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I woke up due to an alarm clock and that's when I realized... it's the first day of school.

Today was the first day of school and I was NOT excited whatsoever. I was so tired since I stayed up all night. I was completely in my zone and unbothered that I guess I didn't even realize yesterday was Sunday and today is Monday. 

I rub my eyes then sit up. I unplug my phone and check my notifications before I actually get ready for the day. I scroll through Twitter and find a picture of me with Brielle, Harper, Grayson, and Ethan yesterday while we were out getting coffee. Except in this picture I was hugging Grayson... I quickly read the comments and some accounts were saying things like


suckmedolans: uhm ok but why is she with my manz

graysbaez: SHIP SHIP SHIP

I rolled my eyes because I knew that once Grayson was caught with Harper all the talk about me and him would be gone. 

I was honestly nervous about what to do since I was never famous or had a picture taken of me by "fans" so I just sent the post to Ethan asking him for advice since I trusted him.


me: *tweet sent*

me: what do i do E

Ethan: wdym

me: Ethan, r u kidding me rn. I was caught with Gray and ppl think we're dating....what do I do? 

Ethan: Ignore it or maybe uhhh repost itttt?????

me: You're out of your mind Ethan Dolan.

Ethan wasn't any help so I just left the tweet alone. 

I got up and went into my bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I got dressed in a baggy flannel with a black tube top and light wash jeans. I was definitely not feeling myself this morning. I sat at my vanity and curled my hair and did light makeup and put on perfume. I grabbed my bag which had been sitting in the back of my closet since we moved into this house, and I walked downstairs. I skipped breakfast cause I wasn't hungry and told my dad I was leaving for school. He let me drive his car today since it's the first day and he wanted me to have a good reputation/impression.

It only took about 30 minutes to get to school. I grabbed my backpack from the passenger seat and grabbed my phone and keys then locked the car and started to head into school. I was scrolling through my phone about to make it to the curb when someone approached me from behind.

I turn around frantically since it scared me.

" Oh uh hi? " I say stopping to see a girl who kinda looked like a freshman.

" are you Grayson Dolan's girlfriend?!? " She asks excitedly

" Oh uh no, we're just friends " I say nervously with a laugh in between. I've never had this happen before so I was baffled and didn't really know how to respond.

" Can you say hi to him for me? I'm his biggest fan! " She says still with the same excited tone in her voice. She was definitely fangirling.

" Uh, sure? Lemme give him a call real quick " I say pulling out my phone to call Grayson. This probably isn't the best way to handle this but I mean she seemed sweet so what's the trouble? The facetime rung for about 15 seconds before he picked up

" Hello? " He said out of breath, I'm sure he just got done working out

" Hey Gray uh there's someone here who wants to tell you something real quick, it won't take long I promise " I say to him before handing the phone to the girl.

" uh sure " He says wiping his face with his hand

They talked for about 3 ish minutes before the bell rang. I got my phone back but was still on the phone with Grayson.

" So what's your first class? " He asks me while I walk into the school and into the hallways

" Geometry. " I say with a sigh.

" It can't be that bad right? " He says with a little laugh

"I mean I gues- " I say before I was stopped with a group of what looked like jocks trying to flirt with me.

" Aye shawty what's good?! " One says approaching me.

" ignore em they just want attention. " Grayson mumbles through the phone.

I look at my phone rolled my eyes and continued walking to my class. The boys didn't end up following me thank god. I hung up the phone after saying bye to Grayson and I sat at my desk. I looked around the room and of course, everyone was in certain groups.

On the upper left side of the room was the nerdy/smart group. definitely wasn't one of them. In the upper right side of the room was the band kids, I did even know how to play the flute so that should say something. In the back was a mix of the popular girls and the jocks, no way in heck would I be sitting or talking to them. And your probably wondering where I'm sitting. Well...I'm sitting right smack in the middle of the classroom. I was pretty bold to sit there despite the fact that there was no one around me.

about 7 hours of school later it's time to leave. I quickly walk to my car so hopefully, no one can interact with me and I drive home. Once I get home I face timed Brielle to tell her how my day was and she told me about hers. After a few hours of talking I hung up and showered, changed, then watched a movie. Grayson and Ethan were busy for most of the afternoon and night so I just decided to let them be. I guess you could say my first day of senior year in LA wasn't too bad...

Authors note:


you are not alone <3



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Don't be afraid to call ^

Hey, ya'll! How are you? I hope you're doing amazing since you deserve it!! This chapter is kinda a mess, I'm sorry but I hope you enjoy it! Also sorry I haven't updated I've been pretty busy with the end of the quarter and school and Christmas and family. But 2 days until Christmas whose excited?!?! Anyway have an amazing day/night ilysm!! <3

~ B


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