Chapter 8 - USSR

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"All passengers please make sure you have everything you came in with; Exit the train in an orderly manner!"
The conductor shouted as I made my way off the train, school bag in hand. I didn't want to think about what happened, I didn't like being alone with my thoughts so I made sure to pay attention to where I was going, and not to the sound of my brain screaming at me.

Beginning my long walk towards home, I made sure to take off my jacket and hide it in the bushes near the estate entrance, I didn't want father to catch me with it.
I could see my house from where I stood, at the very top of the hill where it sat, just as obnoxious as it's owner. Though for now, I'd father not think about that.

Making my way up the trail, my mind started to wonder. Weird fuzzy memories of what happened played in my head, how it felt to do something like that.

What am I?"
My mind stopped at the only person I could think of. My father. Did he know something about this? Sprinting now, I made my way up the hill and to the second set of gates on the property. A general sat at his post and opened the gate as he saw me approach.

"Your father is in an important meeting and has asked me to remind you of your chores for the day!" His booming voice spoke up from the high tower he was in. "Yes sir!" I shouted back, running through the gate and into the large gold and black front doors. Running down the hallway, I passed many servants and prostitutes that made their place in the house. Some tried to talk to me, but I ignored them and continued my mission to my fathers bedroom.

"Important meeting my ass" I mumbled as I got to the top of the stairs and walked around the corner. Screams could be heard from the end of the hallway, so he wasn't even trying to hide it. Walking up to the door, I banged on it to get their attention. "Open the fucking door!" The noise from behind the door got quieter.

"I'm busy!"

"Open the door or I break it"

The room was fully silent now other than the sound of shuffling. After a bit, the door opened and two girls always out. One of them winked at me and the other touched my shoulder as they walked past in underwear that covered nothing.

Walking into the large room, I scrunched up my nose a the smell of sex and alcohol. "What do you want loser" Father asked, sitting on his messy bed in a black and gold expensive looking robe. I took some time to gather my thoughts to know exactly what I was going to say. He sighed in annoyance, "I'm still hard so can we get this over with so I can get back to working or whatever-

"Did you make me sick"

I blurted it out without a thought, I didn't know any other way to say it, I just wanted answers. He rolled his eyes and picked up his flask, taking a sip. "Sick no..."
He spoke seriously, "Powerful, yes. If your referring to the same thing I am" My eyes widened, "W-What!"
"What did I say about stuttering, talk strong or not at all." He didn't even seem bothered by the large bombshell he just dropped on me.
I suddenly felt anger run though me, balling up my fist I tried to keep a calm voice. "What did you do to me" I said darkly, a lot harsher than I wanted but it fit with how I felt. He looked up to me with bored eyes, "Watch your tone child-"

I banged my hand on the small table next to me, cutting him off. "What did you do to me!" Rage ran though me like lava that could blow at any moment.

But all he did was smile.

A disgusting looking smirk was plastered onto my fathers face as he stood up and walked over to me. My eyes were on him the entire time, hoping to burn holes in his head."Oh Soviet, my sweet sweet little boy" He tried to put his hands on my cheeks but I smacked them away. Partly out of hatred, partly because I knew where they've been just a few moments ago. He didn't flinched, only his smirk grew into a smile.

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