Chapter 14 - Third Reich

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Soviet POV

"What do you think happened?" Britain asked next to me as we walked a bit of ways away from the study room. "Don't know, whatever it is, he'll tell when ready" I said back, pulling out a seat at a table and sitting down. I heard Britain huff and sit next to me.
"Why do you keep doing that"

"Doing what?"

"That thing you do"

I raised a brow making the shorter male sigh loudly, "Like, being all 'goodie goodie', like now, giving them space to talk and not wanting Tiki to tell you so that we can beat the shit out of whoever did this!" He raised his hands in the air in annoyance. "Stop doing that it's weird!" The Brit huffed.
I let out a small chuckle at his cuteness, "Maybe if you would think for second, you would realize making sure your own is okay first, is more important than getting revenge" I smiled at him. "Yeah whatever" He pouted, looking away from me.

'God he's so fucking cute'

Oh no not again.
My smile faded at the voice that spoke in my head; looking away from Jack, I tried to make it seem like I was thinking and not about to have an argument in my own mind.
'What are you doing here'

'What the hell do you mean, I never left'

'Yeah well right now is not the time, he might notice!'

"Soviet you good?" Trying not to jump at the thought of being noticed acting weird; I looked over to Britain, opening my mouth to speak. "Yeah why"
My eyes widened but I quickly tried to make myself look as normal as possible, 'what the hell are you doing!' I screamed at myself. 'Helping out'

Even without a body, I felt USSR smirk. Jack sighed and put his head in his hands. "Nothing, you just seem like your thinking a bit hard over there"
"Oh that's not the only thing that's hard"
"What was that?"
"Nothing, I was just saying how situations like this are hard to deal with"

If I could, I would have facepalmed at the level of cringe USSR just made me do. "Hm...okay" Britain looked a bit confused but dropped it as soon as he heard the distant laughter that we both knew too well. "You think the Asian might have ran in here?" France's voice was heard causing my entire body to begin pumping adrenaline. I clinched my fist and listened to the voice coming closer to us.

"Maybe, he seems like the type" Spain must have been with him. Though because of the way the two were talking, it seemed like they were the only ones there. 'Perfect' I felt USSR's sinister motives. 'No, we're not gonna do anything stupid, let's just talk this out, and if they do anything, we'll defend ourselves' I told him now looking at Britain who was just as focused on the voices as I was.

The two came around the corner and France the was first to look at us, freezing and putting his hand up to stop Spain from walking. We all made eye contact and I noticed how confusion and slight fear went across their faces. "Well, you two finally decided to show up! ...What happened to those gifts I left on your skin yesterday..." France spoke up, glaring at Britain who was slightly shaking.

"Don't know what you mean" He bluffed, putting on a brave and cocky looking smirk to throw them off. "Don't play dumb, I fucked you and your little friends up the other day-"
"I don't remember that? Soviet?" Britain looked at me for support. "I have no clue what he means" I found my voice again, taking control of my own body.

"Wha?!" Spain looked just as confused. "W-Whatever, I'll just have to make up for it today won't I" An evil smirk made it's way to Frances face, Spain copying it right after. "We don't want any trouble" I tried to deescalate the situation silently feeling the itching in my body to pounce on them.

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