Chapter 18 - Burning feeling

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After Britain's sudden leave, the carriage started again. The rocking and bumping on the red brick roads of the tail, loud, but not loud enough to break the even louder tension of the two countries.

They stared at one another, one visibly more uncomfortable than the other. Third looked away quickly when he noticed the burning gaze of the other staring right at him. "..."
He opened his mouth to speak but then shut it once he realized he didn't know what to say, I mean what could he say.

"Did you forget my warning"

USSR spoke from the mouth of his host, looking down on the smaller country. "N-no... I-I...w-whatever I did please forgive me. I don't want any trouble with you Soviet!" Third started to panic, his hands were shaking as they gripped into the seat of the carriage and his eyes starting to swell with tears. He was afraid, and USSR knew this.

And he loved it

The taller of the two sighed, momentarily taking complete control over Soviet and shifting in his seat to a more relaxed position. He looked out of his window for a second before looking back at Third Reich and chuckling at his uncomfortable face, smirking at him with hidden intentions.
Suddenly in a flash, USSR jumped at the younger boy, punching him square in the face before he could even scream.
Third fell back, putting a hand to his cheek with a cry of pain, his breath hitching when he felt his attacker grip on his shirt and pull his body to face him again. "I'm going to enjoy this"

Those words sent chills down the boys spine as he thought of what to do, those soon being cut off by another powerful blow to his to the face, the grip on his shirt never giving him a chance to absorb any of the force. Another one and he felt a buzzing in his head like static, more quickly following after.

At some point, he heard the deep laughing of the Russian who he thought was his friend, echoing through the carriage as he took even harder blows to the face. His body shaking in fear and agony, and his hands trying to defend himself but ultimately failing after being forced under the Russian. He was powerless.

Another hit

His felt lightheaded

Another one

The sudden sound of a crunch irritated his ears

Another one

He could barely open his eyes

The giggling turned into laughing at the splash of red that he noticed on Soviets own skin, darker than his already red hands.
Was that blood?
Was that his blood?
These he didn't know but that didn't matter right now. Slowly but surely, Third felt himself lose consciousness...

...And something much more sinister take control

Just as USSR was about to deliver another punch to the already broken face of his friend, he felt a quick movement from under him, a his body get thrown back, nearly making the carriage tip to its side. "Boys be careful back there!" The carriage conductor shouted at them from the front, completely oblivious to what was going on.

USSR's eyes widened in surprise and the shock of the sudden pain he felt, holding his chest and trying to catch his breath. 'What in the absolute fuck was that'
The Russian thought to himself as he lifted his eyes to see the previously wounded German now sitting calmly. His breathing was rough and he was partially sat against the side of the seat, one hand laid out in front of him as if he was tried. Slowly his right eye looked up at USSR, only it was narrow and a dark red color, a sick smile complimented the look.

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