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I woke up about 9 hours later. I had a headache and everywhere around my lip was swollen. I sat up from my bed and checked the time. It was 10:30 pm. I got up from my bed holding my pounding head. I walked into the bathroom and got a cup of water from the sink and some pain killers from the cabinet. After I did that I went back into bed. It was really quiet in the house so either my parents had another date night and went to a fancy hotel or something or were asleep. And I don't even know where bri is, so I text her.

bri <3

me: hey bri, uh wya?

6 minutes pass and she wasn't answering. Maybe she was busy. I got in insta and scrolled through people's feeds, liking posts, and answering DMS. I did the same with Snapchat and TikTok. I then got on twitter. The first thing that popped up on my feed was what seemed to be a paparazzi picture of my best friend Brielle and Ethan? I sat up quickly from where I was laying. I clicked the picture and zoomed in. It was Bri and Ethan. But a paparazzi picture? How famous could the twins be?

I decided to go hunt for some more info, I went onto Brielle's twitter and found loads of comments and retweets of her tweets saying ' OMG SHIP #BRIETHAN


I was deciding if I should look up the twin's names on google to see what they do to make them so popular but I had a feeling it would change something In our relationship as friends. So I didn't. All I did was follow them on my socials. My mouth dropped when I saw how many followers they had on their social platforms. As I kept scrolling through posts on the hashtag #briethan Brielle texted me.

Bri <3

bri: oh hey girly sorry i was busy. did u have a nice nap?

me: yeah but my heads pounding and my mouth is swollen. I want to cuddle :(

bri: sorry babes but ethans replaced u with the whole cuddling part  ;)

me: fuck u. also i saw twitter, #briethan huh? i knew it ;)

bri: stfu u don't even know what happened lmao-

me: yeah but your gonna tell me when u come home!

bri: yikes, I'm sorry pais but I'm spending the night at the twin's house. we will def catch up tmrw though mk?

wow. bri came to Jersey to see me. visit me. but now she's spending the night with Ethan at their house... I was kinda sad knowing the day she puts a gash in my lip shes not even their to check up on me. but I'm just glad she's happy. I spent the next hour or so watching youtube and Netflix until my headache started to kick in again. I walked to the bathroom and opened the pill bottle to find no pain killers left. I sighed. We didn't even have Motrin or Tylenol. I decided since I had nothing to do to go to the store.

I was already wearing grey sweatpants so I threw on a  white crop top and wore my white vans. I guess my parents weren't home because their car was still gone. They never texted me though to tell me they would be running late though which was weird. I drove over to Target and went to the medicine aisle and grabbed Motrin. As I was checking out I glanced to my left and saw him...again. He was standing there in the corner of the mini Starbucks that was inside the target staring at me. I felt very uncomfortable. I grabbed my stuff and walked quickly to my car. I got in and right before I locked the doors...

He opened my car door. I jumped and unbuckled my seatbelt. I got out of the car quickly so he couldn't grab me.

" Josh get the fuck out right now," I said breathing heavily. with my phone clenched in my hand.

He got into the passenger seat and shut the door.

" Josh get the FUCK out of my car. " I say angrily walking closer to the car.

" please. you're scaring me. " I say in a low tone.

" I knew I'd always have that effect on you," he says winking while leaning closer.

" please Josh please just get out! " I say with a tear rolling down my cheek

" or what princess? " He said looking at me up and down

" I'll call him. " I say with a stern voice.

" like he really cares about you fat slut. " Josh said  getting out of the car making his way over to me.

I stepped back a few steps because he was coming toward me. He grabbed my arm and forced me into my own car. He got into the passenger seat and demanded me to drive back to my place or he threatened to beat me as he used to when we dated. I was so scared for my life at that point. I felt helpless. I had no one to help me. No one to call. We arrived at my house and he grabbed my keys and phone away from me. We walked into the house. He practically dragged me into the living room on the couch.

I was sobbing at this point. He took my phone and smashed it with a kitchen knife so I couldn't call anyone. He put the kitchen knife down and headed toward me. I didn't know what to do. I felt helpless. In my own home. He pinned me down on the couch and got on top of me. He tried taking off my shirt but I didn't let him. I kept swatting at him to get him off of my but shes 3x my body weight. He pinned my arms down and started kissing my neck leading down, down, down  ( i think you know where this goes...) I was screaming and crying trying to make someone hear me. but no one could. All the memories of when he raped me came back from highschool. While the thoughts were flooding in I saw a bright light coming from the driveway. He quickly got off of me

" shit shit shit " he mumbled putting his clothes back on quickly, He threw my clothes at me and ran out of the back door before saying 

" if you tell anyone about this, I will fucking murder you next time I see you alone. " Then he walked out.

I was still sobbing and I was in 10x more pain than before. I got dressed, grabbed my snapped phone, and ran upstairs closing the door. I sat on the floor by my bed and was sobbing, I felt like I was worthless, I felt as if I weren't enough. I felt like I couldn't breathe. But that was true I couldn't breathe. I was trying to gasp for air before someone barges into my room with a worried look on their face.

" omg paisley I can hear u from the front door, what the hell is wrong? " Brielle said dropping everything she had in her hands and running over to me.

" jo-*gasp*sh, h-e*gasp* came*gasp* he-*gasp* r-r-r-e," I say while still gasping for air. No matter how hard I tried couldn't catch a breath, meaning I couldn't tell by what happened.

" paisley I can't understand you, what are you saying? " Brielle said getting up and grabbing her phone.

She clicked a blue button and held the phone up to her ear.

" I need you guys to come over right now. Somethings wrong with pais and I don't know what. " She said to the phone before setting it down.


Authors note:


you are not alone <3



SUICIDE HOTTLINE: 1-800-273-8255


Don't be afraid to call ^

That's all ! have an amazing rest of ur day/night <3

~ B


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