Chapter 32

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"Sit down, Rogers. She can't know" Sam snapped, rubbing his hands over his face in frustration. "I mean, what- what do we do? Wait for Hyrda to start using it? We can't, she could stab us in the back"

"Maybe she can control it" Steve hoped as he leaned against the wall beside the door.

"Do we really want to take that chance? Find out if she's hacked the system she doesn't know is inside her?" Hill was also in thought. The nurse had left, stating she needed to return the files before authorization noticed their absence.

"No" Steve looked at the two of them, "we don't take the chance"

The wooden door handle would have turned, allowing the girl inside the room to speak to her own defense. But her breath was hitched in her throat as she waited to hear what this man would say.

"We're not killing her" Sam sounded flabbergasted and upset.

"No" Steve repeated as if it was ridiculous. "We'll lock her up.. The risk is too high"

"But we need her" Sam shot again, "there are three helicarriers for that project. Hill can't do the third"

"I know" Steve snapped quickly, clenching his fists. "We'll have to see who can get to the third when the chance comes"

The doorknob clicked as the hand released it, it's holder fleeing from the sight in an incredibly fast pace. The entire door swung open after the figure was out of sight, and Hill peered out into the hall with a suspicious eye. "Go get her then" she ordered, stepping to the side to allow the two men to exit.

They didn't find Halo because she had run, deciding to be the coward everyone expected her to be.


"She's gone" Sam breathlessly stated as he slowed his running to a jog to stand before Steve. "She's left. Doc says she won't last long with the broken ankle"

Steve was silent as he watched the door that left the building. He was stuck between finding her, or attempting to stop Hydra. The weight of both were heavy, but he decided the weight of millions dying would be heavier. Besides the fact he was still locked into thought over Bucky Barnes being the winter soldier. Maybe Halo would be gone by the take down anyways. This new thought hurt him, just as if Bucky was falling again.


(First, Halo)

If anything, I'm happy I know the actual truth now. I didn't kill my dad or my sister because they weren't even related to me. HyraX had sent me on a training program. But if I was being controlled, why was I crying? Maybe I knew it was wrong- but I was being forced to do it?

Maybe I should go find Loki? Work with him. But he only wants me dead, nothing more nothing less. Amy is dead, Hydra wants me dead, Shield doesn't like me and wants me behind bars-

"Killian" I mutter as I clench my fists. The name had suddenly popped into my head with an amount of rage that made me want to scream.

I had forgotten that name. But as I clenched my hands, a drop of water slid down my check too. And I prayed it was beginning to rain. But no- it was from my frustration. I didn't belong to myself.

For some reason, I knew where he lived, and I was bent on getting my revenge. Him, Joe, Hunt. They will be dead.

But wait-

I halted my walking and stared off into the thick trees, listening to the distant cars and planes as people live their normal lives. "Running isn't always the answer" I repeated as the image of Rogers reading a fashion magazine came into my head. Maybe I should be locked up. If it's the safest way-

No, that's stupid Halo. They tried to kill you after they lied about everything. They got you to do the dirty work so they wouldn't get their hands in the mud.

I break into a run at the thought of that. They can't use me. Not anymore. If they're dead, I can get the remote and destroy it. Problem solved.

But then the other soldier will be rogue. Loki could get the remote for him. "Just go back and lock yourself up" I told myself as I turned to the way I had come. But the reason for going back wasn't satisfying something inside of me.

I needed to kill them and I needed to destroy the remote.

I needed to do this.


I took three cabs to get to the apartment I was looking for. My pistol in my hand, and a knife in my belt. Anger was in my every movement, because the drivers of the cabs didn't bother asking for money. They allowed me to leave without a word.

I took the stairs, jumping three at a time to get to the fourth floor. Room 138. I don't know how I knew, but I knew and I was going to use it to my advantage.

There it was. It was right in front of me and I was going to get my revenge.

My foot didn't have to kick the door down. For some reason I knew what happened in Loki's cell could be repeated. I stared at the hinges and clenched my free hand, causing the metal to pop, and the door to fall inward.

"Jones!" It came out louder than I had anticipated as I walked into the hall. There he was, in the living room.

"Ah, Halo!" He stands, holding a small device in his hand. He turns something on it, a dial. And my fists unclench- I'm- I'm not angry anymore.

A feeling of fear swells into my stomach as Killian smiles, waving the device in the air, "it's finished" he sings, stepping closer to show me. "I had to have you angry at me, on full throttle of course, because we're on a time restriction" he pointed it out, entering the kitchen and pouring himself a glass of milk. "You're uh- previous friend, you know the one that wanted you locked up, is on his way to try and stop us"

I couldn't find any words.

My chest felt empty. My mind didn't feel like mine at all. I wasn't me. The Halo Band I thought of myself as- she didn't exist. The image was shattered, and so was my hope.

"But of course, we can't let that happen" he sung again, "now watch" he tilted the remote to me and typed in 'Long: 3409, La: 60482' before hitting enter. And then he typed three names into the machine,

'Nicholas J. Fury' enter.

'Sam Wilson' enter.

"Oh you'll like this last one" he smiled,

'Steve Rogers' ent-

I shot myself at him, knocking him to the side and reaching for the remote. I felt nothing towards fighting him. No justification. It felt wrong.

I knew it wasn't wrong. It was extremely right. But I found myself standing there, glaring at him now. I couldn't fight him.


He pushed the button. "He tried locking you up, only to kill you afterward!" Killian suddenly screamed into my face. "He lied to you, about everything"

He didn't know.

He did know.

The pain in my chest was nothing compared to the anger in my stomach as the dial was turned to full on the remote. "Now go fucking kill him. and anyone that gets in your way"

I pushed myself out the door. There was the temptation to go to the shield agency. Like a temptation you can't resist. I couldn't resist it. And when you're angry, you don't think. I couldn't think.

I wasn't running to the building, no- it wasn't too far away. I would walk- take my time. Imagine how I plan on killing him. Romanov too, while I'm at it. I'll kill all of them. The soldier will help me. I'm tired of being lied too.


Don't worry I promise you'll like the sequel. This one sucks. Forgive me for writing it.

BUT if you like Chris Evans you can go check out my other fanfic, Pierced Snow! It's from the movie snow piercer and frankly I actually try with that book (it's still in progress w/ slow updates but the chapters are 12-14 pages long!)

Thanks xoxo

UntimelyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora