Chapter 23

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It's been two days and I still don't want to go outside. It feels like how I felt back when Clint was after me in the agent building of Shield. Death is very much a possibility now, and I'm just now realizing how close, and what it really is.

When noon rolls around at a slow pace, I barely hear a knock on the door, and then a familiar voice. "Halo?"

I bolt up from the chair I sit in, my hands gripping the arm rests and turning white as I stare at the impending person behind the white door. Quietly, I stand and walk to it, looking through the peep hole.

Who I see is not who I expected at all. But can I trust them?

"I can see your eye" she says, quickly glancing from left to right. "It's just me"

I slowly unlock the door, and then open it, almost anticipating for her to shove it open and shoot me right there. But when my door is fully open, she simply walks in who a serious expression. Going straight to where I was just and taking a seat.

"What do you want Amy" I remember how she was a coy. She works for Shield still.

"Fury and Romanoff want you dead" she says.

"Why are you here?" I ignore what I already know as she looks down at her nails.

"I am here to save you from an untimely death. All of them have been assigned to kill you as a mission. But Metal, Cap, and Green aren't so sure"

"And Clint?" I haven't seen him in forever.

"He's right there with Romanoff and Fury" then she grows more serious than she was before. Which I didn't think was possible. "Project Insight was rebooted" she says as she leans forward in the chair and turns to me. Her hazel eyes seem dark and ominous as she stares at me without blinking.

"What's that?" I sigh, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"Project Insight is the Shield Counsel's way of dealing with people just like you. That means Hydra is a target as well. Ever since it was shut down in 2015, the crews have been upgrading and improving, in case someone else comes and disrupts the frightened peace"

"And that's me?" I scoff, "Am I the only one that can see the number of deaths if two enemies build computer robots to attack eachother? Robots don't stop if things are in their ways" my chest tightens as I remember that both sides now have my blood. And an ample amount of it too.

"Yes!" Amy reasons, "but Halo. They're not doing it with robots"

"What!" I scream, and I'm almost positive it goes outside the room. "What do you mean they're not using robots"

"They're using agents"

I place my hand on my forehead and look down at my lap. "So what is project insight about" I sigh, trying to suppress my anger.

"Three helicarriers go into the air, point guns at their targets, and boom. No more threats to Shield. It's called the Zolla algorithm"

"What's called the Zolla Algorithm?"

"It's a formula that takes a person's past records to predict their future, and if that future is a potential threat, Shield gets rid of them"

"I thought the punishment came after the crime"

Amy shrugged, "but it does save us a lot of wars". I turn to look at her in disbelief.

"I have to go back, don't I" I question and she nods, standing.

"And we should go now. Shield is locked down for today because everyone is out searching for you"

"How nice" I stand as well.

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