Chapter 12

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"I'll walk there with ya'llll" Tiny grinned as he walked on the other side of me. "It is, really- kind if an honor to meet you. I mean, I'm not fangirling, but my Pep would"

"Your. Pep?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"My girlfriend. Lives with me" he responded quickly, flipping the ear piece around in his hand.

"And that's that big ugly-" I stopped myself as he glared down at me, his metal armor clinking as we walked, but Steve laughed.

"Yes, that big ugly building in the sky" he smiled as Tony glared at him next.

"I'm sorry, are you two related? I seem to be getting a lot of outdated jokes from both of you"

"No, but if she keeps annoying you, I think I'll adopt" Steve joked, making me laugh and atomy chuckle.

"You're too old for children" Tony patted Steve on the back, causing the other to raise his eyebrow as I walked on in confusion.

Too old?

He looks late twenties.


When I stepped into Fury's office, I felt like my hatred for him fueled to a new height as he stood in his black leather jacket, collar up, trying to be all cool like.

"Sir" Steve said, making known our presence.

"Ms. Band, do you realize the potential danger you've put the earth in?" He began, slowly turning around. I tilted my head slightly, the fact I was developing such a thing as useful Relavinx cells wasn't dangerous.

"It's what they'd be used for, that's dangerous" I corrected him. Fury already seemed to be annoyed as he opened his mouth to speak again.

"Something that might spark your self-centered interest a bit more- do you realize what danger you are in?"

"I don't believe I'm in any danger" I stated matter of factly.

"Believing isn't knowing, Band"

"Well then what" I suddenly snapped at him. "What kind of danger am I in, because if I'm in it, and you're keeping me locked up here, you're going to get the whole damn thing too"

"Do you want us to just throw you into the streets?" Fury asked with just as much annoyance and anger.

"Again?" I asked, laughing a bit.

"We gave you a family" he shot.

"And a sister to use against me" I hissed, remembering the coy Amy was so that they could get me in a room. But remembering that made me remember what had actually happened that day.

They had turned against me. Killian, Joe, Dr. Hunt.

I couldn't call them anything, not even aquantences. They had wanted me out of the picture to take on something they knew I wouldn't agree with,

"I'm not arguing about whether or not you got along with your family, I asked you a question, Band"

"Same to you!" Fury shut his mouth as he glared at me for a moment, and I felt Steve shift uncomfortably to the side of me as Fury seemed to laugh to himself.

"I don't even see why the officials want you here, a bad call on their half" he shook his head.

"What danger?" I hissed, stepping forward with my jaws tightened.

"Loki Laufeyson" he said curtly, and I suppose, the name caused me to stop my little tantrum. "Heard of him?"

"What about him?"

"He's after you"

UntimelyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora