Chapter 6 - Healed?

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3rd person POV

"Open up~" France harshly grabbed Britain's mouth, trying to force it open while the other struggled, afraid to scream or call for help. "Please don't hurt him!" Third painfully yelled making the French male pause. "Stop talking!" Polska yelled at him, driving another bladed feather into his arm and causing another painful cry. "P-please...please don't hurt him..."

Tears fell from Thirds eyes mixing with the blood that stained his face and the concrete below. "Polska deal with that thing, he's annoying" Polska nodded, lifting his hand and bringing it down on the young boy, knocking him out. "Good, now..." France crouched down in front of Britain who was terrified at what he just saw. "Back to you my dear, open up for me" His smile was sadistic and hateful, his eyes crazed as his hand gripped his knife, ready to use it at any moment.

A few seconds went by and France soon became impatient. His lips formed a thin line. "Let me rephrase..." France gabbed the sharp blade into Britains shoulder, smiling at the pained yelp that followed. "Open your fucking mouth!" His tone was a darker this time. "Go to hell!" Jack shouted through the pain. The other boys smile faded at the insult soon being replaced with an angered look.
In a flash, he pulled the knife out of Britain's shoulder, slashing it across his face and cutting his into his flesh. "Don't play with me chienne!" He yelled taking the others bleeding face into his hands once again and putting pressure on his wounds.

Britain's eyes watered at the stinging in his face; red blinding his vision in his left eye. He soon felt the cold metal blade forced in his mouth and painful feeling of it cutting his cheek. So focused on the angry French man, and not noticing the taller male to their left, walking to them with the intent to kill.

"Wha-how did you-!"
Polska words were cut off when his face made contact with a large brick that was thrown at him, sending him off of the passed out German and alarming the other two present. "Huh?!" France turned around just in time to see the figure jump on Polska and start punching him repeatedly. Banging his head into the floor as the other tried to fight back. Standing up quickly, that attacker started to stomp on the winged country, showing no mercy to his cries.

"Aye stop, who the hell are you!" France's angers expression turned into one of shock when the attacker slowly turned towards him, his blonde almost snow hair in his face, and a sadistic smile to match. He wasn't wearing a coat despite the cold weather and his stance was off balance as if he had never stood before. "What the hell..." Fear arose in him when he noticed the attacker slowly walking to him, that walk turning into a sprint.

France pulled up his knife. "Don't come any clo-"
The attacker jumped, bringing his foot down on the french male in a violent motion, cutting off his words before he could finish. "Hey!" Kemet decided to intervene, getting off of Britain and momentarily distracting the attacker. He threw a punch which landed, sending the other back a bit but ultimately doing nothing to him as he regained his footing and dodged another hit from the Egyptian. Grabbing hold of his hand, the attacker punched him in the stomach, following up with a knee to the face when he hunched over.

Kemet double backed, letting out a small laugh and wiping away the small trail of blood that ran from his nose. "You get distracted too easily" He growled causing the other confusion. Suddenly, quick footsteps were heard behind the attacker and he was tackled to the ground. Britain watched and tried to get up, the pain getting worse with each movement. "You must not know who I am if you thought a brick and a few kicks were enough to keep me down!" Polska smirked as he pinned the attacker to the floor; large blades coming from his wings and going straight through the attackers arms and into the earth below.

The attacker didn't cry out as blood soon dropped from his impaled arms. It was at that moment that Polska got a good look at the man, his eyes went wide. "Soviet!"
At the mention of his friend, Britain looked up stunned, the hair in his face had moved away reliving the boy he knew well, but something wasn't the same, his eyes were different. Those were not the eyes he knew. "Never thought someone like you would have the balls to hit me"

France stood up, a large mark imprinted on his cheek. He walked closer to Soviet who laid quiet on the ground. In a flash, he punched the other in the face with such force, it left his hand bruised. "Looks like every one of you freaks will be getting punished today!" Frances eyes made their way to Jack who had only sat up, but not moved from his place due to pain. "Now let's get back to you-"

"Someone's coming!" Spain ran back to the three in a rush, confused when he saw the scene before him, wondering what he had missed. "We have to go" Kemet said quickly, standing along with the others who quickly made a break for the second door to the courtyard. "You speak and your dead Union Jack!" France pointed to Britain, quickly running away after.
Polska smirked at the two, holding his hand to his mouth as a way of saying "shush" soon leaving as well. His blade feathers ripping out of Soviet and Third as they followed their master, disappearing along with him.

Soviet didn't move and Britain was silent, not wanting to speak about what just happened as footsteps of someone approached them. The door opened and a small child stepped into the courtyard looking no older than 7 "Is everyone okay!" The boy yelled in a panic. He was small and had blue skin, his flag had the shape of many continents outlined and put on a radar, a large wreath crown surrounding it all. He was wearing a black pair of shorts and knee high black socks that matched with his white long sleeve shirt, a faculty badge pinned to it.

Even with the badge, Britain had never seen this kid in his entire time studying at the high school. "Ow... what's going on?" Soviet sat up slowly soon wincing in pain and holding his bloody arms "What the fuck happened to me!" He screamed clinching his eyes shut. "Oh no it's happened again" The child had a look of deep worry as he quickly ran over to the two. "You need to come with me-"

"Your the kid that was watching me!" Soviet cut in, pointing at the child.
"Yes but this is vary important, you need to come with me so that I can-"
"We're not going anywhere with the likes of you after what just happened, your not even gonna ask what happened?!" Britain snapped at the kid.

"Listen..." The child spoke calmly, "I know you don't know me, and I know your in a lot of pain right now, but it is important that you come with me right now Union Jack" He looked at Soviet, the same goes for you USSR"
Soviet grew suspicious, "That's not even my name, why should I trust you?"
The child kept a straight face, "Are you still in pain?" He asked the two, smiling when their eyes went wide and they looked around their bodies, finding no sign of any cuts or or stab wounds. "What the fuck..." Britain didn't know what to think when he looked at his shoulder, seeing the blood on his shirt and the cut though it, but not seeing a hole in his arm or the feeling of any cuts on his face. He wiped the blood from his eye and could see perfectly.

As if the cuts was never there at all

He turned to see Third who was still passed out, noticing that his wounds had healed as well.

"Please come with me.. and bring your friends"

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