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" Josh " I say emotionless.

I snap out of glaring at him and looked over toward Ethan who has his jaw clenched and his fist in a ball. I didn't want anything to become a fistfight, even though Josh really fucking deserved it so I grabbed Ethan's wrist which caught him off guard and he became calmer.

" Let's go E, He's not worth our time. " I say holding his wrist. 

Josh then walked away as if nothing had happened. He even had a smirk on his face. I was upset about the whole thing and was also confused. What the hell did Josh want from me? Why did he even follow me here anyways? I was so excited to move here because I didn't have to deal with seeing Josh's eyes all over me at school and around town.

My parents never knew what happened and I refuse to tell them. They will probably think I'm some slut that uses my body as a toy for boys or something. The only person who knew about the whole situation was bri, Stacey and now Ethan. But I trust all of them except Stacey. 

" Don't worry about him Ethan, My best friend is coming to visit in about a week. She'll be here to protect me from that perv. " I say looking over at him.

"I hope. he had his eyes all over you like he was planning to do something right then and there." He said looking at me and speaking with a serious tone.

I didn't wanna seem scared or nervous around Ethan but at the same time, there were knots in my stomach. I need to find out what Josh wants from me so he will leave me the hell alone. I was deep in my thoughts when Ethan interrupted me,

" Want to go back to my place since our Lil get together got ruined? " he said climbing into his jeep.

" sure. " I say shrugging while walking to the other side of his car. 

I hopped in and we began to drive. I had the aux but Ethan wasn't too minded by it. We have the same taste in music. About 10 minutes later we arrive at a Beautiful modern sized house (pic above), I hopped out of the car and immediately remembered Grayson, how could I forget about him omfg.

" Is Grayson home? " I say checking my phone for any texts from my dad or bri.

" Maybe I'm not sure. " He said walking up to the front door. He opens it and throws his keys on the side table then crashes down on the couch. I sit kinda directly diagonal from him on a loveseat couch chair thing.

" Grayson I'm home " he yells out

Grayson comes down the stairs looks up barely noticing me then back down then quickly looks back up at me. ( this parts confusing lol srry )

" Oh hey, Pais. what are you doing here? Is everything okay? I haven't seen you since the beach?" He asks in a worried tone while walking and sitting down on the couch next to Ethan.

" Oh uh yeah Ethan just invited me over to wendy's because we were uhm...boared? and I wanted to make up for Ditching you guys at the beach. " I say nervously. I was looking over at Ethan. He mouthed the words ' tell him '  

I took a deep breath before starting. 

" Hey Gray, can I trust you with something? " I say looking over at him.

" Yeah of course with anything. Why what's up? " He said looking worried.

I then spent the next 20 minutes explaining to Grayson the entire story of what happened with Josh and my past. He let me rant for the 20 ish minutes and never cut me off or interrupted me. The only part I didn't tell him though was that he followed me here, too Jersey.

" Oh and to top everything off, when I thought he was gone for good. He uh- Uhm. " I was tripping over my words. Even though I didn't know these guys too well I felt comfortable around them and was actually feeling better once I told them everything. But I didn't want to flood them with my problems.

" What? " Grayson said still looking at me

" He uhm followed me here. And that's actually why me an Ethan came here...because Josh followed us into wendys...I think? I don't know...I-I'm sorry for flooding you with my problems and i- " I said fiddling with the ring I had on before Grayson cut me off.

" Paisley.." He says ina soft but stern voice. 

I look up.

"It's going to be okay. He won't ever touch you or talk to you again. If he ever tries to do anything to you me and Ethan are just a phone call away. And that's also if u just need anything in general ok? " He said looking at me with a sad face. 

" thank you " I say with a lower tone standing up to give them a hug.

Right after The talk, I got a call from my dad. He said that he had a big surprise for me and to come home immediately. I told the twins I had to go home and Grayson decided to drive me.

The car ride was pretty much silent. the only noisy thing that was in the car was the music. About 15 minutes later we arrive at my house

" Holy shit Paisley you didn't tell me you were fucking rich?! " he says starring at my house in amazement.

" to be honest I didn't know either..." I say laughing before getting out of the car.

" Hey Pais.." Gray says making me stop in my tracks.

" Hmm? " I hum back

" I meant what I said earlier. If you ever need anything, and I mean anything me and Ethan are just a text or facetime away. Also, stay safe I wouldn't want a girl like you to go through something like that again." He says looking at me in the eyes.

" thank you, Grayson. For the ride and everything. see you later. " I wave as he backs out of my driveway.

I walk into my house and walk into the living room to see someone Sitting next to my Stepmom and dad. I was so shocked by who the person was I was at a loss for words. My jaw dropped and tears formed in my eyes. It was her.

Authors note:


you are not alone <3



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Don't be afraid to call ^

That's all ! have an amazing rest of ur day/night <3

~ B


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