Chapter 5 - Watch your back

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Polska- aka old Poland
Kemet/ Kmt - aka old Egypt

3rd person POV

"Alright everyone, today I've been given a few announcement that I have to read to you before we begin class" Rome told his students sitting on the polished bronze floor of the armory. Pulling out a piece of paper, he started to read.

"Attention students, I have been notified of bla bla bla boring bullshit, bla bla bla bla keep watch ... Oh what's this?" Rome went quiet as the students watched, some with suddenly interest at the pause of their teacher.
"Didn't you said you were supposed to read it to us" Polska asked while fixings his armored wing. "I am reading it, Im just skipping the boring parts is all" Rome pouted, balling up the paper and throwing it behind him.

"Well, what did it say?" Soviet shouted from the back of the room. "Eh, something about dead animals and walking home in groups or whatever- Now, for class today, I'm gonna show you how to light a burning arrow!"
"Wait what!?" France stood up in alarm, "What exactly did the letter say?" You could hear the worry in his voice. "I told you it wasn't impor-"

Rome's words were silenced as a dagger flew right past his head and straight into the wall behind him. "Tell us what it said old man!" Kemet who sat beside Soviet with another dagger in his hand yelled at the teacher in backup of his friend. "Alright damn!" Rome pulled the weapon out of the wall with a frown.

"Apparently a lot of dead animals were found in the woods near the school so the continents want everyone to walk home in groups or whatever" His words grabbing their attention.

"What type of person would harm innocent animals?" Tiko whispered from beside the European country who sat still, trying to hide his face from the world at the mention of his shame. "I have no idea..." Britain sighed with his head down. "Alright, now can we get back to class. I really wanna show you guys this!" Rome pouted at his worked-up students.
France glared moving to go sit next to his friends once again. "You act like a child..." A smirk made its way to his face, "Kinda like Jack" He added making some of the boys snicker at the comment.

Third looked towards Britain who was leaning on the wall, he had bags under his eyes and looked a little sad to the German boy, so without thinking, he decided to speak up.
"That wasnt nice-
"No one asked you shorty" Polska cut him off at the attempt to defend his friend.

"I wasn't talking to you you stupid pigeon" The smaller of the two whispered. "You mind saying that a bit louder amigo..." Spain turned to glare at the smaller boy as he had heard his words not sitting too far in the first place. Third flinched under his gaze now noticing the four staring at him.
"I-I didn't-
"Oh what, not so talkative now huh?" France played with the small knife between his fingers while Polska leaned on him, his blade-like wings twitching behind him, threateningly.

"Uh...sorry.." Third quickly looked away as the others smirked. "That's what I thought-
"Why are you such a prick?" The attention shifted from Third to Britain who was still sitting on the wall. "Who the hell do you think your talking too?!" The French male raised an eyebrow at the others tone. Britain's cold stare didn't falter. "Who the fuck else would I be talking too?!"

France stood up and began walking over to the Brit until he was directly in front of him. The two now faced to face with the tension in the room becoming unbearable as France's friends watched Britain's every move, daring him to try anything. "Alright, how's about we just calm down, nothing comes from violence other than more violence!" Tikoku stood up and tried to stop the argument before something happened.

France quickly glared down at him, then back at the male infront of him. "Your right, he's not worth getting my hands dirty..." The boy smirked, now backing up from the other.

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