Chapter 1 - Armor

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Britain POV

I was fuming

Words could not express how fucking bad I wanted to hurt that prick

Who the hell does he think he is walking in here like he owns it...

Well he kinda does own it but that's not the point!

The point is that right now....

Well.... I...there-there is no point really...

Oh wait I have one



-not even a minute earlier-
3rd person

"Hello peasants!"
Britain walked through the arches of his classroom with his head held high. The other students let out frustrated sighs with the once again loud intro of the usually obnoxious student. "Your king has arriv-
"Move!" Someone harshly shoved the boy out of the way, making him fall on the floor with a thud. The boy quickly turned to look at the culprit. "Who dares-" He stopped. Now seeing who had the audacity to harm a royal, he wasn't surprised to see that it had been.... another royal. The culprit in question didn't even glance at him as they quickly stepped over his body and into the class of giggling students, that person being the country of Gaul, otherwise knows as The French Republic.

"Your too loud" The boy said, walking towards his seat in class. "Learn when to shut up"
Now, It wasn't uncommon to say that the two hated one another... Most just didn't know much they despised the other.

Getting off the floor, the blue country dusted himself off and frowned at the laughing of his classmates. "Nice work Francia" Spain laughed from the back of the class. "I....I cant believe you...fell from such a light push!" Persia who could barely form words, spoke through laughter.
The laughing continued all while Britain became crowded with embarrassment. "Y-you guys are mean..." He pouted and walked to his seat behind Soviet who had a smirk on his face.

"What have we learned..." The taller country smiled at the flustered boy behind him. "mmmm" Britain mumbled in protest. "Don't worry Jack, I still think your cool" Third who sat beside said country smiled. "No one asked you shorty" Britain shot him down making him laugh nervously, "o-okay sorry"
In a fit of embarrassment, he shot France a look, pretending to burn holes in his head but silently taking in his appearance.

He had blue hair with white tips at the ends and had it strung in a ponytail, of coarse he wore a small hair pin to signify his importance and family wealth. Most countries did this in first class. He wore a black and white stripped shirt with a white sweater over to match with his black pants and white boots. Over all he looked.... Annoying. As usual.

"Okay everyone, class has started and I'm in charge!" A very perky teacher wearing golden armor walked into the room with a smile. The teacher in question didn't look much older than the students, and in reality, He wasn't.

"For todays class were going to be experimenting with fire arms, both melee and automatic so make sure everyone gets changed into your gear and meet me outside in courtyard 3!" The Eternal City widely known as The Roman Empire smiled at his students who didn't move a mussel at the sight of their new teacher. "Why are you all still sitting here I said go" This however seemed to wake them up and they rushed to the changing rooms.
Britain on the other hand didn't move being as though he was still angry about earlier.
"Jack we have to go"
"Leave him, he'll get up when he feels" Soviet said trying to ease Thirds worries of his friend. "Alright then, Ill see you guys in the field" The smaller skipped out of the room.

As he left Soviet crouched down to Britain who was in fact hiding his face from the other. "Hey... You okay?" The taller of the two asked putting a hand on the others curly blonde hair. "Mmm" his words were muffled by his sweater making Soviet let out a chuckle. "Well todays assignment will help you feel better; we're shooting things.. I'll save good guns for you, maybe even cannon?" Britain smirked at the others broken English and pulled his head up from his arms. "Fine..." He stood up and instantly let out a scream. "Why are you still here!!" He yelled at his teacher who was sitting on a desk at the front of the room with a smile on his face.

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