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You wake up around 12 pm and you flip over to see Brielle awake on her phone.

" Goodmorning sunshine I thought you were going to be sleeping forever " Bri said to me sarcastically while getting up out of bed giggling.

" What time is it? " I mumbled still half asleep while rubbing my eyes.

" uh about noon. I woke up about 2 hours ago and I've been waiting for you to get up! " Bri says excitingly

" oh gosh, what Is it this time? " I say sitting up on my bed putting on my hood from my sweatshirt. My fingers were playing with the strings.

" do you not know what day it is? " bri says shaking me

" Uhm July something.." I say scratching my head confused

" IT'S THE DAY OUR FAVORITE MOVIE COMES OUT! " Bri says pulling me out of bed. That didn't end too well and I actually managed to cut my lip on the way down. You're probably wondering how that's even possible... but it's possible since my bed like 10 feet off the ground...

" fuck! " I whimper when my lip comes in contact with the corner of my nightstand and then the floor.

" oh my god! Paisley! Are you okay? I'm so sorry I didn't mean to! Do you need ice? A towel? A Bandai-" Brielle starts panicking till I interrupt her.

" Bri! I'm fine, it's just a gash in my lip. I'll be fine. " I say holding my lip making sure no blood drips anywhere.

" Let me call the twins, they'll know what to do. Right? " Bri says calling Ethan.

I was confused about why Bri's first choice was to call the twins instead of my dad or something. That didn't really come across me though since I was in pain and I was worried about my stepmom finding out I had boys in my house.

"wait, what about my parents? " I say sorta worried turning on the faucet in my bathroom.

" They left like an hour ago. your dad said they will be home around 3. " Bri says while tapping her foot waiting for Ethan to answer.

I nod. 

" Hey Ethan, Uh we kinda have an emergency...Can you and Grayson come over real quick? I'll text you the address. " Bri says in a little bit more of a panic since she sees all the red coming from my lip going into the sink.

" He said they will be here in 5," Bri says plopping down onto my bed.

about 5 minutes pass of me feeling dizzy while holding a damp towel on my lip. I was in a lot of pain. Then the doorbell rang.

" I'll get it. Stay here. I don't want you dripping blood everywhere. " Bri says to me while making a cringe face and walking out of my room.

about 2 minutes later all 3 of them walk upstairs. I could tell they were worried because they walked franticly into my room looking for me before checking the bathroom.

" Oh my god, Paisley?! " Ethan says running up to me.

I was sitting on the counter in a ball hovering over the sink with a towel. You could tell I was in pain because I was pale in the face and I was squinting my eyes and groaning.

Ethan comes up to me and removes the towel from my lip making me lean back a little because it stung. He looked at the gash and then put the towel back on my lip. I look over at myself in the mirror then focused my attention on Grayson and Bri who were standing behind me looking worried in the door frame.

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