Chapter 9 - Weird Notes

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"What do you mean by sick!? Is this some kind of weird joke because it's not funny" Britain shouted at the woman, his heart rate skyrocketing at the new information. "Listen to me Britain-"
"Listen to you!? You just said something was killing me and you want me to listen!" His breathing becomes heavy and he starts to walk in circles. "I shouldn't be stressed like this, I'm the prince for gods sake, I shouldn't even be worrying about something like this, especially from a woman!"

"Britain you must calm down and listen-"
"Don't you dare speak to me peasant!" He shouted at UN making the boy flinch at the tone.
Hands made there way around Jacks waist, pulling him close to someone taller. "Calm down, it's gonna be okay" Soviet softly said in the boys ear, instantly making him just a bit calmer.
Britain looked at the ground and took a deep breath, taking in the surprisingly comforting scent of the younger boy behind him. "What are we sick of and how do we get rid of it" He said softer this time as Soviet let reluctantly let go.

"What you have isn't something you can just 'get rid of" Mother walked towards a binder on a nearby desk. "I've been studying it for a long time and still have no clue how it to treat it" She flipped through the pages. "What was it meant for? Did you create this?" Soviet spoke up. "No I didn't make it, and I don't know who did but I do know enough about it" she stopped at a page.

"I want you two... three.." She looked over to Third who was still unconscious next to Tiko. "I want you to come back here tomorrow, after school. To better understand this 'thing' and how it effects its host, I have to test those who have been infected by it" Britain let out a loud sign of annoyance at the new information.

"Although..." Everyone's attention fell back on Mother. "The things that I have discovered are quite alarming, it's best that you two know before it starts to effect you more than it already has" She walked over with the book and placed it on a table, waving them over to see. "So far I've realized that there are three different types of this 'thing,' they stem from the main one which I like to call 'The Ruling'."

"Its the first type I've heard of since I found these notes, the other two are variants are mutated versions of the first. Mostly the same, but overall different."
Soviet stared at the notes, some looked old with drawings of different liquids in a tube and others were a bit new and made with different hand writing than that of the first. "Where you find these" He looked up at the woman.
"It's a long story, I just want to know who made them" She closed the book, beginning to walk back towards the table where a few other things sat. "Then why are you doing this, what's your reasoning. And how do you even know that we've been infected with whatever! It seems to me that your making this up!"

Britain became frustrated again as Mother went quiet, she let out a sigh and picked up another notebook. Opening it, she smacked it on the table for the others to read.

'12th day of the sun...
The chemicals are reacting well to one another, and so far I've had a few orders from different sponsors, which is good because it's the only thing keeping this place running. Although...

There are some complications that have faintly started showing in animal test #3. It's starting to show new symptoms, it may have mutated.

I woke up this morning to find that roommate rat that I put in it's cage had been killed. It had bite marks in it, presumably from #3 herself. Though she didn't attack me when I took the deceased out of her cage. Strange

#2 has also been up to strange behavior. It has a strange attachment to the comfort roommate rat in his cage. He won't let me touch him and attacks me when I try. I'm glad signs from #1 show, but somethings different here....

The notes continued down the page, some of it was stained and unreadable but you could make out what it said slightly of the sun seems to be a double mutation in test animals #3 and .... Test animal #1 still holds the original patterns. He is the control variable .... On a side note, some of the rats are starting to have different abilities when it comes to venerability. My scalpel doesn't seem to hurt them anymore as they always seem to heal quickly after operations.
Although #4........................... I'll have to keep an eye on them.

"What does this mean" Britain spoke with confusion. He didn't understand what he was looking at. "Read the last entry..." Mother's words held a sinister tone.

57 day ...... sun
.......I've gotten #.... New orders for the serum ........... testing on humans....... Children.
......told.....risks but because of their situations, they don't seem to care....... Hope it does well....... ...........die if.........

List of parent patients :

...... & Queen Europe
Patient: Union Jack
Age: 5

Russian Empire & Anya Sloski
Patient: Anya Sloski (Age 24) & Soviet Union (Age 4)

Second Reich & ........
Patient: Third Reich
Age: 3

Patient: ..............
Age: 3

After reading the notes, Jack looked up at Soviet in shock, their eyes met but both said nothing.
"Do you see why I've taken up on this experiment, that's not even the only book, there were more before which talked about this- this virus! Many could die if I don't figure out how to stop it. That includes the host"
Her words rang on deaf ears as the two stared in silence.
"...wha.." Britain put his hands on his head. "Oh god"
"Who's last patient?" Soviet asked quietly, as if he was afraid of the answer.

"I don't know yet, but from the age range, the last person has to be in this school, presumably in your grade level, you might want to keep an eye out for anyone showing the same symptoms as you. For now, I think you all should come back here after school tomorrow for more test. If we want to stop this, it has to be done as soon as possible..."


Third person POV

Britain sad down next to Soviet and put his head in his hands. "I don't..."
He stopped making the other look down at him in the small amount of sunlight they had left. The white curls of the smaller boy covering his face until he looked up at the ceiling, pushing his hair back and reviling the tears running down his face. "Soviet I don't wanna die... not yet" His voice was close to cracking as he talked.
Soviet didn't say anything, he kept his eyes on the other and listened to him. "I- I also don't want to hurt anyone else. If this virus makes me do that.... I-I don't know what to do anymore" His hand found it's way to Soviets and the other intertwined their fingers, using his thumb to sooth him.

"All will be fine, we'll get past this together, I promise you-"
"No!" Jack cut him off, "This isn't going to be okay Soviet, please don't lie to me!" His soft cries started to run into sobbing as he spoke. "Soviet I... I killed those animals in the woods, that was me! I harmed something that didn't even bother me." He got up and raised his voice, letting go of the others hand. "I'm a monster-"
"Don't ever say that about yourself Britain!" Soviet got up as well, towering over the other, he pulled him into a hug. "This not your fault, don't ever thing that your monster for something you can't control... ever"

Britain broke down and gripped onto Soviet, soon started to so. His tears staining the others shirt, but Soviet didn't care. Someone he cared for was hurt, and he hated seeing him cry.

"Is it bad- is it bad that I want to do it again..."

Britain said softly barley over a whisper through his cries. Instead of answering, Soviet hugged him tighter, breathing in his scent and kissing the top of his head. He didn't say anything back but instead waited for the Brit to calm down.


"I need to ask my Mother about this"

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