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The next morning I woke up. I checked my phone and saw a few snap chats from some people I knew but weren't exactly friends with. I opened them and as usual, it was just streaks. I texted my mom and told her good morning and the plans I had for today. After laying in bed for 15 minutes I decided to get up. I walked into the bathroom with my clothes and took a shower. After my shower, I put on a high waisted flower skirt that wasn't too long but wasn't too short, with a cropped bralette top and paired with a jean jacket and my white vans. Underneath I wore a white bikini since I was going to the beach with Ethan and Grayson. 

I walked downstairs and made a fruit smoothie for breakfast.

" good morning dad " I tell him as he walks into the kitchen.

" good morning, first day in the new house..how ya feeling? " he says with an excited tone.

" Great! " I say smiling and giggling a little.

" oh and also can I borrow your car for a few hours? I'm meeting up with a few friends at the beach. " I say willingly.

I was nervous about his response. My dad drove a range rover, he spent all his money on that instead of a car for me. So whenever I wanted to go somewhere I would have to use my dad's car which was highly annoying but at least when I do get to drive his car I look like a bad biddy.

 ( lolz )

" uh sure but have it back by 10 pm because me and Stacey are going on a date tonight and we will be home late or if we decide we want more time by ourselves then we may not come back till tomorrow afternoon. Be responsible. " He said sternly. I nod my head indicating I understand and I promise. Then he walks out of the kitchen.

after I drank my smoothie I slipped on my vans, grabbed my purse along with the keys to the car, and said goodbye to my dad and Stacey. It took only 30 minutes to get to the beach. When I arrived I could see Ethan and Grayson talking to some people. I saw a few girls too thank goodness because it would be really awkward if it were just me and a handful of boys. As I approached them I caught Ethan's attention, he waved. I waved back.

" hey! long time no see. " I say sarcastically while giggling.

He laughed.

" Fair warning, Grayson's friends are kinda crazy so be careful. " Ethan said looking over at Grayson.

" hmm, crazy huh? Those are not my type of people. " I say with a cringe face before giggling again.

Me and Ethan walked over to Grayson and his friends.

" Hey Gray " I say walking up next to him.

" oh hey you made it, how was the drive ? " he said side hugging me.

" good " I say with a smile

" Yall wanna go swimming now since everyone's here? " Ethan says pointing behind him to the ocean.

"Let's do it " One of Grayson's friends say.

All the boys took off their shirts, as I was taking off my shirt I noticed one of Grayson's friends staring at me. I started to feel uncomfortable and insecure. But I guess Grayson noticed because he snapped him out of his stare. I put my hair in a side braid, as I was doing so a little girl approached me.

" Can you help me find my mommy? "  she said on the verge of tears. I looked at her in shock.

" Yeah of course! where did you last see her? " I said. She immediately pointed to the food trucks.

" Okay don't worry we'll find her, it's okay " I reassured her. 

I picked her up and put her on my hip. I walked over to Grayson and told him the situation. He offered to help but I just told him to stay with his friends and have a good time. As I was making my way over to the food trucks to look for this little girl's mom she suddenly shouted really loud.

" MOMMY " she said holding her arms out to a woman who was scurrying over to us. 

" oh my goodness. thank you for helping her find my way back to me, is there anything I can do to repay you? " the lady asks still frantic grabbing her child from me.

" no no no, you do not need to repay me. I'm glad you too are reunited. " I say giving them a smile.

" thank you so much. God bless your soul " the lady says before walking back to her car with her daughter.

As I start walking back from the food trucks I noticed someone familiar. It wasn't the good familiar though. I immediately knew who it was. Josh. He was starring at me from the other side of the street. I start trying to reach for my phone but I realized I was in a bathing suit. I started speed walking back to where The twins and their friends were. But he was faster than me. He grabbed my wrist tightly which made me turn around.

" What the fuck do you want you piece of shit. " I say with anger coming out of my voice.

" We never finished what we started now did we baby. " he said walking closer towards me still holding onto my wrist.

" Get the fuck away from me you filthy piece of rat shit. " I say turning around. But he grabs my arm this time squeezing it leaving a print.

" I know you want me " he says licking his lips while staring at my body like a perv.

"you're hurting me. " I say with an emotionless stare.

He leans closer to me and grabs my hips pulling me into him forcefully.

At that moment I didn't know what to. My whole body froze up and I was on the verge of crying. The only thing I knew to do was slap him. so I did.

" WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR? " he said angrily holding his cheek. He lifted up his hand as if he was going to hit me.

I got scared of what would happen next so I ran as fast as I could over to where The twins and their friends were. I sped walked over to Grayson so I didn't seem suspicious.

" Hey Gray I uh, gotta go. Something came up and its uh uhm really important. but uh thank you for... inviting me. it was good while it lasted. And it was nice seeing you guys again. " I say out of breath before turning around.

I grab my things and Ran toward my car not leaving any time for Grayson to say anything. I felt really bad for bailing on them this way but I was scared and I think he knew I was lying because I am a very bad liar... I drove home and when I got into my room I clicked Bri's number as fast as I could and told her everything that had happened at the beach. She told me to file a restraining order but I am only 17 and I don't know how to do that. I then went off-topic and told her all about my new house, the twins, the flight, and everything. 

When I finally got off the phone It was 10:30 pm and my dad and Stacey were going out. they already an hour early which was as soon as I came home. It was just me, alone. In this big empty house. I decided to go to sleep but then flashbacks of me being raped kept coming back to me. I felt disgusting. My body felt disgusting. So I decided to take a shower. After the shower, I felt better and finally went to sleep.

Authors note:


you are not alone <3



SUICIDE HOTLINE: 1-800-273-8255


Don't be afraid to call ^

Hey guys this chapter was kinda boring because Idk....lmao. ill update soon!

That's all ! have an amazing rest of ur day/night ily <3

~ B


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