowning out the sound of the angry Spanish man I'm assuming was chasing me.

But I couldn't look back, I had to run. I didn't know where but anywhere that was away from him. I ran into the corridor and took a turn to try and get him off my tail, then felt relief as I noticed the library doors, people often get lost in there; The perfect place to hide...


Present time

My legs felt like they were on fire as I ran through the school hallways to the front office. Quickly pushing the door open and startling some of the school workers.
I walked around them despite their questioning of why I was so panicked. "Ms. Pangea!" My voice was shaking as I opened her office door, seeing her startled face at her desk. She has been talking with a parent but this was more urgent than a simple parent-principal meeting.

"Young man you have to-"

"I need your help!" I cut off one of the staff trying to stop me from intruding on the meeting. "Uh.. could you-"

I never raised my voice like that before, but it seemed to get the message across because Ms Pangea got up, signaling everyone else to leave to room. They looked shocked but quickly left, closed the door behind them.
"What's wrong dear?" She said slowly walking towards me, her voice was calm and sweet but held a sense of urgency at my actions.
"Third- and and Britain- They- I... damn!" I was trying to explain myself but there were so many thoughts going on at once, I couldn't even speak properly. "Calm down, take a breath and tell me what's wrong" She put a hand on my back. "Britain asked me to tell you that he needs a carriage..." That was about all I could remember still in my shocked and panicked state.

A weird look washed over Pangaea face and as if she understood the gravity of the situation I was in. She quickly stood up straight walked over to the phone hanging on her wall.
"Good afternoon sir, I need a carriage prepared and ready in the next minute.... Yes I know that's every soon but it's urgent...Good, thank you."
She hung up the phone and walked back over to me. "You don't have to worry, I called a carriage and it should be ready soon, you can head back to your free period now..." She put and hand on my shoulder to escort me out. "B-But-"
"Go play Japanese empire, the rest of this doesn't concern you." I noticed her gaze, it was more serious now, something was wrong.

I wanted to point out her change in attitude but something in the back of my mind told me to silence myself. "O-okay..." I opened the door and quickly walked out, ignoring the office staff once again.
Something was up... but right now the more important thing to to make sure that Third is safe. At that thought, I picked up speed again, running back to the library.


Upon seeing the large brown doors at the end of the hallway, I noticed that they were open, unlinked the way I left them which was closed. "Britain, Soviet!?" My voice was a bit weak as I was still catching my breath but it was loud enough for them to hear me. Although when I came upon what should have been the place I last saw them, I was only met with the sight of the metallic blood on the floor. Looking around quickly, confusion ran through me.
"Where did they go?"

-Somewhere else-

Third cradled his head in his knees as the carriage rocked and bumped around them. The three had managed to get out of school without being seen and with Pangaea's help, they had a carriage out of school. "...What did I do" The broken voice of Third spoke up finally breaking the silence.


The two older boys glanced at one another, wondering if they should tell him or keep it quiet until they were in a safer place. "Eh..." Britain started "I don't even know. Part of me is kinda scared of you not gonna lie" He waved his bloodied hand in front of his face. Red, just as he thought, some of the blood was still wet but most of it was dry...

'Some of this was France's wasn't it'

He turned his hand, closely examining it. It didn't seem right, something felt off. He didn't like the feeling of blood on his hands.... No...
He didn't like the feeling of Frances blood on his hands, in fact he didn't even like the thought of it.
It made him feel bad, scared, anxious, a large mix of emotions and thoughts, but one overshadowed the others.

Why was he angry, and at what, the fact that someone who he supposed to hate might be injured! This is France we're talking about, his enemy.... Right?

Said country flinched at the mention of his name, breaking his thoughts. "You alright" Soviet put his own hand on the boys knee, hoping to calm him. "...I gotta go back." The words came out before he knew it, shocking the others around him.
"Was!? But you said-"
"I know I just...." Britain couldn't find his words leaving the two other boys confused."
"....I.. I gotta go okay. Stop please!"

The carriage quickly came to a stop and before the others has a chance to talk, the young Brit opened the carriage door and hopped out. Making his way back to the school.

Completely unaware of the darkening feelings in the Russian boy that was now left alone with Third...

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