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I woke up due to Stacey barging in my room

" Wake up fucking slut. " she said in an angry voice.

She walked closer to my bed, picked up my phone, and shoved it in my face causing me to squint my eyes because of how bright the screen was.

" do you not see what time it is? time for you to wake the fuck up."

she smacked my phone back down on the nightstand and slammed my door while walking out. I was pretty much used to this behavior though. But she never wakes me up...I wonder where my dad is? I pick up my phone and answer my 2 Snapchats that were from my bestie Bri and a girl who added me from twitter named cari. I got up from my bed and walked downstairs. Stacey was sitting on the couch on her phone, she glared at me but I rolled my eyes.

" Have fun last night? " she told me with attitude, I was confused at her question.

" what do you mean fun" I say furrowing my eyebrows looking her direction. 

" You really think I'm gonna believe that you didn't have sex last night? " she said getting up from her seat.

" Stacey, just because someone raped me doesn't mean I liked it and want to be fucked everyday" I tell her walking toward the fridge. Stacey knew I got raped because Josh's dad worked with Stacey back when she had a job. She hasn't told my dad yet though surprisingly.

" wheres my dad anyway? " I say getting a cheese stick out from the fridge drawer.

" gone. and Paisley can I remind u of something? " she says coming even closer to me.

" what now. " I say rolling my eyes taking a few steps back.

"You're a fucking disappointment. Even your own father thinks so. Imagine your own daughter being a disappointment. " she said looking me right in the eyes and smirking before leaving he room. 

I step back being shocked by her words. Does my dad really think I'm a disappointment? I run upstairs and closed and locked my door. I rush past a full body mirror. I then stopped and took a few steps back. I looked at myself in the mirror.

You are a fucking disappointment, Paisley. You let yourself get raped. You let yourself become a disappointment to your own family. You let yourself be ugly. You let yourself become this. I tell myself before I feel a warm tear run down my cheek. I collapsed onto the floor sat there crying for a good 15 minutes before forcing myself to go lay in my bed. I grabbed my phone and realized I had a text from an unknown number


unknown: hey, are you okay? I heard you left early yesterday. 

me: who's this

they responded almost immediately.

unknown: Ethan

me: oh, ok. and yeah I guess I'm fine. something came up and I had to go.

Ethan: yeah right Paisley, we know you were lying

me: we..?

Ethan: me and gray, he told me what happened.

me: oh

me: I guess I just saw someone who I wasn't really fond of.

Ethan: Paisley...

me: hmm

Ethan: tell me the truth.

Ethan: I won't tell gray unless you want me to. I promise

I Love You... | G.B.DOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora