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I woke up due to someone walking into the room. I shift over to see Grayson shirtless digging through his drawer to find a shirt. I glance over to him then the wall. I rub my eyes and scratch my head. 

" Goodmorning, did I wake you up? " Grayson said pulling the shirt over his head. 

" no " I mumble sitting up.

" What time is it? " I ask softly

" about... 1:30 pm? " Grayson says looking in the mirror.

" 1:30? That's it? " I say holding my head. I still had a headache from crying all night.

Grayson came and sat on the edge of the bed.

" Do you need medicine? We have Tylenol and Motrin downstairs. " He said in a semi worried voice. 

It was nice to know he cared for me and everything but I've been through this alone. With no one but Brielle. I could handle everything. But it was nice to have a few more people to help while I recover.

" Yeah sure " I say getting out of his bed.

I glace over in his mirror and realize I looked like a complete mess. I had mascara under my eyes. My hair was knotted and frizzy. And my lip still wasn't healing which made it hurt still when I ate or drank.

As we were walking downstairs we heard a noise in the kitchen. We walked into the kitchen to find Ethan and Brielle in the middle of a kissing sesh. Grayson takes his hand and covers my eyes and uses his other hand to cover his. We walk past them trying not to look at them.

" Get a room " Grayson said with a laugh.

They both got startled and got embarrassed.

I went and sat on a barstool and played with the ring I still had on my finger. Grayson walked up to me and gave me a pill and a glass of water.

" Want me to make you lunch? " Grayson asked turning back around to open the fridge.

" Oh no, I'm not hungry. " I said looking down at my fingers.

" Paisley you haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon ?! " Brielle says with a concerned tone.

" You need to eat. " She scoffs

" Ok fine... I guess. " I say in a low tone shrugging.

Grayson grabbed an apple out of the fridge and handed it to me.

" here's this, you don't have to eat anything big " he said smiling then walking into the living room to sit on the couch and watch tv.

I smile back. 

I bit the apple and went and sat next to bri who was on her phone sitting at the dining table. I sat in the chair on the right of her and leaned my head on her shoulder while she was scrolling through her phone.

" Did you like lose your phone or something? I haven't seen you on it since last night. " she said clicking her phone off and setting it down so she can shift to face me in her seat.

" something like that. " I say tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

" what do u mean? " she said furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

" it got smashed. " I say quickly to get the conversation over with.

Everyone turns their heads and looks over at me, all with different facial expressions.

" by what?! " Ethan said in a shocked voice

" who... " I say correcting him

" and Uhm, when everything happened yesterday he smashed it so I wasn't able to call anyone " I say looking down at my hands that were in my lap.

" wanna go get a new one? " Grayson said from the other room.

" I-I would but I don't have the money and I'm too scared to go out right now by myself knowing he's out there. " I say in a low tone

" We'll go with you, and the phone will be on me. " Grayson said getting up from the couch and walking into the kitchen

" no gray you don't have to, If I really need a phone ill just use bris. " I say in reassurance.

Grayson pulls out his phone and immediately starts texting someone. All of a sudden Ethans phone dings then bris seconds after. They both start typing and then look at Grayson and nod.

" I feel left out- " I say before getting up and walking into the living room and plopping down onto the couch.

Brielle follows and lays next to me. She layed her head on my lap and went on her phone. I just watched her scroll through Twitter reposting and liking tweets about the Dolan twins and her and Ethan. About 5 minutes later Ethan comes into the room laughing about something with Grayson, Ethan stops laughing at the sight of Brielle basically cuddling me.

" Hey I thought you would save those cuddles for me? " Ethan says pouting. He walks over to pick Brielle off my lap and sit with her on the other side of the couch. Brielle giggles.

" losers " I say putting the letter L on the top of my forehead using my hand.

" Maybe you should get a boyfriend then Pais. " Brielle says lifting up one eyebrow and glancing over to Grayson then at me. 

Grayson notices what Brielle means and lets out a laugh. I kinda got a little hurt. Would Grayson really not want to date me? Was I too ugly? Fat? Skinny? Was he into blondes? Gingers? Platnum blondes? What was so wrong with me that would make him not want to date me?

Okay and maybe I do like Grayson, Just a little. Because he's so gentle and sweet and everything I want in a guy. WAY different from Josh. And I told Brielle that. She wanted me to date Grayson because she thought it would be aesthetic or whatever to date a twin, then your bsf dates the other. But she's been trying to set us up the wrong ways. I went upstairs a few minutes later when everyone was in the kitchen to lay in Grayson's bed and watch tv. 

A few minutes in of me watching tv I heard the door open, It was Grayson.

" Hey pais " He said

" hi " I said glancing over at him

" Why'd you come up here? we were talking about your birthday " he said winking

" I'm just tired, and how you know about my birthday? " I say sitting up

" guess? " he says playfully shrugging.

" I don't want a birthday. " I say quietly

" birthdays are amazing, plus it's your big 18! " He said sitting next to me on the bed.

" birthdays aren't amazing when every year on your birthday you get to count how many years ago you got raped, tomorrow will mark the first year. " I say, I felt a tear welling up in my eye.

" I'm sorry, come here " he said laying next to me. 

I put my head on his chest and closed my eyes. I felt safe in his arms. 

Authors note:


you are not alone <3



SUICIDE HOTLINE: 1-800-273-8255


Don't be afraid to call ^

Mk! that was it for tonight's chapter! kinda short but whatever! anyways that's all ! have an amazing rest of ur day/night <3

~ B


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