Chapter 11

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The two of them never got around to talking about a Hydra, because Steve was too enthrall end in her story to remember why he was in there. He felt bad, mostly, that he had even been sent to kill her in the first place. Yet he understood why, which was to save others.

He knew he had to be careful, with socializing with this girl, because she was still dangerous, and a threat to Shield. And if he's asked to kill her for safety reasons, he'll have to do so, no matter what friendship.

And as Halo laughed at something Steve had said, Phil Coulson's voice came through the ear piece, telling Steve his time, and chance was up. This made Steve remember the reason he was in there, and he felt guilty, for not even trying to see if she would openly answer.

"Give me a little longer. Ten minutes" Steve asked in response, causing Halo to look at him quizzically.

"You have five" Fury said instead.

Steve sat back and was silent, but only for a few seconds, before he looked over at Halo. "I need you to tell me all you know about Hydra"

This question set Halo back. He didn't care about her, just the answers she had.

And Steve knew it the minute she withdrew, further into he center if the chair she sat in. "It's for your own good" he tried.

"I don't know anything" She shook her head, refusing to let go of the information, which she barely had any of. Steve looked at the clock on the wall, then at the door, then back to her.

"Who was the leader?"

"Dr. Hunt" she responded quickly.

"How many agents?"

"Several hundred"

"Any doubles?"

Halo shook her head.

"Do you know anything else?"

"There's an agent, that knows everything about my tests and labs"

She herself didn't know why she was sharing these things.

"His name?" Steve asked.

"Killian Davis"

"Anything else?" And she shook her head.

Steve suddenly heard a Fury through the earpiece. "Alright Rogers, step away, I've sent agents to retrieve her"

Steve suddenly felt betrayal in the pit of his stomach, "wait! I've got everything she knows!". His sudden shouting made Halo retract her smile to a gape as her eyes widened at his sudden yelling.

"We'll see if there's anymore"

"Don't hurt her" he warned fiercely, standing up as four agents entered the room in silence.

There was a moment of silence, where Halo began registering what it all meant, and when the guards grabbed her arms and lifted her to her feet, she shot Steve a glance that didn't really hold an emotion he could call. But he stood none the less, and followed them without a word.


(Halo's POV)

I'm not an idiot. I know Steve doesn't want this, and neither do I. How can Fury do this to me. In fact, how can these agents even do this to me.

Fury just wants pain from everyone. I understand why Dr. Hunt wanted him dead. At every thought I could think of as I processed the fact that I was walking into unnecessary pain made my fists clench. And in the moment, I swear I saw Steve step back as I ripped away from the agent's grasps. They whirled around quickly, reaching for me again, which I grab two of their arms and yanked them backward, behind me.

The other two realized the positions and began martial arting me, but I was more vigorously trained for knives and guns, so it was almost too easy to take them down as well.

It was over just as soon as the little brawl had began, except now the roof crashed in, and no other than Iron Man himself dropped down, pointing his missiles and machine guns at me as they lined his arms and shoulders.

"Stark, No" Steve stood forward now, "Fury wants her tortured"

The red armor's lights turned off as the front of his helmet popped open, revealing to me, Tony Stark. Who was much taller than I had thought.

"That seems a little drastic, Fury" he said into his own ear piece. I heard static shouting, but couldn't make out the words, and Tony chuckled. "If you send them, they'll agree with us" he said simply, before pulling his earpiece out entirely.

"He's pissed at you, Stark" Steve grinned, stepping back to me.

"So you're the notorious Halo Band?" Tony questioned. I raised my eyebrow and nodded.

"Why?" I asked,

"I don't know. I just thought you'd be- taller, older perhaps. Not everyone can beat Capsicle"

I didn't really understand that, but knew it had something to do with Steve, who glared at Tony.

"And you're the metal boy?" I asked, watching Steve smile slightly as Tony raised his finger in protest but I cut him off "save it, I want to know if you'll let me escape or not"

"First of all" Tony retorted, pointing his finger at me, "I like you. And secondly, as much as I think our personalities would clash, and how much annoyance you will cause my poor graying hair, no. Banner needs you in the labs to help fix all this brain stuff"

I held out my hand, signaling that I wanted the earpiece he held in his hand, which he gave to me with a smirk. "Is that alright with you?" I asked Fury "to go do what you want me to do?"

"After you come meet me in my office. Bring Rogers"

"Roger that" I said in a masculine voice, handing the little device back to Tony before turning to Steve. "Your boss wants us"

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