Chapter 7 - Mother

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Britain POV

It was quiet as we walked behind the child that had just saved us. He looked back at us once in a while to make sure we were still following while he lead. Glancing at Soviet, who was carrying both Third and Tiko, he didn't look back at me.
Words couldn't express how confused I was at his behavior, I had never seen him move that fast, let alone act that way. Then to forget what you did just a few seconds ago? Something wasn't right with him.

"H-Hey kid, where are we-"

"You'll see, be patent Union Jack" He softly spoke as we turned the corner to the teachers halls. I had never been down here before so turning back now wasn't in option unless you wanted to get lost in this behemoth of a school.
"Can I at least know your name?..."
I felt as if my words fell on deaf ears when he didn't respond for a second, only to stop and turn back to me. "United Nations, please call me UN" a small smile tugged at his lips, "we're here... stay quiet as to not disturb mistress Mother"

Looking around, I saw that we were in the teachers library, many large bookshelves towered over us. "Huh-"

"Hush please"

UN walked towards a far off corner of the library and pulled out off the books. "The Art of War" it read. He opened to a page and took out a skeleton key, sliding the book back to where it belonged. "Let's go" he motioned turning to the back of the library where an odd looking hole in the wall was placed. He put the key in the wall and pushed until it disappeared. 'I don't think that's how locks work?' I thought to myself.

Soon a noise was heard and the wall slid open to reveal a dark stairwell leading up. "Come" he began his way up the stairs, Soviet and I soon followed. The door closed behind us and the only light was that of the boys eyes, a soft blue glow. "How are your eyes glowing-
"You ask too many questions" He said in the darkness. A light at the top of the stairs came into view. Soon enough noises of machinery and metal hitting metal came to our ears. "Mother, I have them as you asked!" He said as we reached the top of the steps into a room I didn't even know existed.

The room was dark, only lit up by the many large tubes of different neon colored liquids. Some even had animals or weird looking objects in them. There were things scattered on the floors and the table in the middle of the room had many books and papers with all over it. Mixed with the large moving machinery, the room looked like some type of sick laboratory, the smell of chemicals and books only made it worse.

"Take off your shoes and I'll be right with you boys" a voice shouted from seemingly every direction. "Why are we here?" Britain asked the child who guided him. "You'll find out in a second, please wait" UN said back now turning away from the older boy.
Agitation ran through him at this. He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the large noise of something falling and hitting the ground with enough force to make him flinch.

"Ow fuck!"

Turning, the boys noticed the tall figure that had just fallen from the second story of the large area, landing in a pile of discarded metals on the floor. "I didn't mean to do that but let's pretend I did" the woman stated now starting to stand up, her true height towing over the boys. Her skin was pitch black which matched well with her large piercing green eyes and the white outline of a continent on her face. Her dark hair was braided into many different patterns on her head and was fitted with gold pendents and beads that complemented her skin. She was beautiful in the eyes of many and Britain could tell.

"Excuse my language, she spoke as she took in the boy's appearance. A frown made it's way to her lips, "it seems we are running out of time..." she shook her bare feet off and made her way around the room, pitching up weird looking items and making her way back. "Hey-!" She grabbed hold of the brits hand and pricked his finger, drawing blood that was sucked up my the small machine. "What the hell woman!" He held his finger in pain.

She didn't speak as the green lights of the machine went off and it turned red. Her face become infected one of worry. "Damn it who knew it would spread so quickly"
"Spread what, what's going on!?" Britain's question went unanswered as the woman made her way over to a larger tube like machine and pressed a few buttons causing it to open. "Please take off your shoes and step in the ring" she said without even looking at him.

"Huh? wha-what, you still haven't told us why we're here, I'm not stepping in that contraption!?" An irritated jack shouted at the woman, his patents running low. The woman stopped and looked towards the boys. "Your right, I didn't even introduce myself, oh silly silly me" she made her way over, "my name is Alkebulan, otherwise known as mother of mankind, you may call me mother" She bowed slightly, noticing that one of the boys didn't even look like he was paying attention.

"Soviet are you alright sweet heart?" She asked him directly, making him glance at her and then look away again. "Oh dear, you still much be suffering from shock. Why don't you put the others down over there and take a rest" she suggested.
The younger did as instructed but didn't make a sound while doing so. Carefully he laid the others down on the softer looking table and took a seat next to them, just him and his thoughts.

Britain almost felt sad for the younger male, but continued his conversation, wanted nothing more than to leave this place as quick as possible
"Well...why are we here, and how do you know us?" Britain stayed on alert, never having heard of this woman before. She frowned and took a deep breath, "You are here because it is time you know the truth that your families tried to hide..." she paused, " all are sick, sick with something that was never meant to be in existence...

...And it's killing you"

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