Chapter 13 - He will pay

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"I-I don't know" Third Reich replied and looked to meet her eyes. "If I'm honest, if this was real, and my brother and father were there, my son, one of my friends and my...lover" He blushed at the word, "I don't think I could react, they might all just die because of me" He was quiet after this.

"...I-I don't like this test, can I go to class now?" He got up from his seat.
"Not yet, this is only the first test. There's still three more-

"Ich will das nicht mehr tun!"

He shouted at her making UN flinch and drop his crayon. Third slightly gasped but quickly looked away. "I'm sorry, I-I'm just really stressed right now. I have a hard time making decisions..."

He looks back at the dolls and picks up the 'Lover' doll.
"This one...I don't know the reason" He put it down on the table and sat back down. Mother sighed and wrote something down in her book. "Oops!" UN picked up his broken crayon. "...Es tut mir leid "Third whispered upon seeing the state of the crayon. "It's okay" UN replied causing a look of shock to cross the boys faces. "You speak German?" Soviet was the first to ask.

"Language has no meaning to me" The young boy replied using the biggest broken crayon piece to color again. "А ты говоришь по русски?" Soviet smirked. "Да, что я только что сказал" Un said back, still focused on his work "Here we go" Mother giggled closing her book.

"Wait wait wait wait wait" Britain cut in "Creo que estás mentindo!" He shouted at the kid in Galician. He smiled when UN didn't answer right away.
"Non o creo" The kid said back with just as big a smile throwing the other off. "What are you!" Britain said with genuine confusion. Un giggled as a response. "A 7 year old kid" He shrugged going back to his drawings.

"Alright onto the next test"

Time skip————-

"Fuck!" Britain cursed as he quickly fell on the floor. His leg bound to the other two males. "Get up get up get up!" Soviet squealed as he felt himself beginning to fall over only to be pulled into Thirds chest who at this moment held the most balance out of all three of them. The three were told to stand on a small tower made from large books with their legs tied together.
Britain was of course the first to fall. "Ms. Mother- or uh...Ms. Africa...uh Ma'am can we please get down!" The German asked shaking, trying to keep balance. "One moment" Mother quickly wrote down her observations and UN watched, sitting on a few pillows and drinking a juice box.

"Ow ow! Soviet your nails hurt!"
"Sorry" Said boy was trying not to fall and unknowingly digging his nails into the other boy for safety. "Alright you can fall now" Upon those words, Britain smirked and pulled the rope connecting himself to the other two, causing them to fall. Third screamed as they both tumbled to the ground with a thud. "What the hell Jack" Soviet growled at the boy in question who stuck his tongue out with a smirk.
"Bite me"

"You don't know how much I want too"



The sound of the school bells rang through the laboratory signaling the start of the student lunch period. "Well, I have enough information for right now, you boys should get back to your classes" Mother spoke to them, stretching a bit. "Oh yeah I almost forgot about that..." Third noted with slight disappointment. "Gosh why do we have to have school today"
The three untied their legs and stretched their limbs, soon walking towards the exit. "Boys!" They stopped at the sound of the older woman's voice, "Remember not to mention any of this to anyone. Not your friends, not your family, try not to even talk about this amongst yourselves, even if your alone. Whoever did this is still out there, and they could always be listening." Her face was serious, making Britain think to himself about asking his mother the night before. 'Maybe I shouldn't tell her what I know, at least not yet' He thought to himself, referring to the fact that he already knew he was 'The Ruling'.

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