Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of these glorious Marvel creations except my own characters.
Mind you, this is my first published fanfiction, please be considerate, but give me constructive criticism if you think I could try something new or do things differently.
xxxLiv (Stuckinafandom)xxx

Also, I have another Chris Evans book out, Pierced Snow, which is a much more constructed read. go check it out for me! Chapters are 12-14ish pages long although the updates are slow (because I over edit it xD)

I'm in love with it, so it'd mean a lot if you went and gave it a few votes. Xoxo

(Flash forward)

The large black leather chair turns slightly, revealing the older, red haired man sitting in it. "I did it" I say hesitantly, standing farther back in case anything decided to go wrong.

"Where's the other one?" He asked simply, keeping his eyes averted to the back of the gray room.

This was Dr. Hunt. The man that threatened us. I'd looked him up anywhere I could, but no one knew who he was, where he was from, and I never discovered why he wanted Fury dead.
"That shooter got her"

"Dead?" He seemed to tense, as if she was something valuable to his plans.

"No, just captured"

He was silent for a moment, which let me have time to think of how to word my next question.
'Am I free to go?' No.

'Am I done?' No.

'We're safe now, right?' No.

"You're not done yet, of course" he finally said, turning at his desk to face me. I raised an eyebrow with what felt to be a disgusted expression.

"You said if I did- you would let us go"

"I said I would let your family go" he raised his finger to stop whatever rambles might have come out of my mouth as I felt out of breath again. "And my dear- you're not apart of the family you know". This statement reminded me of what Fury had said.

"Please elaborate, sir" I said slowly, trying to keep my nerves from making my hands shake.

"Are you ready for your next mission?" He ignored my request entirely. I took a deep breathe and lifted my head slightly.

"What happens if I decline"

"I think your death would be very untimely, wouldn't it?"

(Normal time)
I found myself facing the person I feared the most.

Not in a sense of bad memories, but in the literal idea of- he was trying to kill me. I don't know why, but I can connect what I know of him to what I was told to do to someone else.

For some reason, picking a random teenager off the street is a brilliant idea when you want someone killed. I'm not a spy, a police officer, or some kind of badass ninja. No, I'm a twenty year old woman who lives in a decently sized house in Manhattan. Normal annoying family, normal life.
Well, it was all normal until last year, when these aliens invaded through a portal above the Stark Tower. The Chituari, we called them, killed a lot of people. No one I knew, but I would have had a gun and been out there shooting at them if I hadn't been shoved into a subway.

I think I get addicted to exciting events because I love the adrenaline that comes with them. And for that reason, I took up the Kill this Man challenge. That and the person threatened to kill my family.

So now, I am at my targets location, right outside his sixty story building called S.H.E.I.L.D Agency. His name is Nick Fury, the head of the organization. It would all be easy, I suppose, if it weren't for this guy in the sky, shooting at me with poisoned or explosive arrows as I just try and walk in.

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