25 2 0



I wake up to hear my phone buzzing. I'm way too tired to even check who is even calling.

" Hello? " I say in a tired voice.

" paisley " I hear a familiar voice say, of course, it's my stepmom, Stacy. ugh, I hate her.

" This is her? " I say still half asleep

" duh it's you dirtbag, were at the ER right now so you won't be going to school. behave. " She says in a not so happy voice.

" wait w-what fo- " I start before she hangs up. I tried calling her again but she declines my call.

Why are they at the ER at 6 in the morning? 

I decide to facetime Brielle since she's probably up for school. she picks up almost immediately.

" hey bri " I say getting out of bed.

" Hey girly what's up? " she says while washing her face

" Uhm nothing much. well, I guess something. " I say walking downstairs

" you asked out Grayson? " she says in a sarcastic/excited voice

" oh my gosh as if, he would never date me in a million years. plus he's got that other chick that's all over him " I say walking into my kitchen setting up my phone so Brielle can watch what I'm doing.

" as if, we both know Grayson could never choose someone like her over you. it's impossible," she says while eating a tootsie roll.

" mhm, well I probably scared him away with all my problems since he hasn't texted me in like 2 days. " I say getting graham crackers out of my pantry.

"There are more problems? " She asks looking at the facetime with a concerned face

" thank god no, just the ones from when I first moved here " I say taking the box of graham crackers and my phone over to the couch. 

" Hmm, well where are your parents and why aren't you getting ready for school, isn't it like your second day? " bri asks putting on mascara.

" mhm, but my parents went to the emergency room for some reason and they won't tell me why. they said I'm skipping school though so that's a plus. " I say shrugging and reaching to grab the remote to turn on the tv.

" that's odd, I got to go though cause I still got school, we should def catch up after school though. " Bri says picking up her phone.

" yeah sure, be safe and text Ethan " I say winking. She blushed then hung up.

I sat on my couch and ate the entire box of graham crackers while watching SpongeBob till I got a text.

I check my phone to see it's only Ethan. I was kinda hoping it was either my stepmom or dad but whatever. I set my phone down then moments later realize it's a text from Ethan? What could he want?


Ethan: Yo can I come over real quick?

Me: uh yeah sure, my parents arent home anyway.

Ethan: where did they go?

Me: I'll tell you later.

I went upstairs and put on some leggings and an oversized crewneck with some white Nike socks to make myself look half presentable. I straightened my hair a little and put on perfume then walked downstairs to clean up my graham cracker trash. I sat on the couch continuing to watch SpongeBob until I hear a knock on the door. I get up to open it and it's Ethan.

" Hey," I say moving out of the way so he can come in 

" I still can't believe you have a bigger house than us what do your parents do ?! " he says looking around

"You're acting as if you've never seen my house before, now what's up? " I say with a giggle then sitting down on the couch.

" Okay so I don't know if Brielle told you but we're like a thing now- " he says before I cut him off

" WHAT? since when? she never told me. what the hell? " I say in shock but happiness.

" yeah and I kinda want to go to Jersey to surprise her and I was wondering if you wanted to come? " He asks

" Ethan, it's only been 2 days since she left. " I say raising an eyebrow

" Yeah but maybe at the end of the week, I can call in for you and tell your school your sick or something. " He says sitting down on the couch across from me. 

" Like my dad? " I say with a giggle.

" I guess. please? Plus I and Gray want to see our family there too and introduce her to them. " He says

" But what does this have to do with me? " I say confused

" Well, wouldn't it be nice to skip school for a week and go to your hometown with no parents? " He says willingly.

" I mean I guess but my grades will be so bad and my parents are strict an- " I start to make a point until he interrupts me

" You and Gray can share a seat on the plane like how you guys first met." He says sarcastically.

" shut up, we both know he's falling for that victoria secret model, it's obvious. " I say getting up to get water.

" fine but I will convince you to go on that trip with us. Facetime me later and we can talk about it more.

" mhm " I say sipping a glass of water from the side table and walking to go hold the door open indicating for him to leave. a few steps after he walks out he turns around

" oh and you said you'd mention why your parents aren't home. and why aren't you at school? " He asks curiously.

" that's a topic for a different discussion Ethan. " I say with a sigh, then closing the door.

for the rest of the day, I just continued eating and watching Netflix and Spongebob. I haven't heard from my parents all today which scared me but if it was something very serious my dad would have called. For dinner, I post mated chick-fil-a. It was around 10 pm so I decided to call my dad and stepmom but my dad let his phone ring out and my stepmom declined. I just decided not to worry about it and I went to bed cause I have school tomorrow. 

So far LA has been crazy but it's been worth it, I guess...

Authors note:


you are not alone <3



SUICIDE HOTLINE: 1-800-273-8255


Don't be afraid to call ^

Hey, ya'll! How are you? I hope you're doing amazing since you deserve it!! This chapter is kinda a mess and short so, I'm sorry but I hope you enjoy it! Also sorry I haven't updated I've been really stressed out and haven't been very motivated. Anyways have an amazing day/night ilysm!! <3

AND HAPPY NEW YEAR, I wish you have the best year of your life with so many life-changing opportunities! let's make 2021 the best as possible :)

~ B


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