Chapter 6

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Four days.

It's been four days, and my charming is only just now coming to the room which I was assigned to. (A lab, more like).

"Lieutenant Joe told me this morning I was to help you with your mission?" The young man questioned. I looked over to the guard with disbelief.

"Really? You couldn't do that the first day?"

He shrugged at my question "We were put on a specific time for everything"

I thought this suspicious, but turned to the newby instead. "And you might be?" I held out my hand, whilst taking a mental photo of this mans black, cut hair that was strangely combed to the left. He had blue eyes, very blue eyes.

"Killian Davis" he shook my hand tightly. I see potential in this guy.

His eyes were like, consuming me with their glassy blue. I had to say something. "I could stare at your eyes all day" I confessed before pulling my hand back and placing it on my throat like I was shocked. "Is that weird?" I looked to Joe for help as this Killian laughed at my stupidity.

Maybe I didn't have to say that. "Oh, whatever. Did Dr. Hunt tell- how old are you?"

"Twenty three" he raised his eyebrow before chuckling as I snapped my fingers.

"Too old" I sighed before remembering there were things I had to get done. "Anyways, god- sorry. I'm, did Dr. Hunt tell you anything? Because he just threw me on this ship" I rocked back and forth on my feet before sitting up onto the metal counter that held all my science stuff.

"Nothing more than the information about Halo Band" he said.

"Oh" I responded slowly. "And what was that?"

"He also said not to tell you" Killian raised a finger to point out before glancing at the guards.

All I could do was shrug and accept it. I had to because the appearance of this man was so- so threatening to me. Just because of how he seemed. Strong, intelligent, and dangerous.

I didn't know if I could trust him.

"So what are you working on now" he questions after I have explained why I, or we now, I guess- are trying to take down Shield. He is looking at the cages that have four little white mice in each of them, with name tags hooked around their necks.

"Oh, a testing thing for whatever 'gift' I have"

"Why the air quotes for this gift? I think it'd be really cool"

I was silent for a minute, watching the little mice eat the celery I had put in their cages a little while ago. "You can return a gift" I said simply. Because in all honesty, I was never too keen on having something that would help me survive a fight. I was aware of how it worked, but never knew why I had it, how I got it.

But I had accepted it all awhile ago, when I learned who I really was.

"What do the tests show or prove?" He cleared his throat, possibly because he didn't have a comeback to my dramatic phrase. I walked over to the table where I do all my research and data reading, which currently had Garry, my first little mouse, on it, munching on a cherry I had given him.

"I take this blood" I hold up a vile filled with the liquid. "It's mine, but it's been through a bunch of tests and preparations, and I take this itty bitty needle" I hold up a needle that isn't even the size of my pinky, and fill it with the blood. "Then, I inject it into Garry. But they don't feel it, I made sure I got the smallest needle, and the best place to put it in is their tail, because they don't have nerves there". I do what I had explained before stepping back and watching the un-phased mouse eat the shreds from the cherry's pit.

"What do you mean preparations?" Killian nods, as if he's following my rambling and example.

"Well, my blood is only filtered through my circulatory system, which doesn't have enough white blood cells yet to keep the mouse's, or a test subject's, blood from destroying the cells that have the power in them before said blood reaches the head, where the power cells then merge themselves and formulate an algorithm that enhances the visual part of the brain" I stopped and looked at him to see if he was following along, and he seemed to be doing okay.

"So, your blood is like a virus?"

"Yes.. and Because of this flaw in my blood, we add selenic gloroxide to it, which chemically tricks the white blood cells to think that a virus is attacking and causes them to rapidly reproduce. Then, the test subject's blood doesn't have enough white blood cells to fight off mine, and accepts it into its circulatory system"

"And what happens if the body doesn't except the blood"?

I pause and look over at all my little mice that I've come to love.

"Well" I sigh heavily. "I don't know. It hasn't happened yet. Why? What do you think happens?"

"I think that if-" he began before suddenly stopping. "I don't know"

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