Chapter 19- Accept me

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Alright everyone I'm back up for posting. This took longer than I thought because god damn I write a lot and had a lot of spelling, grammar, and plot mistakes to go through. Took a whole month 💀
But I'm back and with new art so LETS GET IT

Britain POV

I stared into the eyes of the person I had thought I hated. He was okay, and he was here. Somehow, that thought made me feel some type of way, was I happy? Sad? Or just glad no one died? That I didn't know, and yet and still, standing here and staring into those green eyes which I somehow found... gorgeous; that alone was enough for fear to grow in the pit of my stomach.

"Where did you guys go!" I was startled by the angry Japanese boy standing up suddenly and getting in my face. "I thought you all left me! Friends don't do that Britain!" He seemed angry, though his face didn't show it much. "I-I'm sorry, I came back to get you. We needed to get Third out of there first" I lied, I didn't need him being mad at me in a situation like this. We had to get this sorted before free time was over.

It was then I noticed Tikos attire, he didn't have on his robes, I never even knew he wore anything under them. "What happened to-"
"Never mind that, we must get- that..." He motioned to Spain with disgust, "To the nurses office" He then turned to me with a stern face. "Then I expect an explanation on where you guys have been today. No more lying"

With a quick nod, the three of us got Spain to look somewhat presentable and not like he just had his leg broken in any way, and helped him stand. "I'll take him to the nurses, you two can go to class" France told me and Tiko as he steadied himself against Spain. "No" I spoke up, "I'll go with you"

I didn't need to go with him as he was more than capable of carrying his friend on his own, but somehow I felt the need to. "No, I got it. You go get yourself cleaned up" Frances eyes trailed from my own and down my body. Stopping at the blood on my shirt. "You shouldn't be walking around like that... someone might see" I started to feel a hidden tension in the air as his eyes made their way back to mine. It felt as if he was actually worried about me in a weird sort of way.

"No- Ill help, it's only fair"

"You really don't need to, I'm fine"

"But your hand, it could get worse if you move it so much"

"Non I-"

"Oh my gosh I'll help, 君たちはうっとうしい!" Tiko pushed me aside and helped Spain on his other side. "Britain, go get yourself cleaned" He started, "I'll come find you later for" With a quick glance at France, I quickly looked away and bit my lip. "Alright, just be careful okay"

Tiko nodded and helped France carry Spain down the hall as I watched. The two soon taking a turn and getting out of my sight. 'What's wrong with me...'
I sighed and turned around to walk the other way towards the changing rooms for a change of clothes before free time was over.

The large palace like hallways felt even larger for some reason today. Maybe I was just feeling a bit sick or something. After a while, the changing room door came into view, only, someone was there.

Freezing at the sound of my name, I was meet with the sight of my Aunt standing in front of the changing rooms with a stone face. There was no way she didn't notice the blood on me so there was no way of lying. "Hi Auntie..." We stared at one another for a second before I noticed the change of clothes in her hand. "What's that for?" She looked at them before handing them to me. "Get yourself cleaned and changed" Upon taking them from her, she began walking away before stopping. "I was never here" She said before continuing.
Well that was odd


A few hours later-

Third POV

Opening my eyes, I was instantly met with a fuzzy feeling all's over my body. It wasn't painful but it didn't feel that good either. Looking around, I noticed I was in my bedroom. The windows were open but the curtains were closed, moving swiftly when the wind ran through them. It was a nice sight, only... it was nighttime?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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