Chapter 29

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"Banner came up with a theory before I left the office last week" Steve said as he took another bite of his submarine sandwich that Sam had bought. He had bought me one as well, but I had eaten it while Steve watched the news and talked to someone on the phone. The conversation didn't seem to make him angry, so it must not have been someone he doesn't like. "You're unlocking apart of your brain people like us" he gestures to himself and Sam, "can not. Which means your emotions are all out of Wack". I wanted to laugh.

Reminded me of something else that made me bipolar too.

"Technically" he sighed, sitting back in his chair, looking at both Sam and I, "her mind is an entirely different being than her conscious"

"Two identities?" Sam questioned, taking Steve's plate and dropping it in the sink.

"No" Steve shook his head, "Banner explained it to be the same identity, just two sides"

"Did he tell you if I can control it?" I leaned forward in my kitchen chair.

"Unfortunately, no. But you'll learn" he said it in a 'just trust me' tone.

"Anyways-" I changed the subject, tired of hearing the words her, me, and you. "What's going on with all this Winter Soldier Hydra still exists stuff"

"Hydra is Shield, so now Shield is compromised, The winter soldier works for them and project Insight is going to kill millions of people if we don't stop it's commission" he stood and walked away.


"Sam Wilson-" he suddenly reappeared holding files. "Is going to help us"

"Us?" I pulled my head back and raised my eyebrow.

Steve looked at me sternly, "it's the first step to what's right"

"You're suggesting I throw myself into the middle of people that want me dead?" My voice was hanging itself on the thought.

"Do you want to fix this or not" He was most definitely annoyed. Probably feeling like I hadn't gotten his message earlier.

"I thought I had to fix myself first" I retorted,

"You're fighting yourself. You don't have to fix anything about your head. However, my team wants you dead because you tried killing Nick. That," he emphasized the word, "you have to fix"

"Fine" I surrendered, taking a heavy sigh.

I threw myself in before, I can do it again, right?

"What's the first step cap?" Sam questioned, crossing his arms.

"Well- going into war, you need a uniform" He dropped his phone on the table showing his old star spangled outfit that was on a manican in the Smithsonian.

"That's stealing" I grinned, remembering the car that was totaled.

"It's borrowing" Steve stayed to his beliefs.

"Unless it gets blood on it" Steve looked straight at me after I said it. Why did I say that?
The words never scanned in my head. I didn't say it.

"Well I'm not planning on it" he reasoned, standing from the counter and grabbing a black bag.
The Smithsonian was closed, but apparently, Sam had a key card that allowed us inside. It was dark, and silent, but that didn't bother me so much anymore. Nothing scary lurks in the dark unless it wants to kill you. And a museum does not allow people like that inside.
It's another rule that no one questions.

There were dim lights shining onto airplanes and World War Two facts in their glass containers. And when the three of us went down the escalator, the entire area changed as Steve's face was plastered on the walls and posters. The sight left me speechless, as the walls had facts and names painted on that I had never heard before.

Steve went directly to where he needed to go, I don't know where, but I continued exploring while Sam watched the door. A clear glass wall held a photo of someone I had never seen before, his own plaque. He must have been of importance.

Bucky Barnes, 1944-1972.

I suddenly pushed a button without even knowing it, and dramatic music started playing as a voice monologues over it. "Bucky Barnes, commanding officer and best friend of Captain Rogers. Bucky is the only commander to give his life for the Captain". Photos and videos of Bucky with Steve played on the glass screen, the bad quality fitting with the 20th century.

The videos that played showed Steve walking in the front lines of hundreds of men. Fighting people that were dressed in metal and black. One particular video caused me to step closer. A video of Steve looking at a map, talkinging, holding a compass, and pointing in directions.
The camera zoomed in on the compass, and the same woman I saw in Wheaton was in the small space above the magnetic pointer.

Lost his best friend, and his girl.

I sighed heavily as the glass returned to its black, blank position.

I suddenly had a huge amount of admire to give to Rogers. He's been through everything, and still fights for what he thinks is right. And here I am, complaining and whining to myself- and I'm not even half as old as he is.

"Halo" Steve called from around a bend. I turned on my heels and walked out, stuffing my hands in my pockets and promising myself that I would come back to this place. Steve Rogers amazed me. Not in a romantic way, but in a simple, amazing way. And for the first time, as we walked out of the museum and climbed into Sam's car, I was grateful that he didn't want me dead.

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