Chapter 30

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"So what's the plan when we get there?" I questioned, feeling incredibly unsteady.
Steve and Sam had decided that we'd just go straight at Shield, and hope no one stands in our way. I suppose there was nothing else to do except that, but there must have been an easier, safer way.

Listen to me, I'm so soft.

"Sam goes to the control room, you and I, straight to the audio room"

"Audio room? It's not the time for you to catch up on I Love Lucy, Steve" I sighed, and Sam laughed.

"I'm going to tell the other agents who they're really working for".

"And what if they already know?" Sam questioned, pulling onto the thruway.

"Let's hope they don't".

It had only been a couple minutes of silence before I opened up my mouth to say something. I think a noise came out of my throat, but I couldn't tell, because it was drowned out by the sound of glass shattering as my window crumbled into my lap. A gloved hand reached in and grabbed for my shoulder. I took Steve's shield and thrust it at the elbow of this arm, but it only slid across the metal material used to create such a thing.

The minute the hand retracted itself, Steve reached back, grabbed his shield and my arm, and I pushed myself forward from my seat and climbed into the front, over on his side. Three bullets broken through the roof where I had been sitting. And then the metal arm appeared again, and ripped the steering wheel away from Sam, and away from the car.

The large swerve the wheels did caused me to drop my pistol, and I had to twist myself unnaturally to get my hand low enough to the ground to grab it again. When I finally grabbed it tightly, Steve had suddenly pulled Sam forward and wrapped his arm around my waist.
"Hold on" he ordered as we all grabbed the shield.

The car suddenly felt airborne, and it leaned forward, and then to the side, where Steve pushed the car door off its hinges, and we landed, sliding cleanly against the ground as the Buick exploded behind us.

I jumped off before the other two pointing my pistol at the black dressed, long haired man that I had met earlier.

I was suddenly in no mood for running.

I pushed the trigger three times, causing the soldier to retreat back behind a black van that had arrived, with more men jumping out. Then, I had to jump behind a car that had stopped, since we were blocking the roads.

They had machine guns.

I looked over to see Sam hiding behind another car, while Steve ran forward, his shield in front of him to block the bullets shooting.

Might as well help the charger. I raised myself again and pointed my pistol at he men shooting at Steve, hitting two before the other five caught on and I retreated again. I then heard the high pitch whistling, and I threw myself over the concrete wall, into the other lane of traffic as the car I was hiding behind exploded. Something was said in German by the soldier, and he reloaded his gun, walking towards where I was.

There wasn't anywhere for me to go but to jump off unto the road below this bridge. It took me a moment to gather the courage to jump, but the second whistling pushed me over the edge.

I had no clue how to land properly in a fall, so I landed like a normal person would try to, on my feet. And that didn't work like I had hoped it would because all of my weight crashed into my right ankle, the side I had always favorited. When I stood back up, a pain ripped up the back of my calf and bubbled into the knot of my ankle, causing me to limp as I ran beneath the bridge, away from firing range. I could see his shadow over the edge of the bridge, waiting for me to show myself, so I grab my pistol and carefully walk to the very edge and I pointed my pistol up.
I had a clear shot of his chest, and right as I was about to pull my trigger, I saw something.
It wasn't there, in front of me. But it covered my vision for several seconds. I wasn't pointing my gun up, I was pointing it straight ahead. Someone was in front of it. Someone I didn't expect to be there, and he looked defeated. Not physically, but mentally. My own hands were shaking, but I pulled the trigger anyways, and then the entire thing disappeared.

The winter soldier fell back, but I only heard the crack of his glasses.

The jumble of things processing in my head at that moment was almost blocking the actions of what I had to do to get out of the situation. Now I knew he was getting his missile launcher again, so I grabbed Steve's phone from my pocket, spoke into it and clicked the 'repeat audio', before throwing it beneath a BMW and running to the left, behind a car across the street.

I had to go on offensive if I was going to get out. The soldier came forward in due time. When he heard my voice behind the van, he hunched over and pulled a sticky bomb from his pouch and activated it, rolling it underneath and towards the phone.

Of course, when it exploded, and he didn't see me fly or run, he stood upright and looked back from where we had come from. That was my chance. I grabbed a piece of wire on the ground and jumped forward, placing my left foot on the car and using all my strength in that one leg to jump onto his shoulders, holding my wire tightly. However, this man managed to get his normal hand between it, so I had to pull harder, while his metal arm could not reach me.

Only ten seconds went by with my leverage, and then his metal arm stopped frantically reaching for me, and he pulled a knife from his handy belt and quickly slashed it across the top of my knee. At first I didn't release, not until I felt the cold air press against my bare skin, and then I glanced down to my leg. Blood was pooling, not soaking, pooling along the edges of the cut fabric.

And then i accidentally let go as his normal hand pulled he wire away, and the metal arm grabbed me and flipped me over. You've done this before, Halo. Instead of fighting the momentum, I pushed myself off his body to get a decent distance away, and then forced more momentum when I turned my body correctly, and I landed on the ground with my feet beneath me.

He had his rocket launcher already, and I felt frustrated that these weapons were just magically appearing for him and not me. And then, before the soldier had anytime to shoot it, Steve came barreling down the road, smashing into the soldier with his shield in front of him. The charge was filled with all the power Rogers had because it pushed the enemy several meters back, and a himself too.

I threw myself forward for the weapon as the two stood began fighting. Steve seemed to have the upper hand, but then the soldier, then Steve again.

There was no way I could shoot the rocket without hurting Rogers, so I waited until they separated.

And that didn't take long, because Steve grabbed his masked face and did a flip, where the soldier continued flipping with the momentum of Steve's strength, and then landing three meters away, on his feet. The mask had fallen off again, and without warning, Steve stood straight up, dropping his guard.

"Bucky?" He questioned, and I noticed he loosened his grip on his shield. The soldier also straightened up,

"Who the hell is Bucky?" He said.

I released my rocket then, leaning against the side of a van to take the pressure of my ankle. It didn't hit him because of it's spiraling pattern, but when the smoke cleared from the explosion of car and road, he was gone. Sirens blared as black vans screeched to a stop around the three of us, Sam had just arrived.

"Down on your knees!" A cheif yelled as gun men pointed their weapons at our heads. I immediately fell, along with Sam, but Steve seemed to be in his own world as he stared at where the soldier had been.

I recognized the suits the armed men had, and I knew why Steve wasn't fighting them. I recognized, but I didn't know which one they were. Shield or Hydra?

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