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I awake due to someone knocking on my door.

" Come in? " I say with a groan while sitting up and rubbing my eyes

" it's 8:30, Brielle's flight leaves at 10:45. " my stepmom says opening the door.

My stepmom Stacey notices Brielle hasn't woken up yet so she walked over to my bed to whisper something in my ear.

" and I want no funny business with you at the airport like last time. No boys or you'll make yourself look like an even bigger slut. " She says before walking out.

I took a deep breath and exhaled. I reached over and grabbed my phone. I saw I had a missed facetime call from Grayson. I clicked his contact and clicked the facetime button to call him back. While it was ringing I got up and walked over to my vanity with my phone setting it up against the mirror.

" hello " Grayson said picking up the phone

" Hey, sorry me and Brielle fell asleep watching finding Nemo last night that why I missed your call. " I say letting my hair down to brush it out.

" Nah your good. and isn't finding Nemo- a- children's movie? " Grayson said confused

" mhm, but who said teenagers couldn't watch it? " I say followed by a laugh.

" yeah well anyway since today Bri's leaving do you guys maybe wanna come over and get a coffee or something? " Grayson asked brushing his fingers through his hair.

" Uh yeah sure...if Brielle wakes up in time. She's still sleeping. " I say while grabbing my phone and going into my bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. 

" aight sounds good, what time do you want me to pick you guys up at? " Grayson said walking into his kitchen where Ethan was.

" uhm maybe 9:30 if that ok? " I ask drying my face with a towel

" yeah sure see ya then " Grayson said with a smile.

" Bye " I say smiling before hanging up the phone. I walk out of the bathroom and run straight into Brielle

" ah! oh my gosh, since when were you up? " I ask getting a bit scared

" oh uh, few minutes. who was that on the phone? " She asks rubbing her face

" Gray, they're picking us up at 9:30 to get coffee before you have to leave. " I say walking into my closet.

" do you want to go out though? " Brielle said confused. Just a day ago I was too scared to go to a restaurant and now I'm rushing to get ready to go out and get coffee...I guess I was feeling more confident in myself.

" Yeah I'm fine what do you m- " I start

" oh, well I mean E and Gray are there so I'm fine...right? " I ask getting jeans and a crop top along with a tan cardigan and a belt.

I was feeling kinda bold but I knew that if anything happened E and Gray will be there so I will be fine.

About 45 minutes pass and Were done getting ready and at this point, we had like 20 minutes left until they'd come to pick us up, so we decided to go live on Brielle's Instagram. Brielle gained quite a following after being seen with the one and only Ethan Dolan. Fans are dying to know if they're together but she doesn't wanna tell them. As a matter of fact, they won't tell me either which is driving me crazy.

" Hey guys! " Brielle says to the live stream

All of the Brielle and Ethan shippers start commenting about their relationship. Brielle just ignores the hundreds of questions.

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