Chapter 10 - The Black death

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Britain POV

"Mother may I speak to you for a moment" I walked into the tea room with Soviet trailing behind me. I was trying to keep calm, but inside my mind was racing with thought of what her reasoning for this was. She looked up, her face filled with strawberry tarts and jam, some of it failing to get into her mouth but settled for sitting on her face.

Her skin was a light pink color with the white outline of the continent of Europe. Her eyes, a light blue that matched my own, and her hair, a deep white like my own.
She was dressed in a very expensive looking top with with a pink corset half unbuttoned over it. For some reason, she didn't have on her skirt today but instead wore her white pantaloon bottoms and stocking. To the left of her, Aunt Pangea was drinking quietly from her teacup in full royal attire with her large green hoop skirt and white corset fully buttoned. Various maids sat around the two, some eating, some waiting on my Mom and Aunt.

Mom squealed upon hearing me enter the room. Clearing her mouth of food, she whipped the mess on her face onto her shirt sleeve much to my dismay. "Honey! How are you feeling, you didn't say hello to me today" She said with slight sadness. I dismissed her question. "Uh...why are you in your underwear?"
"Oh never mind that my love, come give your mother a hug!" She got up and ran over to me, holding me in a tight hold that made me uncomfortable. "Mother, please put your skirt back on if you wish to hug me!" I raised my voice in annoyance at her actions.

"Nonsense darling, I birthed you it's not like you haven't been down there before" She said in a high pitched voice making me embarrassed. "Uh.. o-okay I- we need to speak with you for a second... alone" As I said this, the room when quiet. Quickly, the maids gathered their things and in neat rows, they all walked out of the room, thanking Mom for the tea break. "Alright darling, what is it that you needed to talk about" Mom smiled at me and Soviet.

I felt a small squeeze on my hand and looked over to the taller boy who signaled that my aunt was still in the room. She looked a bit worried. "Auntie could you please excuse us"
"O-oh sorry..." She got up gracefully and started to walk past us, staring at me with concern one last time before exiting and closing the door behind her. "Hm!" Mother started, "Come on lads, take a seat! Get comfortable!" Running off again, she jumped and landed in a large pile of pink and purple pillows in the corner of the room. Her head popped out of the pile letting out a few giggles.

"Mother...was I... ever sick as a child" I let go of Soviets hands and tried to approach as kind as I could. "Hmmm" She laid down in the pillows, tracing one of the patterns. "Not really, you weren't sick much."
I sighed knowing this was gonna be harder than I thought. Mom was always so ditzy when it came to serious topics. "Well there was that one time when you were 5, ohhh you were sick for daaaaays." I perked up at that. Taking a glance at Soviet, he waved his hand signaling me to continue. "Uhh... do- do you remember what I was sick with?"
"Uhhhhhhhh.... No!" Her smile came back again as she threw up a pillow into the air, catching it and laughing. "Goodness I need to get more of these, why are they so entertaining!" She carried on playing.

Looking back at Soviet, I raised my hands telling him that this wasn't going to work. He softly sighed and looked to the floor in thought. "Oh oh I remember!" She caught our attention again. "What was it?" I asked noticing how her smile turned into a distraught expression. "I'm...uh w-who wants strawberry tarts!" Mother struggled to get out of her pile of pillows but eventually got up and walked away from us.

Was she dodging the question? "Mother you didn't answer the question-"
"You two look so tired, how about some tea!" She cut me off, beginning to pour some tea into an empty cup. "Mother!-"
"Please don't make me talk about that!" She shouted at me quickly covering my her mouth when she noticed her tone of voice. "I-I'm sorry... I just... I- I promised your father that I wouldn't speak about it... please don't ask"

She looked sad at the mention of my father. From my left, Soviet stepped forward. "My queen, if I may..." He asked her permission to speak which she gave by waving her hand, tears pricking her eyes. He gave a small bow, "We know he was sick, and I'm sorry it was such hard time for you, but it's not sickness we need to know more about..." He moved closer to her and took her hand. "It's how he got better. Whatever services you used to make him better isn't doing what you want it to. Both, him and others were given the same. We need to know what made him better and how, or something really bad will happen to both us and more" He explained.

Moms face showed sympathy. She let out a quick sigh and took a seat at the table. "...You we're sick... with the black death" She started. I moved closer as we both listened closely to her. "You we're only 5 at the time. It was a gift from the lord that you even survived a week. Me and your father were so scared for you; Half the kingdom had caught it and we were losing hope" A tear slipped past her eyes as she continued. "After the first week, I had your gravestone made in the courtyard, right next to my mother... but your father.
He didn't know when to give up, he didn't want to let you go"

Her hand was placed on mine. "You wouldn't even wake up at this point and every doctor in the kingdom said that you were knocking on deaths door. There was no hope for your recovery because of your age. But he was so stubborn" She squeezed my hand as more tears came down. "I remember waking up in the middle of the night to you crying. At first I got up thinking that maybe you were hungry, but then I realized that you were sick. You weren't supposed to even be alive and yet I could hear your cries from my quarters.
I remember rushing to your room not even noticing that your father wasn't in bed. Though I soon found out what happened when I got closer."

Flashback———Third person POV

The quick footsteps of the queen were overshadowed by the cries of the young child from down the hall. The door was closed as she got closer so in a rush she quickly opened the door with a push only to freeze at the sight. In front of her stood a man in a pledge doctors mask and black robes. His back was turned to her making her gasp in fear. "W-who are you, why are you here! Guards-"

A hand was placed on her mouth, silencing her screams and causing her panic. She tried to get out of the grip of the man but stopped when he whispered in her ear. "Shhh... look" The voice of her husband and king told her. Slowly, he let go of her and pointed to the bed of their child. He was awake in his bed, hands on his eyes as he cried. His young voice screaming... he was alive?!.

Words couldn't express her happiness as she ran past the strange doctor and hugged her child, he hugged back and cried into her shirt. "How! How are you alive. This must be a sign from God himself!" She touched his vibrant white hair which was once dull. His skin that once held deaths color, and saw his eyes that she thought would be closed forever. Slowly she looked back at the mysterious doctor. "How?! What type of dark magic have you done!"

The doctor stared at her from behind the mask. "Not magic my dear..." His voice was muffled and distorted, not sounding human at all. "Science" He spoke menacingly, soon turning to the king. "You will tell no one of my existence, my medication or my practice. As far as you know, your son had awoken without a trace of death. He is no longer weakened to this world evils.

For he is a sickness which can't be cured!

He is the Ruling


Ohh two chapters in a day, how can this be 😫

It's as if I felt like writing again... WOW ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

Let's see your guesses on what's going on here, I will be watching for comments

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